Frequently asked questions

How can I join the lab as a PhD student?

We are active to hire PhD students to work with us. Please feel free to give us a heads-up before applying to the CS department at FSU. In general, we look for students who are highly motivated and interested in Human-Computer Interaction research. We particularly welcome students with nontraditional CS background (e.g. EE, Material, and Design). If you are excited at our research, reach out to us!! We would also love to know about you!

Other opportunities to work with the team?

We offer the poistions of research interns and associates to work with us. We are always excited to meet new students and explore future computing technologies together. We are constantly looking for someone who show strong self motivation and can be persistent during up-and-downs when tackling research problems. If you think you are, we will be your future collaborators, colleagues, or recommendation letter writers. The best way to reach out us for other opportunities is to send us your CV, along with ideas of one or a few projects you want to work on. This process gives us a sense of what you feel excited about, which would help the match-making.

What is the lab culture?

Respect, support, and teamwork. That's what we expect all lab members to be. A great exemplar set of lab values around Ethics, Diversity, and Community can be found on Jennifer Mankoff's Make4all lab webpage.

What main venues does the lab published at?

We primarily publish at ACM conferences and journals on Human-Computer Interaction, such as CHI, UIST and IMWUT.

Can I visit the lab?

Sure! We enjoy meeting new people. However, our time could be limited and primarily focused on conducting research. If you want to visit us, please send us an email with your name, institution, potential time slots, and other information you want to share. Lab members could have tight schedules so please excuse us if your email is not responded timely.

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