Project 6: Word, Number, and Character Usage Statistics

Due: Fri, Apr 26 (100 Points)

Important Note: No late submissions will be accepted for this one. Apr 26 is the ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, in order to leave appropriate time for grading

Objectives: Practice selecting and making use of appropriate STL containers and algorithms to perform tasks.

Statement of Work: Implement a program that collects the statistics of word, number, and character usage in a file (redirected as the standard input). 


  1. Write a program that will read input (from standard input) until end of input is reached ("end of file"), which will count the number of times each word, number, and character appears in the input.

    Output specifications:

  2. An example executable code of the program is provided to you (see below). You should make the outputs of your program match this sample executable. When printing characters, use '\t' for tab and '\n' for newline. All other characters should be printed normally.

  3. Write a makefile for your project that compiles an executable called proj6.x

  4. Make use of any appropriate C++ STL containers and algorithms. You should also use C++ string class instead of default c-strings. Here are a few good reference links for the library lookups:

    Note that you should select whatever container(s) will make YOUR program's algorithms the most efficient in terms of growth rate (i.e. "Big-O complexity analysis").

  5. In a file called analysis.txt, write up your analysis of the complexity analysis of the important algorithms and procedures in your program. Note that your analyses will be based on not only the code YOU write, but also on the STL containers you choose for managing your data. Your analyses need to include analysis of at least (but not limited to) each of these necessary tasks:

  6. While not a program requirement for submission, it is recommended that you verify your analysis of your program elements by testing larger input sets and also by measuring the actual run time speed of those test runs. You can do this in a program easily by using the ctime library and capturing the returns from the clock() function before and after an algorithm, then subtract the two clock times to see the difference. Conver to seconds by dividing by the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC. On linprog, you can look up more details at the manual page for clock (man clock).

Example executable, some test cases

Download a set of 4 sample test files at this link. This is a tar file containing 4 test files (test0, test1, test2, test3). You will need to unpack this tar file in your project directory.

When you create your own executable, you'll need to re-direct any test files as the standard input to your program, like this:

      proj6.x < test0 

The provided example executable can be run from linprog, at the location ~myers/dsprog/proj6.x . So, for example, you can run the same test file as in the example above with:

      ~myers/dsprog/proj6.x < test0 

ABET Assessment

This is our assignment that will satisfy the ABET assessment requirement that students in this course are able to do algorithm complexity analysis on chosen solutions to problems.


Tar all of your source code, as well as your makefile and your analysis.txt file, into a single tar archive and submit online via blackboard, using the Assignment 6 link.

Your tar file should be named in this format, all lowercase:


        Example:  My tar file would be:     myers_bob_p6.tar

As usual, you should also be able to download your submission and verify if it is correct.

Note that in addition to the provided test cases, we will also test your program using additional test files. Your program must be able to pass all the test cases in order to obtain a full score for the corresponding components. Part of the grading will take your choice of STL containers and your complexity analyses into account, and testing will involve some larger sets of inputs.