Key and Card Access Request Form

Students: You must get permission from your supervisor before requesting a room key. Ask your supervisor to send a confirmation email to the Key Manager to avoid delays of your key request approval. A request without a supervisor's note will not be approved.

If your office is inside of a suite, you need to request your office door key and the suite door key.

If the office door has a card swipe lock, then ask your supervisor to contact James Wang and Bobby Roy for access. Do not submit a key request for card swipe doors.

Please use following FSU link for requesting key(s):

CS Building Key Manager Name: James Wang; Building Key Manager Phone: 850-644-4019; Building Key Manager Email: yuwang [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ].

Building number: Love -- 0116; MCH -- 0055

Key Type: Love -- "BEST"; MCH -- "OTHER"