MorphBank Object Description

MorphBank Research Group
School of Computational Sciences
The Departent of Computer Science
Florida State University

Object Name:Publication
 Description: Table of the defining publication that authorizes entries into the MorphBank Database. Conforms to the Latex bibliography entries. Taken from “Latex, A document Preparation System, Users Guide & Reference Manual” by Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-15790-X, 1986.
Primary Key:id
Attribute Name: idType: Character This is the id inherited from BaseObject. Other fields, for instance userId and groupId, are also inhered from the BaseObject (see specification of BaseObject).
Attribute Name: publicationTypeType: Character Identifies the type of publication.
Attribute Name: addressType: Character Publisher’s address
Attribute Name: annoteType: Character Used for annotated bibliographies.
Attribute Name: authorType: Character Author or Authors of the publication.
Attribute Name: bookTitleType: Character The title of the book.
Attribute Name: chapterType: Integer A chapter number.
Attribute Name: editionType: Character The edition usually stated in words such as “second”.
Attribute Name: editorType: Character The editor or editors of the publication.
Attribute Name: howPublishedType: Character How something strange has been published.
Attribute Name: institutionType: Character The institution that published the work.
Attribute Name: journalType: Character The journal name.
Attribute Name: keyType: Character Used for alphabetizing and creating a label when the author and editor fields are missing.
Attribute Name: monthType: Character Month of publication.
Attribute Name: noteType: Character Any additional information that can help the reader.
Attribute Name: numberType: Integer The number of a journal, magazine, or technical report.
Attribute Name: organizationType: Character The organization sponsoring the conference.
Attribute Name: pagesType: Character One or more page numbers or ranges such as 100 – 201 or 4, 6, 7-- 89.
Attribute Name: publisherType: Character Publisher’s name.
Attribute Name: schoolType: Character The name of the school where the thesis or dissertation was written.
Attribute Name: seriesType: Character The name of the series of the set up books.
Attribute Name: titleType: Character The title of the publication.
Attribute Name: volumeType: Integer The volume of a journal or multivolume book.
Attribute Name: yearType: Character The four digit year of the work.