FSU Seal - 1851

    COP 4610 Operating Systems
    Spring Semester 2016


This class is only offered in distance mode.

Regular participation via the campus.fsu.edu [Blackboard] course interface is required. Official course announcements, lecture materials, assignments, and help archives will all be on-line at this site. Note that all registered students should have the course web site listed on their campus.fsu.edu portal page. Be sure to test this and resolve any difficulties no later than the first week of classes.

All exams must be proctored and taken during the exam window. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for proctored exams in compliance with the FSU standards. (See COURSE POLICIES for details.) All exams must be taken by appointment at your pre-approved proctored testing site during the online exam window. (See Exam Schedule below.)

Note that students may be required to identify themselves with official FSU ID to sit an exam.


Instructor: Chris Lacher
Office:  A2110 Academic Center / Panama City Campus 
Office Phone (during PC office hours):  850-770-2256 (local direct line)
Mobile Phone & Voice Mail (24/7): 850-510-5575 
Email:  lacher[at]cs[dot]fsu[dot]edu
Mail & Delivery: Florida State University
4750 Collegiate Drive
Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Lacher Weekly Schedule Effective Jan 6 - Apr 29, 2016 (excluding Jan 18 and Mar 7-11)
Course Mentor: Dannielle Hutchinson
Email:  hutchins[at]cs[dot]fsu[dot]edu

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to:

  1. Define, explain, and apply introductory operating systems concepts, including:
    1. process management
    2. interprocess communication
    3. memory management
    4. I/O systems
    5. file systems
  2. Use the Unix operating system interface to implement a user-level shell in the C language
  3. Design and implement a correct concurrent program requiring synchronization
  4. Implement and debug operating system components, including the kernel module, system call, synchronization primitives, and the file system

COURSE RESOURCES (subject to expansion and/or revision):


Topic    Reference
1. IntroductionChapter 1 of [SGG]
2. OS OverviewChapter 2 of [SGG]
3. ProcessesChapter 3 of [SGG]
4. ThreadsChapter 4 of [SGG]
5. CPU SchedulingChapter 5 of [SGG]
6. Process SynchronizationChapter 6 of [SGG]
7. DeadlocksChapter 7 of [SGG]
8. Physical MemoryChapter 8 of [SGG]
9. Virtual MemoryChapter 9 of [SGG]
10. File System InterfaceChapter 10 of [SGG]
11. File System ImplementationChapter 11 of [SGG]
12. Mass Storage StructureChapter 12 of [SGG]
13. I/O SystemsChapter 13 of [SGG]
14. ProtectionChapter 13 of [SGG]
15. SecurityChapter 13 of [SGG]

COURSE GRADING: Grades will be assigned based on the following:

  • Quizzes (10%)
  • Programming Projects (40%)
  • Midterm Exam (20%)
  • Final Exam (30%)

Course grade components are detailed in Table 2. The assignment of letter grades is given in Table 3.

Table 1: Exam Schedule
Exam On Line Window (Dates Inclusive)
Midterm Exam Mon Feb 15 - Sun Feb 21
Final Exam Sat Apr 23 - Fri Apr 29
Table 2: Course Components
Item Percent
Quizzes    10
Programming Projects 40
Midterm Exam    20
Final Exam    30
 Table 3: Letter Grades 
 Percent   Grade 
 93 - 100   A 
 90 - 92   A- 
 88 - 89   B+ 
 83 - 87   B 
 80 - 82   B- 
 78 - 79   C+ 
 73 - 77   C 
 70 - 72   C- 
 68 - 69   D+ 
 63 - 67   D 
 60 - 62   D- 
 0 - 59   F 
  1. The exam windows run for seven days. Midterm runs Mon - Sun, and Final runs Sat - Fri. These windows cannot be widened or otherwise changed. It is very important to check with your testing center to verify that the exam can be taken in the window. Changing testing centers may be necessary, but requires planning in advance.
  2. Deadlines for deliverables are firm. Please note the deadlines listed in the calendar.
  3. FSU Testing requires that you register your test site within the first two weeks of classes. Be sure to take care of that promptly.


First Day Attendance Policy: Official university policy is that any student not attending the first class meeting will be automatically dropped from the class. For distance students, this policy is interpreted as posting to the discussion forum "First Day Attendance" no later than the first day of the semester.

Regular Attendance Policy: The university requires attendance in all classes. Attendance in distance classes shall mean regular access to the course web site via campus.fsu.edu and regular participation in the class discussion forums. Here, "regular" shall mean a substantial amount of time on a weekly basis. Note that individual access statistics are maintained by Blackboard.

Proctored Exam Policy: All exams must be proctored and taken at an approved testing site during the exam window. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for proctored exams in compliance with the FSU standards. Go to the FSU ODL Student Testing Responsibilities for complete information on setting up a proctored exam site. Please note also that students taking exams on main campus in Tallahassee are now required to sign up for a time slot at the site.

Exam Makeup Policy: An exam missed without an acceptable excuse will be recorded as a grade of zero (0). The following are the only acceptable excuses:

  • If submitted prior to the day of the scheduled exam:
    • A written and signed explanation as to why the exam will missed. Illness or required professional travel are acceptable, while discretionary or personal travel are not. In any case the explanation should be accompanied by corroborating documentation, including names and contact information, and the explanation must be accepted by the instructor prior to missing the exam.
    • Evidence from a university official that you will miss the exam due to university sanctioned travel or extracurricular activity.
  • If submitted on or after the day of the scheduled exam:
    • A note from a physician, university dean, spouse, parent, or yourself indicating an illness or other extraordinary circumstance that prevented you from taking the exam and could not be planned for in advance. Again, corroborating information should be supplied.

All excuses must be submitted in writing, must be signed by the excusing authority, and must include complete contact information for the authority, including telephone numbers and address.

Missed exams with acceptable excuse will be made up or assigned the average grade of all other exams, at the option of the course instructor.

Missed, and acceptably excused, final exams will result in the course grade of 'I' and must be made up in the first two weeks of the following semester.

Grade of 'I' Policy: The grade of 'I' will be assigned only under the following exceptional circumstances:

  • The final exam is missed with an accepted excuse for the absence. In this case, the final exam must be made up during the first two weeks of the following semester.
  • Due to an extended illness or other extraordinary circumstance, with appropriate documentation, the student is unable to participate in class for an extended period. In this case, arrangements must be made to make up the missed portion of the course prior to the end of the next semester.

Completion of Work Policy: To be eligible for the grade of A or A-, working versions of all programming assignments must be submitted.


The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process.  Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.”  (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at http://dof.fsu.edu/honorpolicy.htm.)

All students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Policy. Please note the following items are defined and made violations by the policy:

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Cheating
  3. Unauthorized Group Work
  4. Fabrication, Falsification, and Misrepresentation
  5. Multiple Submission
  6. Abuse of Academic Materials
  7. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty
  8. Attempted ...

Violations of the academic honor policy may result in failing grades and/or dismissal from the university. All students are expected to read and understand the policy.

Checking for Plagiarism: FSU subscribes several databases of papers and computer source code that have been previously published or turned in for credit in university courses worldwide. Student work may be checked in one or more of these databases for originality. Note that turning in work that contains uncited quoted material from any source is considered plagiarism and a violation of the FSU honor code.

Student Help Policy: Students in this class are encouraged to help each other within the official course Blackboard site. Instruction staff will also help there and be able to monitor student interaction to assure correctness and guide the nature of the help when appropriate.

It is a violation of the course code of ethics for students to receive help in a medium outside the visibility of the course, such as in a third party discussion board, chat room, or via email. The only help that is condoned is that obtained from any instructor or from discussions on the Blackboard course site. If help outside the course environment is discovered, both the giver and receiver of help will be given a failing grade.


Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:
(1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and
(2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type.  This should be done during the first week of class.

This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:

Student Disability Resource Center
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)

(This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.)


Information regarding the status of FSU in an emergency situation may be obtained from the following sources:

  • For information specific to the Panama City Campus go to the FSUPC web page at http://www.pc.fsu.edu/ or call the Campus Hotline number 850-770-2000
  • For information related to FSU in general and the Tallahassee Campus go to the FSU alerts web page at http://www.fsu.edu/~alerts/
  • For state-wide and national information, go to the Florida Division of Emergency Management information pages at http://www.floridadisaster.org/

Any specific information related to this class will be posted on the course web site or sent via email to your fsu email address.


Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice. Such notice will be in the form of a posting to the course web site on campus.fsu.edu.