MorphBank Object List

MorphBank Research Group
School of Computational Sciences
The Departent of Computer Science
Florida State University

Table Name: BaseObjectDescription: Each record of each table will have the following data items:
Table Name: SpecimenDescription: Holds information and data indigenous to a particular MorphBank specimen. Based on Darwin Core version 2.0 with one addition (developmentalStage field). Location information, sex and taxonomic information are represented in separate tables; Location, Sex and Taxonomic_Units respectively
Table Name: LocationDescription: Table of valid locations of MorphBank Specimens. Based on part of the Darwin Core, version 2.0 standard.
Table Name: ImageAnnotationDescription: Annotation location and description. The annotation can be a specific point, area in terms of a rectangle, area in terms of an oval, or area in terms of a circle. An annotation can also be general for the image and lack location.
Table Name: ImageDescription: Table of the image that is being annotated.
Table Name: ViewDescription: Table of the image that is being annotated.
Table Name: PhylogeneticStateDescription: Table of the different allowed phylogenetic states referenced by the MorphBank object annotation.
Table Name: PhylogeneticCharacterDescription: Table of the phylogenetic characters referenced by the MorphBank object annotations.
Table Name: PublicationDescription: Table of the defining publication that authorizes entries into the MorphBank Database. Conforms to the Latex bibliography entries. Taken from “Latex, A document Preparation System, Users Guide & Reference Manual” by Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-15790-X, 1986.
Table Name: ObjectPublicationDescription: Table of many to many relationships connectiong a MorphBank object to a publication.
Table Name: TaxonIdentityDescription: Table of many to many relationships between the specimen and suggested taxonomic identification.
Table Name: NewsDescription: Standard Database news table
Table Name: UserDescription: Table of the authorized users of the system.
Table Name: GroupDescription: Table of the groups of users. Users may belong to many groups.
Table Name: UserGroupDescription: Table of the many to many relationships between the User and Group tables.
Table Name: CountryDescription: Table used as reference for the Countries in Location
Table Name: SexDescription: Table used as reference for the sexId in the Specimen table and View table, and also for phylogeneticCharacterSexId in the PhylogeneticCharacter table.
Table Name: ImagingTechniqueDescription: Table used as reference for the imagingTechniqueId in View.
Table Name: DevelopmentalStageDescription: Table used as reference for the developmentalStageId in View
Table Name: ContinentOceanDescription: Table used as reference for the oceanContinent value in location.
Table Name: ViewAngleDescription: Table used as reference for the viewAngle element in View.
Table Name: SpecimenPartDescription: Table used as reference for the specimenPartId in View
Table Name: ImagingPreparationTechniqueDescription: Table used as reference for the imagingPreperationTechniqueId in view.