COP 4530 Course Calendar -- Spring 2024

Week Date Topics Textbook Readings Course Media Videos Homework
1 Jan 8 Syllabus, Intro,
Math Review
1.1 - 1.3 Math Proof exercises (Ch 1)
UNIX: Hints, Tips, Tricks, and useful core commands
Jan 10 COP 3330 review topics,
Some new C++11 features
1.4 - 1.7 Review: Template functions and classes  
2 Jan 15 Martin Luther King holiday (no classes)    
Jan 17 R-value references      
3 Jan 22 R-value references      
Jan 24 Intro to Iterators
    Assignment #1 - due Feb 2
4 Jan 29 Algorithm Analysis Intro Chapter 2 Max Subsequence Algorithms (1 and 2)  
Jan 31 Algorithm Analysis Intro
ADTs, Iterators, Vectors
3.1 - 3.4    
5 Feb 5 ADTs, Iterators, Vectors
Linked List (STL interface)
Feb 7 Linked List (STL interface)   Demo: Finding the crash point for a segmentation fault Assignment #2 - due Feb 19
6 Feb 12 Stacks 3.6    
Feb 14 Queues 3.7    
7 Feb 19 Deques     Assignment #3 - due Mar 4
Feb 21 Test 1      
8 Feb 26 Trees Intro
Binary Trees
4.1 - 4.2    
Feb 28 Binary Trees
Binary Search Trees
9 Mar 4 Binary Search Trees
AVL Trees
4.3 - 4.4    
Mar 6 AVL Trees
Sets, Maps in the STL
4.4   Assignment #4 - due Mar 27
  Mar 11-15 Spring Break
10 Mar 18 B-Trees
Hash Functions
4.7 - 4.8, 5.1 Lesson -- B-Trees  
Mar 20 Hash Functions
Hash tables -- Separate Chaining
5.1 - 5.3    
11 Mar 25 Hash Tables - Probing 5.4 - 5.6    
Mar 27 Binary Heaps and Priority Queues 6.1 - 6.3, 6.9   Assignment #5 - due Apr 12
12 Apr 1 Binary Heaps and Priority Queues      
Apr 3 Test 2      
13 Apr 8 Sorting algorithms (Simple sorting) 7.1 - 7.3    
Apr 10 Sorting algorithms (Shell Sort, Heap sort) 7.4 - 7.5    
14 Apr 15 Sorting algorithms (Mergesort)
Sorting algorithms (quicksort)
7.6 - 7.7   Assignment #6 - Apr 26