Introduction to
CGS 2100 Microcomputer Applications for Business and Economics
Course Basics
- 1 online syllabus quiz (100 pts)
- 5 turn-in Assignments (each 100 pts)
- 2 Exams (each 200pts)
Course Basics
- All lecture materials are online
(you have access as long as you
buy the required textbooks)
- First day attendance
requirement satisfied by
taking a survey online through
- Concepts
- Understanding computers, the internet, web resources, ethics
in information technology, application software, system
software, computer hardware, networking, managing digital
data and devices, security issues, protecting data and devices
- Skills
- Microsoft Office
- Word: word processing and document preparation
- Excel: spreadsheets and numeric analysis
Required Materials
- Required course materials are available via FSU bookstore. The ISBN is 9780134608549
- There are five turn-in Microsoft Office assignments; one is Word, and the other four are
The Word assignment is used as the FSU
"Computer Competency Component" capstone
Assignments continued
- Due on a Friday by 11:59pm.
- All assignments will be graded using MS Office on a PC
running Windows, so make sure that your assignment works on this platform.
Assignments continued
- Files that were saved in earlier formats that do not open will receive a
- You may lose points if you saved the file under an older format and it will
open but some features are missing.
- Be sure to verify that any files produced on a Mac
open and work correctly in the current Windows office platform.
Assignments continued
- Assignments must be submitted through Blackboard
following instructions provided in the course handout on
submissions; provided on course web site
- All questions about grades on all graded work in this course
must be reported to YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE TA within 7
days of the grade posting; weekends do count
- Every student will be assigned an Administrative TA who will
be your contact for grading inquiries;
information will be on Blackboard site
Submitting Assignments
Make sure you have a good internet connection
Please use latest Internet Explorer or Firefox
I don't recommend using other browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari);
Blackboard does not always work correctly or consistently with all browsers
Make sure you save your work properly.
Submitting Assignments
Close the application before submitting any files (Word, Excel)
- Select the correct file to upload. Be sure it's the right file!
- In order to submit the assignment you must hit the Submit button.
- You are required to check your submission after you submit to
make sure your work actually did submit to Blackboard correctly!
- Read and carefully follow all of the handout instructions on submitting
and verifying an assignment submission under Assignments on the
course Blackboard site.
Common mistakes on
- Submitting them close to the deadlines.
- There are MANY students in this class and Blackboard can easily get
overloaded. Submit your assignments early.
- Using a browser other than Internet Explorer or Firefox
- Using a slow or unreliable internet connection
- Not saving the file properly
Common mistakes on
- Submitting the wrong file
- Putting spaces, extra characters, or special characters in the file name
- Not closing the application before submitting (file is still locked)
- Hitting Save as Draft button instead of Submit
- Not waiting for the submission to complete before closing the browser.
Computer Competency
For this course the University requires that a single
assignment or test be reported to assess skills for the
Computer Competency requirement.
The Word assignment has been designated as
that "capstone" assignment.
Concept Exams
- There are two concept exams
- Both exams cannot be scheduled at the same time
- Look for the "RegisterBlast" link to reserve an exam on your Blackboard site
Concept Exams
- Exam Session 1 offered October 16-20.
- Exam Session 2 offered December 4-8.
- Exams are 50 minutes long.
- Exam questions are all taken from text chapters 1-13, Appendix A, and the ACM Code of Ethics
Concept Exams
- You must bring a valid FSU Identification card
- If you try to use a cell phone or other device during an exam, this will be observed at the testing center, a recording will be made,
and you will go through the academic honor process.
- A valid, documented excuse is required for missing an exam and
avoiding a 40 point penalty
1000 total points available:
- 100 Syllabus Quiz
- 200 Exam 1 (concepts)
- 200 Exam 2 (concepts)
- 500 MS Office Assignments (skills; 100 each)
Use the following table to calculate your letter grade based upon the number of points you have earned.
| Grade
920 - 1000
| A
900 - 919
| A-
880 - 899
| B+
820 - 879
| B
800 - 819
| B-
| Grade
780 - 799
| C+
720 - 779
| C
700 - 719
| C-
680 - 699
| D+
620 - 679
| D
600 - 619
| D-
0 - 599
| F
- Grades for each assignment should be posted within 14
working days after the due date of the assignment.
- You have 7 days after the grades have been posted for
any graded item to review your grade. After that, all
grades are final.
- Help
- Online help via email:
- In-Person Help at HELP DESK: MCH 302 11:00 to 3:00 on weekdays
- All general purpose computer labs contain PC and MAC
computers and have the appropriate MS Office software
- Do not email the Course Director for assignment help. The
Course Director will only remind you to send such emails to
- For questions about your assignment grades, you must email your
Administrative TA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the materials required?
- Yes. Test questions will come from chapters 1-13 of the text, appendix A, and the ACM Code of Ethics.
- It is nearly impossible to do well on course exams if you do
not read and carefully study the text.
FAQ continued
Can I use a MAC computer for this class?
Yes, all assignments can be completed on a PC or a MAC. PCs
that you can use are located in one of three General Purpose
Computer labs on campus (MCH 315, Strozier, or the Student
Union). Be sure to verify that any MAC files do open and work
correctly on the course Windows platform.
More Frequently
Asked Questions
Can I still submit assignments using previous versions of
MS Office?
FAQ continued
Should I email the Course Director or a TA to make sure an
assignment was received properly?
No. With so many students this is unmanageable. To ensure
your assignment was submitted properly you must go back
to the link where you submitted and check to see if the file is
there, and check the file submission yourself. Right click on
the file, download it using a name different from the original
file name, and then try to open it. Be sure it opens properly in
the required application. If it doesn't, you can still resubmit
in Blackboard, keeping in mind that course policies
and due deadlines always apply.
Still More Frequently
Asked Questions
I can see the tests in Blackboard, does that mean I can
take them anytime I want?
How many points total
are there in the class?
1000, divided into the following categories:
- 100 points syllabus quiz
- 400 points for the two concepts exams (200 points each)
- 500 for the five MS Office skills assignments (100 points each)
My computer/internet connection crashed right before midnight
the assignment was due, can I submit my assignment late?
No. There is plenty of time to complete all assignments. If you wait
until the last moment to work on the assignment then you leave
yourself no room for error. You can also do all work at the campus
computing sites; you don't even need to own a computer.
Bad things do happen, so plan ahead.
A few last
I may not get the final course grade I need, can I do
some extra credit work to bring it up?
No. All students in this class
have the same opportunities for course work to
earn points.
Tips for doing
well in this course
No late assignments are accepted — turn your work in plenty early.
VERIFY your assignments to make
sure they were uploaded to Blackboard correctly.
More tips for doing
well in this course
MAC users: Upload your files to a Windows PC and check
them. There can be differences.
Your work is graded on a PC.
Things to do now
Read the Course Syllabus and be sure you understand all of
its contents.
Read the Course Calendar and start planning your work.
Check the schedule of due dates and plan ahead.
Be sure you buy the correct textbooks: use the provided
syllabus information.
Things to do now
Start on the required textbook reading assignments.
Be sure to submit the 1st Day Attendance Quiz by the
deadline of Tuesday at midnight.