Most histories of computing leave out the contributions of the American number theorists in the early 20th century who constructed specialized computing devices.
The most prominent of these were Derrick Norman Lehmer and Derrick Henry Lehmer.
Here are a few web pages with information about their computing devcies:
A recent talk given by Arjen Lenstra
Also, here's an interesting book review of a recently published book about the origins of the computing age: Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe
Artificial Intelligence (usually called "AI") has long been a fascination of computer scientists and the general public, and has been growing increasingly important recently.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Turing Test
The Trouble with the Turing Test
Third-Party Web Tracking: Policy and Technology
November, 1977 edition of BYTE magazine
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Computer and Information Ethics
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center
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Japanese Patent Office webpage on Kyota Sugimoto, inventor of the first Japanese typewriter
English language webpage on the development of the Japanese typewriter
Japanese language webpage on the development of the Japanese typewriter
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