Assignment #5 - Text File Analyzer

Due Date: Tues, Nov 7



Write a program that reads a text file, then prints some statistical results about its contents to an output file. The results will be primarily an analysis of the characters in the file, which will include the frequency of occurrence of certain categories of characters, as well as the frequency of occurrences of each of the letters of the alphabet.

Note that in most standard English text, certain letters typically appear with a higher frequency than others. This kind of information has been used in setting up games like Scrabble (letter frequencies and point values, etc), as well as more serious applications like decoding encrypted messages and cyphers.

Details and Requirements

General Requirements

Sample input files and results

Example 1

Sample input file - file1.txt:

Hello.  How are you?
I am 4 years old.  My favorite color is blue.
Next year I will be 5.  My IP address is

Sample program execution

(underline denotes user input)
Please enter the name of the input file.
Filename:  file1.txt 
Please enter the name of the output file.
Filename:  out1.txt
Processing complete

Contents of out1.txt

Statistics for file: file1.txt

Total # of characters in file:       119

Category                How many in file           % of file
Letters                               74               62.18 %
White space                           28               23.53 %
Digits                                 9                7.56 %
Other characters                       8                6.72 %


Category                How many in file    % of all letters
Uppercase                              9               12.16 %
Lowercase                             65               87.84 %
a                                      6                8.11 %
b                                      2                2.70 %
c                                      1                1.35 %
d                                      3                4.05 %
e                                      9               12.16 %
f                                      1                1.35 %
g                                      0                0.00 %
h                                      2                2.70 %
i                                      7                9.46 %
j                                      0                0.00 %
k                                      0                0.00 %
l                                      7                9.46 %
m                                      3                4.05 %
n                                      1                1.35 %
o                                      7                9.46 %
p                                      1                1.35 %
q                                      0                0.00 %
r                                      6                8.11 %
s                                      5                6.76 %
t                                      2                2.70 %
u                                      2                2.70 %
v                                      1                1.35 %
w                                      2                2.70 %
x                                      1                1.35 %
y                                      5                6.76 %
z                                      0                0.00 %


Number of integers in the file:    6
Their sum:                         187
Their average:                     31.17

Example 2

Sample input file - file2.txt:

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
How lazy was he?  Well, he was pretty darn lazy, I'll tell you.
And speaking of the fox, why was he jumping over dogs anyways?
He just leaped his 123rd dog.  
Didn't he have anything better to do with his time?
When he checked his watch at 12:45 PM, 15 more foxes jumped over
the lazy dog, who so far had dreamed of chasing 100 sheep, 17 cats,
2 rabbits, and 13 mailmen.

Sample program execution

(underline denotes user input)
Please enter the name of the input file.
Filename:  file2.txt 
Please enter the name of the output file.
Filename:  out2.txt
Processing complete

Contents of out2.txt

Statistics for file: file2.txt

Total # of characters in file:       417

Category                How many in file           % of file
Letters                              297               71.22 %
White space                           85               20.38 %
Digits                                17                4.08 %
Other characters                      18                4.32 %


Category                How many in file    % of all letters
Uppercase                             10                3.37 %
Lowercase                            287               96.63 %
a                                     25                8.42 %
b                                      4                1.35 %
c                                      6                2.02 %
d                                     18                6.06 %
e                                     35               11.78 %
f                                      6                2.02 %
g                                      8                2.69 %
h                                     25                8.42 %
i                                     14                4.71 %
j                                      4                1.35 %
k                                      3                1.01 %
l                                     12                4.04 %
m                                      9                3.03 %
n                                     13                4.38 %
o                                     20                6.73 %
p                                      8                2.69 %
q                                      1                0.34 %
r                                     12                4.04 %
s                                     16                5.39 %
t                                     19                6.40 %
u                                      6                2.02 %
v                                      4                1.35 %
w                                     12                4.04 %
x                                      3                1.01 %
y                                     10                3.37 %
z                                      4                1.35 %


Number of integers in the file:    8
Their sum:                         327
Their average:                     40.88


Submit your program (Use the filename prog5.cpp) in the usual way, with the submit5 script:
  ~myers/csub/submit5 prog5.cpp