FSU Seal - 1851     CIS 4930 Top 10 Algorithms
Chris Lacher
Markov Chain Monte Carlo / Metropolis Algorithm


Simple Example: Find the volume of a complicated region

Given a bounded region R in space, we can estimate the size of R as follows: First, find a cube that contains the region, lets assume the cube is the unit cube I3, where I is the closed interval [0, 1]. Then choose "random" points p1, p2, ... , pk from I3 and test whether each point lies in R. Then the number of points found to be in R divided by k is an estimate of the probability that a random point in the cube belongs to R. Looked at another way, this is an estimate of the volume of R.

To see why even a "volume" calculation may be difficult to do without Monte Carlo, consider that the region may be the graph of a function of two variables, then the volume of region would be the integral of the function over the square I2. Monte Carlo gives us a way to estimate the value of this double integral when a closed form for the integral is unknown.

In another light, note that the dimension of our region and cube might be much larger than 3, say 250. While in dimension 3 we could replace Monte Carlo with an exhaustive estimate of the volume by testing every point in the hypercube whose coordinates are multiples of 0.01, thus testing over a grid with mesh 0.01. But in the 250 dimensional hypercube, there are 100250 = 102500 points in our "sample". This number is too large to deal with in today's computational world. By employing Monte Carlo, the volume estimate is tractable.

There are of course issues: How accurate is the estimate, and how confident should we be in that accuracy? Study of these questions has consumed much energy and produced a great deal of interesting and useful statistical theory, including Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

