Output Stream Formatting

Objects and Classes (brief intro)

Member functions and flags

Output streams (class ostream and related classes) have some useful member functions for controlling output formatting. Note that these can be used not only with cout, but with other types of output streams. (We'll learn about file output streams soon).

Stream Manipulators

Common Stream Flags and Manipulators

Here is a chart of common stream flags and corresponding stream manipulators (non-parameterized, and all from namespace std).
Flag Name Corresponding
Stream Manipulator
ios::fixed fixed if this is set, floating point numbers are printed in fixed-point notation. When this flag is set, ios::scientific is automatically unset
ios::scientific scientific if this is set, floating point numbers are printed in scientific (exponential) notation. When this flag is set, ios::fixed is automatically unset
ios::showpoint showpoint if this is set, the decimal point is always shown, even if there is no precision after the decimal. Can be unset with the manipulator noshowpoint
ios::showpos showpos if set, positive values will be preceded by a plus sign + . Can be unset with the manipulator noshowpos.
ios::right right if this is set, output items will be right-justified within the field (when using width() or setw()), and the unused spaces filled with the fill character (the space, by default).
ios::left left if this is set, output items will be left-justified within the field (when using width() or setw()), and the unused spaces filled with the fill character (the space, by default).
ios::showbase showbase Specifies that the base of an integer be indicated on the output. Decimal numbers have no prefix. Octal numbers (base 8) are prefixed with a leading 0. Hexadecimal numbers (base 16) are prefixed with a leading 0x. This setting can be reset with the manipulator noshowbase.
ios::uppercase uppercase specifies that the letters in hex outputs (a-f) and the letter 'e' in scientific notation will be output in uppercase. This can be reset with the manipulator nouppercase.


Here is a table of other common stream manipulators, all from namespace std
Manipulator Description
flush causes the output buffer to be flushed to the output device before processing proceeds
endl prints a newline and flushes the output buffer
dec causes integers to be printed in decimal (base 10)
oct causes integers from this point to be printed in octal (base 8)
hex causes integers from this point to be printed in hexadecimal (base 16)
setbase() a parameterized manipulator that takes either 10, 8, or 16 as a parameter, and causes integers to be printed in that base. setbase(16) would do the same thing as hex, for example
internal if this is set, a number's sign will be left-justified and the number's magnitude will be right-justified in a field (and the fill character pads the space in between). Only one of right, left, and internal can be set at a time.
boolalpha causes values of type bool to be displayed as words (true or false)
noboolalpha causes values of type bool to be displayed as the integer values 0 (for false) or 1 (for true)

Some Code Examples