Intro to C++ Programming with Unix: Course Calendar

Fall 2023

Week Date Lecture 
Textbook Readings Course Media
Supplemental Videos
(Course Media menu)
1 Aug 28 Intro to C++ and Programming Ch. 1    
Aug 30 FSU Closed (hurricane)      
2 Sept 4 Labor Day Holiday (no classes)    
Sept 6 C++ Basics (Part 1) Ch. 2    
3 Sept 11 C++ Basics (Part 1)      
Sept 13 C++ Basics (Part 2) 3.1 - 3.7, 3.10, 3.11   Assignment #1 - due Sept 22
4 Sept 18 Selection Statements Ch. 4    
Sept 20 Selection Statements
Repetition Statements
Ch. 5 (skip 5.11 for now)   Assignment #2 - due Oct 2
5 Sept 25 Repetition Statements      
Sept 27 Functions Ch. 6    
6 Oct 2 Functions     Assignment #3 - due Oct 12
Oct 4 Overloading, Default Params      
7 Oct 10 Test 1      
Oct 12 Pass By Reference
Random Number Functions
8 Oct 16 Output Stream Formatting 3.8, 3.10   Assignment #4 - due Oct 25
Oct 18 File I/O 12.1 - 12.2    
9 Oct 23 I/O Streams -- Other Features 12.3 - 12.6    
Oct 25 Array Basics Ch. 7 (omit 7.12 for now)   Assignment #5 - due Nov 7
10 Oct 30 Array Basics,
Arrays and Functions
Nov 1 String I/O and cstring 10.1 - 10.4    
11 Nov 6 String objects 10.7 Unix: Files, Directories, Pathnames
Unix: Common Unix Commands
Assignment #6 - due Nov 16
Nov 8 Searching and Sorting Arrays
Test review
  Unix: Filenames and wildcards
Unix: File Permissions
12 Nov 13 Test 2      
Nov 15 Pointer Basics 9.1 - 9.7    
13 Nov 20 Pass by Address, Pointers & Arrays
Unix: Input/Output redirection and pipes
9.8 - 9.9 COP 3363: Pass by Address, Pointers & Arrays
Unix: Hints, Tips, Tricks... (Time indices 17:00 - 33:00)
Nov 22 Thanksgiving (no classes)    
14 Nov 27 Dynamic Memory Allocation,
Intro to Structures
Ch 11    
Nov 29 Intro to Structures     Assignment #7 - due Dec 8
15 Dec 4 More about Structures 8.1 - 8.4    
Dec 6 More about Structures
Final Exam Review