Dr. Guang Wang Has One Paper Got Accepted by VLDB’24
Dr. Guang Wang, an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, has one paper got accepted by the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases…
Dr. Guang Wang Has Two Papers Got Accepted by Top Data Mining Conference
Dr. Guang Wang, an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, has two papers recently got accepted by the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery…
Dr. Guang Wang Published One Paper in Top Ubiquitous Computing Conference
Dr. Guang Wang, an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, and his recent research has been recently published in the Proceedings of the ACM…
Weikuan Yu Awarded a Travel Grant from NSF to support student participation of Cluster 2024
Weikuan Yu, Professor in the FSU Department of Computer Science, has been awarded a grant of $16K to support student participation to the IEEE Cluster…
Dr. Shayok Chakraborty wins the FSU Developing Scholar Award
Dr. Shayok Chakraborty received the Developing Scholar Award at FSU in Spring 2024. This is a prestigious award which recognizes the research and creative contributions of associate…
FSU Computer Science Team Publishes in Premier Software Verification Conference
Dr. Grigory Fedyukovich, an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, and his Formal Methods research lab have published their recent work in the prestigious…
Dr. Karen Works elected as the Southeast Regional Representative for the National Board of Directors of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC)
Dr. Karen Works, Teaching I Professor, Online Computer Science undergraduate program, was recently unanimously elected as the Southeast Regional Representative for the National Board of…
Dr. Karen Works Won AnitaB.org Advancing Inclusion Faculty Scholarship
Dr. Karen Works, Teaching I Professor, Online Computer Science undergraduate program, has won an AnitaB.org Advancing Inclusion Faculty Scholarship to virtually attend the Grace Hopper Celebration 2024 (GHC…
Weikuan Yu Awarded a New NSF Grant on Scheduling and Checkpoint/Restart Support for Deep Learning Applications
Weikuan Yu, Professor in the FSU Department of Computer Science, has been awarded a grant of $225K for research on efficient and robust checkpoint/restart support…
Guang Wang (PI) and Weikuan Yu (co-PI) Awarded a New NSF Grant
FSU Department of Computer Science faculty Guang Wang and Weikuan Yu, and Eren Erman Ozguven at Civil Engineering have been awarded a new NSF grant…