International Standards
- IEEE Standard 1003.5-1992: Information Technology--POSIX Ada Bindings, Part 1: Binding
to ISO/IEC 9945-1, IEEE Standard 1003.5 (1992), working group member, chapter editor.
- ISO/IEC 8652: 1995(E) International Standard
Information technology -- Programming languages - Ada, language revision team member,
real-time systems and systems programming domain expert, co-author of Real-Time Systems
and Systems Programming Annexes (1995).
- IEEE STD 1003.5b-1996: IEEE Standard for
Information Technology -- POSIX Ada Language Interfaces -- Part 1:
Binding for System Application Program Interface [API] --
Amendment 1: Realtime Extensions (also ANSI and ISO/IEC
standard), working group member and technical editor (March 1997).
1003.5c-1998: IEEE Standard for Information Technology -- POSIX
Ada Language Interfaces -- Part 1: Binding for System Application
Program Interface [API] -- Amendment 2: Protocol-Independent
Interfaces (also ANSI and ISO/IEC standard), working group chair
and final technical editor (3 December
Books and Book Chapters
- J. Mott, A. Kandel, T.P. Baker Discrete Mathematics
for Computer Scientists (textbook) Reston, 1983; second edition,
- T.P. Baker, "Stack-Based
Scheduling of Real-Time Processes", in Advances in Real-Time
Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press (1993) 64-96
- T.P. Baker and Offer Pazy, "The Systems Programming Annex
of the proposed Ada 9X standard", chapter 5 of Ada Yearbook
1994, IOS Press (1994) 65-74 (invited)
- Offer Pazy and T.P. Baker, "The Real-Time Systems Annex of
the proposed Ada 9X standard", chapter 6 of Ada Yearbook
1994, IOS Press (1994) 75-98 (invited)
- B. Boehm, T. Baker, W. Embry, J. Fox, P. Hilfinger,
M. Holden, J. E. Moss, W. Royce, W. Scherlis, S.T. Taft,
R. Vaughn, A. Wasserman Ada and Beyond: Software Policies for
the Department of Defense National Academy Press, 1997 (NRC
- T.P. Baker and G.L. Scallon, "An Architecture for Real-time
Software Systems", chapter in Hard Real-Time Systems,
IEEE Press (1988)
- M. Caccamo, T. P. Baker, A. Burns, G. Buttazzo, L. Sha,
"Real-Time Scheduling for Embedded Systems", in Handbook
of Networked and Embedded Control Systems Birkhauser Boston
(2005) 173-195.
- T.P. Baker and S.K. Baruah, "Schedulablity analysis of
multiprocessor sporadic task systems", in Handbook of
Real-time and Embedded Systems, edited by Insup Lee, Joseph
Y-T. Leung, and Sang Son, ISBN 1-58488-678-1, CRC Press (2008)
3-1 - 3-15
- T. P. Baker, A. Bui, S. Tixueil (Editors), Principles of
Distributed Systems, Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference, OPODIS 2008,, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science No. 5401 (2008).
- T. P. Baker, editor, Proceedings
of the 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (2009).
Refereed Journal Articles
- J. Hartmanis and T.P. Baker, "On Simple Goedel Numberings
and Translations", SIAM Journal of Computing 4.1, March
1975, 1-11
- T.P. Baker, J. Gill, and F. Solovay, "Relativizations of the P =
NP ? Question", SIAM Journal of Computing 4.4, December 1975,
- T.P. Baker, " `Natural' Properties of Flowchart Step-Counting
Measures", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 16.1, February
1978, 1-22.
- T.P. Baker and A.L. Selman, "A Second Step Toward the
Polynomial Hierarchy", Theoretical Computer Science 8.2, April 1979,
- T.P. Baker, "A Technique for Extending Rapid Exact-match
String Matching to Arrays of More than One Dimension", SIAM Journal
on Computing 7.4, November 1978, 533-541.
- T.P. Baker, "On `Provable' Analogs of P and NP",
Mathematical Systems Theory 12.3, 1979, 213-218.
- T.P. Baker, "Extending Lookahead for LR Parsers", Journal
of Computer and System Sciences 22.2, April 1981, 243-259.
- T.P. Baker, "A One-Pass Algorithm for Overload Resolution
in Ada",ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems 3.4, October 1982, 601-614.
- T.P. Baker and G.A. Riccardi, "Ada Tasking: from Semantics to
Efficient Implementation", IEEE Software, March 1985, 34-45.
- T.P. Baker and G.L. Scallon, "An Architecture for Real-time
Software Systems", IEEE Software, May 1986, 50-59.
- T.P. Baker and G.A. Riccardi, "Implementing Ada Exceptions",
IEEE Software, September 1986, 42-51.
- T.P. Baker, "An Improved Ada Runtime System Interface",
Journal of Systems and Software 8, Elsevier (1988) 373-393.
- T.P. Baker and A. Shaw, "The Cyclic Executive Model and
Ada", The Real-Time Systems Journal 1,1 (June 1989) 7-26.
- T.P. Baker, "Stack-Based Scheduling of Realtime
Processes", The Real-Time Systems Journal 3,1 (March 1991)
- T.P. Baker and Alexander D. Stoyenko, "Real-Time
Schedulability Analyzable Mechanisms in Ada9X",
Proceedings of the IEEE 82,1 (January 1994) 95-107.
- M. Harmon, T. Baker and D. Whalley, "A Retargetable
Technique for Predicting Execution Time of Code Segments",
Real-Time Systems Journal 7,2
(September 1994) 159-182.
- J.S. Snyder, D.B. Whalley, and T.P. Baker, "Fast Context
Switches: Compiler and Architectural Support for Preemptive
Scheduling", Microprocessors and Microsystems 19,1
(February 1995) 35-42.
- T.P. Baker and E.W. Giering III, "Implementing Ada 9X
Protected Objects and Asynchronous Transfer of Control",
International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers 17,1 (1995).
- T.M. Ghazalie and T.P. Baker,
"Aperiodic Servers in a
Deadline Scheduling Environment" (pdf
of prepublication version),
the Real-Time Systems
Journal 9,1 (July 1995) 31-68.
- Dong-Ik Oh and T.P. Baker, "Utilization Bounds for N-Processor Rate
Monotone Scheduling with Stable Processor Assignment" (postscript of prepublication version),
(pdf of prepublication version),
Real Time Systems, 15,1 (September 1998)
- L. Sha, T. Abdelzaher, K.E. AArzen, A. Cervin,
T.P. Baker, A. Burns, G. Buttazzo, M. Caccamo, J. Lehoczky and A.K. Mok,
"Real Time Scheduling Theory: A Historical Perspective",
Real-Time Systems, 28, 2-3 (November-December 2004) 101-155.
- T.P. Baker, "An
Analysis of EDF scheduling on a Multiprocessor",
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 16, 8, (August 2005)
- T.P. Baker, "An Analysis of Fixed-Priority
Schedulability on a Multiprocessor",
Real-Time Systems, 32,1-2, (February 2006) 49-71.
- S.K. Baruah and T.P. Baker,
"Schedulability analysis of global EDF",
Real-Time Systems, 38, 3}, (April 2008) 223-235.
- T.P. Baker, M. Cirinei and M. Bertogna,
"EDZL scheduling analysis", Real-Time Systems, 40, 3 (2008) 264-289.
Unrefereed Journal Articles
- T.P. Baker, "Computational Complexity and Nondeterminism in
Flowchart Programs", Ph.D. Thesis and Cornell Computer Science
Technical Report TR 73- 185, 1973; also published by National Technical
Information Service.
- A.C. Fleck and T. P. Baker, "A Note on Pascal Scopes",
Pascal News 17, March 1980, 62.
- A.C. Fleck and T.P. Baker, "Does Scope = Block in Pascal?", <
Pascal News 17, March 1980, 60-61.
- T.P. Baker, " `Parallel Processing' and Ada Tasks", NATO
AGARD Lecture Series No. 146 (invited lecture series), June 1986,
- M. Harmon and T.P. Baker, "An Ada Implementation of
Marsaglia's Universal Random Number Generator", Ada Letters
VIII, 2, (March/April 1988) 110-112.
- SIGAda ARTEWG (T.P. Baker, task force leader and principal
author), "A Model Runtime Environment Interface for Ada",
Ada Letters IX, 1 (January/February 1989) 84-132; also published
in Ada User 10, Ada Language UK, Ltd. (special issue)
- Y.C. Wu and T.P. Baker, "A Source Code Documentation System
for Ada", Ada Letters IX, 5 (July/August 1989) 84-88.
- T.P. Baker, "The Use of Ada for Real-Time Systems", paper
for invited presentation to the 26th Annual AOC EW Technical
Symposium, (Oct. 1989); published in IEEE Real-Time Systems
Newsletter (1990).
- T.P. Baker, "Protected Records, Time Management and
Distribution", Ada Letters X,9 (Fall 1990) 17-28.
- T.P. Baker, "Comment on: `Signaling from within Interrupt
Handlers'", Ada Letters XI,1 (January/Februrary 1991)
- T.P. Baker, T. Vardanega, "Sessions Summary: Tasking Profiles",
Ada Letters XVII, 3 (September-Octover 1997) 5-7.
Papers Proceedings of Refereed Conferences
- J. Hartmanis and T.P. Baker, "On Simple Goedel Numberings
and Translations", Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming, Saarbruecken, FRG, 1974.
- T.P. Baker, " `Natural' Properties of Flowchart Complexity
Measures", Proceedings of the IEEE SWAT Symposium, 1974,
- T.P. Baker and A.L. Selman, "A Second Step Toward the
Polynomial Hierarchy (preliminary version)", Proceedings of
the 17th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer
Science, 1976, 71-75.
- J. Hartmanis and T.P. Baker, "Relative Succinctness of
Representations of Languages and Separation of Complexity
Classes", Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Springer Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1979, 70-88.
- T.P. Baker and J. Hartmanis, "Succinctness, Verifiability and
Determinism in Representations of Polynomial-time Languages",
Proceedings of the 20th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of
Computer Science, 1979, 392-396.
- T.P. Baker, "A Single-Pass Syntax Directed Front End for Ada",
Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction,
Boston, Mass., 1982, 309-318.
- G.A. Riccardi and T.P. Baker, "A Runtime Supervisor to Support
Ada Task Activation, Execution, and Termination", Proceedings of IEEE
Computer Society 1984 Conference on Ada Applications and Environments,
October 1984, 14-22.
- G.A. Riccardi and T.P. Baker, "A Runtime Supervisor to Support
Ada Tasking: Rendezvous and Delays", Proceedings of the Ada
International Conference 1985, Cambridge University Press, May 1985,
- T.P. Baker, "An Ada Runtime System Interface",
Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Ada
Applications and Environments (April 1986) 99-110.
- T.P. Baker, "A Low Level Tasking Package for Ada",
Proceedings of the 1987 ACM SIGAda International Conference, Boston, MA
(December 1987).
- T.P. Baker and K. Jeffay, "Corset and Lace: Adapting Ada Runtime
Support to Real-Time Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symposium, (December 1987) 158-169.
- T.P. Baker and A. Shaw, "
The Cyclic Executive Model and
Ada", Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium, (December 1988).
- E.W. Giering III and T.P. Baker, "Toward the Deterministic
Scheduling of Ada Tasks", Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symposium, (December 1989) 31-40.
- T.P. Baker, "
A Stack-Based Resource Allocation Policy for
Realtime Processes", Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symposium, (December 1990), 191-200.
- T.P. Baker and Offer Pazy, "
Real-Time Features for Ada
9X", Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium,
(December 1991).
- E.W. Giering and T.P. Baker, "POSIX/Ada Real-Time Bindings:
Description of Work in Progress",
Proceedings of the Ninth
Annual Washington Ada Symposium, ACM (July 1992) 27-41.
- E.W. Giering and T.P. Baker, "Using POSIX Threads to
Implement Ada Tasking: Description of Work in Progress",
TRI-Ada '92 Proceedings, ACM (November 1992) 518-529.
- M. Harmon, T. Baker and D. Whalley, "
A Retargetable
Technique for Predicting Execution Time", Proceedings of the
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEE (December 1992).
- E.W. Giering, F. Mueller and T.P. Baker, "Implementing Ada
9X Features using POSIX Threads: Design Issues", TRI-Ada '93
Proceedings, ACM (November 1993) 214-228.
- E.W. Giering III and T.P. Baker, "The Gnu Ada Runtime
Library (GNARL): Design and Implementation", Proceedings of
the Eleventh Annual Washington Ada Symposium, ACM (July 1994) 97-107.
- E.W. Giering III and T.P. Baker, "A Tool for the
Deterministic Scheduling of Real-Time Programs Implemented as
Periodic Ada Tasks", Proceedings of the Second Symposium on
Environments and Tools for Ada, ACM (January 1992), reprinted in
special issue of ACM Ada Letters, XIV (Fall 1994) 54-73.
- E.W. Giering, Frank Mueller and T.P. Baker, "Features of
the Gnu Ada Runtime Library", TRI-Ada '94 Proceedings, ACM
(November 1994) 93-103.
- E.W. Giering and T.P. Baker, "Implementing Ada Protected
Objects--Interface Issues and Optimization", Tri-Ada'95
Proceedings, ACM (November 1995).
- F. Mueller, V. Rustagi, and T.P. Baker, "MiThOS -- A Real-Time Micro-Kernel Threads
Operating System", Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems
Symposium, IEEE (December 1995).
- Dong-Ik Oh, T.P. Baker, Seung-Jin Moon, "The GNARL Implementation of POSIX/Ada
Signal Services", Reliable Software Technologies--
Ada-Europe '96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
1088, Springer Verlag (June 1996) 275-286.
- T.P. Baker, Dong-Ik Oh, Seung-Jin Moon, "Low-Level Ada
Tasking Support for GNAT -- Performance and Portability
Improvements" Proceedings of the Washington Ada Symposium (July
- T.P. Baker, Dong-Ik Oh, "Ada
Bindings for C Interfaces: Lessons Learned from the Florist
Implementation", Reliable Software Technologies -
Ada-Europe'97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1251
Springer Verlag (June 1997) 13-22.
- Dong-Ik Oh, T.P. Baker, "Optimization of Ada'95 Tasking
Constructs", Proceedings of the Tri-Ada'97 Conference (November
1997) 70-90.
- L. Millet, T.P. Baker, "Porting the GNAT Tasking Runtime
System to the Java Virtual Machine", Reliable Software
Technologies - Ada-Europe'98, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 1411 Springer Verlag (June 1998) 19-28.
- H. Shen, T.P. Baker, A. Charlet "A `Bare-Machine' Implementation of Ada
Multi-Tasking Beneath the Linux Kernel", Reliable Software
Technologies-- Ada-Europe '99, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 1622 Springer Verlag (June 1993) 287-297.
- A.S. Moussa, T.P. Baker, "
A Dynamic Microtunable MIDI System: Problems and Solutions",
Proceedings of the 5th Biannual World Automation Congress (2002).
(See also the web page for the hardware prototype of this device.)
- T.P. Baker, "
Multiprocessor EDF
and Deadline Monotonic Schedulability Analysis"
Proceedings of the
IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium (December 2003) 120-129.
For a more complete treatment, including corrections of
some minor errors in this conference paper, please see the
journal papers on (EDF) and (fixed priority) above
- T.P. Baker, "A comparison of global and partitioned EDF
schedulability tests for multiprocessors",
Proceedings of the Internationsl Conf. on Real-Time and Network Systems,
Poitiers, France (June 2006) 119-127.
- N. Fisher, S. Baruah, and T.P. Baker, "The Partitioned Scheduling of Sporadic Tasks According to Static
Proceedings of the 2006 Euro-Micro Conference on Real-Time
Systems, Dresden, Germany (July 2006) 118-127.
- N. Fisher, T.P. Baker, and S.K. Baruah,
"Algorithms for Determining the Demand-Based Load of a Sporadic Task System",
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conf. on Embedded and
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Sydney, Australia
(August 2006) 135-146.
- T.P. Baker and M. Cirinei, "A necessary and sometimes
sufficient condition for the feasibility of sets of sporadic
hard-deadline tasks", Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (December 2006)
- M. Lewandowski, M. Stanovich, T. Baker, K. Gopalan, A. Wang,
"Modeling device driver effects in real-time schedulability
analysis: Study of a network driver", Proceedings of the
13th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
Symposium, Bellevue, WA (April 2007) 57-68.
- M. Cirinei and T.P. Baker,
"EDZL scheduling analysis",
Proceedings of the 2007 EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Pisa, Italy (July 2007) 9-18.
- T.P. Baker and M. Cirinei, "Brute-force determination of
multiprocessor schedulability for sets of sporadic hard-deadline
tasks", Principles of Distributed Systems, Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science No. 4878; the Proceedings of OPODIS 2007,
the 10th International Conference on Principles of Distributed
Systems, Guadeloupe (December 2007) 62-75.
- M. J. Stanovich, T.P. Baker, A. Wang,
"Throttling on-disk schedulers to meet soft-real-time
requirements", Proceedings of the
14th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
Symposium, St. Louis, MO (April 2008) 331-341.
- S. Baruah and T.P. Baker,
"Global EDF schedulability analysis of arbitrary sporadic task systems"
Proceedings of the 2008 EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Prague, Czech Republic, (July 2008) 9-18.
- T.P. Baker and S.K. Baruah, ``Sustainable multiprocesor scheduling of
sporadic task systems'', Proceedings of the 2009 {EuroMicro} Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Dublin, Ireland, (July 2009) 141-150.
- Mark Stanovich, Theodore Baker, An-I Andy Wang, and Michael Gonzalez Harbour,
"Defects of the POSIX Sporadic Server and How to Correct Them",
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium,
Stockholm, Sweden (April 2010).
- Theodore Baker,
"What to Make of Multicore Processors for
Reliable Real-Time Systems?",
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2010, Proceedings of the 15th
Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Valencia, Spain, (June 2010) 1-18.
Papers in Refereed and Invited Workshops
- T.P. Baker, "Runtime Support Environments to Better Support
Real-time Systems", International Workshop on Real Time Ada Issues,
Moreton-Hampstead, Devon, England (1987); Ada Letters
VII, 6 (Fall 1987) 85-87.
- T.P. Baker, "Implementing Timing Guarantees in Ada",
Abstracts of the IEEE Computer Society: Fourth Workshop on Real Time
Operating Systems, Cambridge, MA (July 1987).
- T.P. Baker, "Improving Immediacy in Ada", Second
International Workshop on Real Time Ada Issues, Moreton-Hampstead,
Devon, England (June 1988); published in Ada Letters VIII, 7
(Fall 1988) 50-56.
- T.P. Baker, "Issues in Using Ada for Real-Time Embedded
Systems", Ada in Mission-Critical Defense Systems, workshop
hosted by IDA for TTCP and AJPO, Arlington VA (July 1988).
- T.P. Baker, "Fixing Some Time-Related Problems in Ada",
Third International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues,
Nemacolin Woodlands, PA (June 1989); Ada Letters X,4 (Spring
1990) 136-143.
- T.P. Baker, "Summary of Time Issues Working Group",
Third International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues, Nemacolin
Woodlands, PA (June 1989); Ada Letters X,4 (Spring 1990)
- E.W. Giering III and T.P. Baker, "
Deterministic Scheduling
of Ada Tasks", Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Workshop on
Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, Pittsburgh, PA (May
1989) 6-10; also published in IEEE Real-Time Systems
Newsletter, V, 2&3 (Spring/Summer 1989).
- T.P. Baker, "Opening Up Ada Tasking", Fourth
International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues, Pitlochry,
Scotland; Ada User 11,4 (1990) 165-169; published in
Ada Letters X,9 (Fall 1990) 60-64.
- T.P. Baker, "Protected Records, Time Management, and
Distribution", Fourth International Workshop on Real-Time
Ada Issues, Pitlochry, Scotland; Ada User 11,4 (1990)
165-169; published in Ada Letters X,9 (Fall 1990) 17-28.
- T.P. Baker, "Preemption vs. Priority, and the Importance of
Early Blocking" Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE Workshop on
Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, Charlottesville, VA (May
1990) 44-48.
- P. Santiprabhob, C.S. Chen, T.P. Baker " Ada Run-Time Kernel: The
Implementation", Proceedings of the 1st Software
Engineering Research Forum, Tampa, FL, U.S.A. (November 1991)
- T.P. Baker, Frank Mueller, and Viresh Rustagi, "
with a Prototype of the POSIX Minimal Realtime System Profile",
11th IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software,
Seattle, WA (May 1994).
- Edward Giering and T.P. Baker, "Ada 9X Asynchronous
Transfer of Control Applications and Implementation" (short
paper), Workshop on Language, Compiler, and Tool Support for
Real-Time Systems, Orlando, FL (June 1994).
- Dong-Ik Oh and T.P. Baker, "The Gnu Ada'95 Tasking
Implementation: Real-Time Features and Optimization",
SIGPLAN'97 Workshop on Compiler and Language Support for
Real-Time Systems (June 1997).
- H. Shen, T.P. Baker "A Linux Kernel Module Implementation
of Restricted Ada Tasking", Ninth International Workshop on
Real-Time Ada Issues, Wakulla Springs, Florida; in Ada
Letters XIX, 2 (June 1999) 96-103.
- T.P. Baker, A. Wang, M. J. Stanovich, "Fitting Linux
device drivers into an Analyzable Scheduling Framework",
Proceedings of OSPERT 2007,
the Workshop on Operating Systems
Platforms for Embedded Real-time Applications, Pisa, Italy (July
2007) 1-9.
Other Reports
- T.P. Baker, "A Corset for Ada", technical
report TR-86-09-06, Computer Science Department, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA (1986).
- T.P. Baker, "A Lace for Ada's Corset", TR 86-09-06,
Computer Science Deptartment, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA (1986).
- T.P. Baker, "Can Subsetting Ada Help?", technical report
prepared for Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company (July 1987).
- T.P. Baker "Tailorable Ada Run-Time Environment (TARTE)
User's Manual", delivered to Naval Surface Warfare Center as part
of STARS Foundations program (November, 1988).
- T.P. Baker "Issues Involved in Developing Real-Time Ada
Systems", technical report to the U.S. Army CECOM (July 1988).
- T.P. Baker, "Software Reuse in Real-Time Environments",
technical report submitted to the U.S. Army CECOM (Ft. Monmouth),
(July 1989).
- T.P. Baker, C. Malec, R. Wilson, "Practical Tasking",
white paper prepared for Boeing Aerospace and Electronics Company
- T.P. Baker, "Ada Language Support for Software Reuse",
The Workshop on Language Issues for Software Reuse, Deer
Isle, ME (September 1989).
- T.P. Baker, Offer Pazy, et. al, "Run-Time Kernel
Proposal", report distributed by SIGAda ARTEWG (1990).
- Pratit Santiprabhob and T.P. Baker, "Agenda Scheduling
Execution Model", report to Boeing Aerospace and Electronics
(Oct. 1990); FSUCS TR 91-061.
- Pratit Santiprabhob, Edward Giering, and T.P. Baker, "The
Annotated Agenda Scheduling Description", report to Boeing
Aerospace and Electronics (Oct. 1990); FSUCS TR 91-063.
- Pratit Santiprabhob and T.P. Baker, "A Featherweight Task
Execution Model Using a Simulated Virtual Clock", report to
Boeing Aerospace and Electronics (Oct. 1990).
- T.P. Baker, "Requirements Specification for the Common Ada
Run-Time System", prepared for the USAF CARTS project (February,
- Chi-Sing Chen, Pratit Santiprabhob, T.P. Baker " Reducing Priority Inversion in Interprocessor
Synchronization on a Fixed-Priority Bus",
prepared for the Floria High Technology Industry Consortium
(August 1991)
- T.P. Baker, Realtime Extension for Portable Operating
Systems: `Thin' Ada Binding, technical report to U.S. Army CECOM,
draft IEEE standard (February 1992) 112pp.
- T.P. Baker and Offer Pazy, "A
Unified Priority-Based Kernel for Ada", technical report to
ACM SIGAda, Ada Run-Time Environment Working Group.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly Technical Report",
technical report to the U.S. Army CECOM, Battelle Contract
(December 1995) 9pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly
Technical Report", technical report to the U.S. Army CECOM,
Battelle Contract (March 1996) 18pp.
- T.P. Baker and E.W. Giering, III, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time
Bindings Final Technical Report", technical report to the
U.S. Army CECOM, Telos Contract (December 1996) 63pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly
Technical Report", technical report to the U.S. Army CECOM,
Battelle Contract (June 1996) 16pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Final Report",
technical report to the U.S. Army CECOM, Battelle Contract
(December 1996) 41pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly Technical Report",
technical report to the Ada Joint Program Office, Logicon Contract
(June 1997) 19pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly Technical Report",
technical report to the Ada Joint Program Office, Logicon Contract
(October 1997) 12pp.
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 1 Prototype
Validation Tests and Test Development Plan",
technical report to the Defense Information Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle
Technology Contract
(October 1997) 152pp.
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 2 Prototype
Validation Tests and Test Development Plan",
technical report to the Defense Information Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle
Technology Contract
(December 1997) 146pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Quarterly Technical Report",
technical report to the Ada Joint Program Office, Logicon Contract
(January 1998) 10pp.
- T.P. Baker, "Ada/POSIX Real-Time Bindings Final Quarterly Report",
technical report to the Ada Joint Program Office, Logicon Contract
(March 1998) 15pp.
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 3 Test
Development Plan", technical report to the Defense Information
Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle Technology Contract (March 1998)
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 3 Prototype
Validation Tests",
technical report to the Defense Information Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle
Technology Contract
(March 1998) 194pp.
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 4 Test
Development Plan", technical report to the Defense Information
Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle Technology Contract (June 1998)
- T.P. Baker, "POSIX 1003.5b Test Suite: Milestone 5 Prototype
Validation Tests",
technical report to the Defense Information Systems Agency, Logicon Eagle
Technology Contract
(June 1998) 232pp.
T.P. Baker and N. Mhatre, "A comparative performance analysis of
real-time priority queues", FSU Computer Science Technical Report
(December 2001)
- T.P. Baker, "An Analysis of EDF Schedulability on a
Multiprocessor", FSU Computer Science Technical Report TR-030202
(February 2003)
- T.P. Baker, "Multiprocessor EDF and Deadline Monotonic
Scheduling Analysis", FSU Computer Science Technical Report TR-030401
(April 2003)
- T.P. Baker, "An Analysis of Fixed Priority Schedulability on a
Multiprocessor", FSU Computer Science Technical Report TR-050201
- T.P. Baker, "An Analysis of Deadline-Monotonic
Schedulability on a Multiprocessor", FSU Computer Science
Technical Report TR-030301
March 2003)
- T.P. Baker, "Further improved schedulability analysis of
EDF on multiprocessor platforms", FSU Computer Science
Technical Report TR-051001
(October 2005)
- T.P. Baker, Comparison of Empirical
Success Rates of Global vs. Partitioned Fixed-Priority EDF Scheduling
for Hard Real Time,
technical report TR-050601, Department of Computer Science, Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (July 2005).
- T.P. Baker, "A Comparison of Global and Partitioned EDF
Schedulability Tests for Multiprocessors", FSU Computer
Science Technical Report TR-051101
(November 2005)
- T.P. Baker, N. Fisher, S.K. Baruah,
"Algorithms for
Determining the Load of a Sporadic Task System",
FSU Computer Science Technical Report
(December 2005)
- T.P. Baker and M. Cirinei "A necessary and sometimes
sufficient condition for the feasibility of sets of sporadic
hard-deadline tasks", FSU Computer Science Technial Report TR-060501
(May 2006)
- T. P. Baker and S. K. Baruah, "Schedulability Analysis of Multiprocessor Sporadic Task Systems",
technical report
Department of Computer Science, Florida State University,
Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (June 2006).
- T. P. Baker, "Brute-force determination of multiporcessor schedulability for sets of sporadic hard-deadline tasks",
technical report
Department of Computer Science, Florida State University,
Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (October 2006).
- A. Yasinsac, D. Wagner, M. Bishop, T. Baker, B. de Medeiros,
G. Tyson, M. Shamos, M. Burmester, "Software Review and
Security Analysis of the ES&S iVotronic 8.0.12 Voting Machine
Firmware", report to the Florida Secretary of State (2007)
- T. Baker, R. Bradley, B. Bower, C. Connerly, N. Marcus, M. Moore, I. Padavic,
"Market Equity and FSU Faculty Salaries", report of Florida State
University joint labor/management study group on market equity
joint study group on market equity, (January 2007)
- T. Baker, J. Brooks, R. Clark (chair), D. Clendinning, D. Coxwell-Teague, I. Eberstein,
S. Halvorson, A. Hodges, W. Outlaw, M. Hurt, S. Stoecklin, R. Thomas,
"Report of Florida State
Faculty Senate Subcommittee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty", (November 2006)
- T. P. Baker, M. Cirinei,
"A unified analysis of global EDF and fixed-task-priority schedulability of sporadic task systems on multiprocessors"
technical report
Department of Computer Science, Florida State University,
Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (May 2006).
(accepted for an invited special issue of
the International Journal of Embedded Systems, which appears to have
gone out of print)
- LALR1T, an LALR(1) parser generator,
- AGRAPT, an S-attributed grammar preprocessor and table
generator, and FMT, a formatter for parsing and attribute-processing
tables, 1983.
These programs were used to do the syntactic analysis and code
generation phases of the FSU/AFATL Ada compiler (see below).
They were later also used to implement one of the first commercial
Pascal compilers for the Apple Macintosh, by TML Enterprises.
- FSU/AFATL Ada compiler (with G.A. Riccardi and
students), 1980-1985.
This is a cross compiler, from a CDC Cyber 170-760 computer
under the NOS operating system to a bare Zilog Z8002
microprocessor system, written in Pascal. The compiler's
development was supported by the USAF Armament laboratory as a
tool for experimenting with Ada in real-time embedded systems
development. It successfully completed official Version 1.6 ACVC
testing in September, 1985, and was delivered to the Air Force
This was one of the very first Ada compilers for an embedded
- Corset and Lace, 1986-88
These are prototype retargetable runtime environments for
Ada, designed to support a multiprocessor architecture. They were
paid for by Boeing.
- TARTE, 1988
This is a further development of Lace, produced for the
STARS (Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems)
Foundations repository, under contract to the U.S. Naval Research
Laboratory It was placed in the repository.
- Agenda-based and Featherweight Task execution models (with
students), 1990
These are experimental tools for evaluating several Ada
scheduling models being considered by Boeing Aerospace and
Electronics (BAE), done under Baker's supervision by students at
FSU under contract to BAE. They were developed further by BAE
- RTK (with students), 1991
This is a run-time kernel for Ada, based on a virtual processor
concept. It incorporates a priority ceiling resource locking
mechanism, to bound priority inversion. The work was done with
support from the Florida High Technology Industry Commission, the
U.S. Army CECOM, and Texas Instruments. It proved several
scheduling concepts and served to train several students. The RTK
interface later became the basis for the Intermetrics-developed
Ada compiler for the Patriot missile ground-control system. RTK
was implemented in both a unix version
and a multi-processor bare-machine
- POSIX Real-Time Ada tasking runtime system (directed
Edward W. Giering III, post-doctoral research associate, Pratit
Santiprabhob, Frank Mueller, and other students)
This is an implementation of POSIX threads, and a full Ada
tasking runtime system built on top of that. The Ada RTS is a
plug-compatible substitute for the Verdix/Sun SPARC Ada runtime
system, and can pass the tasking tests of the ACVC Version 11
The threads library has been very successful. There are
manysubscribers to the bug-fix list, and the library is the
basis of ports to several other operating systems.
- GNARL -- the Gnu Ada Runtime Library (directing Edward
W. Giering III, post-doctoral research associate, and students) 1993-2000
GNARL is the first complete implementation of Ada'95 multitasking,
and the first to be validated on for the Real-Time Systems and
Systems-Programming annexes. It is designed as a layer over the
standard POSIX threads interface, and provides support for the
POSIX Ada-language API bindings. It is a part of the GNAT system.
GNAT is the Gnu Ada'95 compiler,
developed by a team of faculty and students at NYU. GNAT has been
productized by Silicon Graphics, Inc., and it is the standard
Ada'95 compiler for VAX/VMS and Siemens/Nixdorf computers. In
recent years we have ported it to the Java Virtual Machine and
to the RT Linux execution environment.
- Florist -- the FSU implementation of the POSIX.5 and
POSIX.5b Ada bindings 1996-1999.
This started with a complete new implementation of the POSIX Ada
bindings, in summer 1996. It replaced the rapid prototypes done
earlier by FSU students Wan-Hua Lin and Yi-Gang Li, and
Forest, a non-standard POSIX Ada binding done by K. Almquist of
AT & T. It is distributed as free software, by FSU and by Ada Core
Technologies, Inc. as part of the Gnat compiler and tool set.
- POSIX.5b Test Suite 1998-1999.
This is a validation test suite for IEEE Std 1003.5b.
It was paid for by the Defense Information Systems Agency,
for intended use in certification. It is distributed with Florist
and GNARL, as part of the Gnat comiler and tool set.
Student Papers and Under-Published Work
The following are some ideas I worked on that I think are
useful and deserve some attention, but which never made it into
mainstream publications.
- Around 1990, while doing tool development for our first Ada
compiler, I implemented an optimized re-hashing scheme, based on
a paper originally published by Gonet & Munro, to store the
state transition tables of the lexer, parser, and code generator.
Some details of that implementation go beyond the published
algorithm. The code appeared in our compiler, which was open
source, but I have not seen this technique get much play in the
literature. It is a good technique, and some day I should write
up a short paper on it, so that the technique is not lost.
- In 1982, while working on the front end of our first Ada
compiler, I invented a scheme for passing attributes from left to
right using the stack of an LR parser, based on attributed
grammars. I assigned the implementation and testing to Thomas
Leonard, whose thesis An extended attribute processor for
bottom-up parsing appeared in 1983. Tom and I submitted a
paper on this, containing the proofs, to ACM POPL around the same
time. It was rejected. It was submitted to a journal. The
reviewer's comments asked for more explanation of the relationship
to prior work on "affix grammars". It could have been revised and
resubmitted, but Tom left town and I was too busy trying to get
our compiler validated to take the job over for him.
Some day I'll scan in his thesis and post a link to it here.
- In 1987, for an Ada kernel that we did for the STARS
Foundations program, I developed a fast priority queue structure,
which I called a D-tree. It is a variant of the implicit
binary-tree structured heap, that allows faster deletions. Two
students did performance studies of D-trees compared with other
priority queue implementations, as master's projects. The first
of these was Rajiv Maheshwari, who did a thesis Analysis of
Priority Queue Algorithms in 1990. The second was Nikhil
Mhatre, who did a master's project on a A Comparative
Performance Analysis of Real-Time Priority Queues
(download PDF copy).
These papers both include a description of the D-tree structure
and the associated algorithms. The link above is to Nikhil's
paper. Some day I'll scan in Rajiv's paper and put a link to that
- In 1990, I figured out a way of implementing a multi-processor
version of a semaphore locking protocol that I called the "Stack
Resource Policy". Chi-Sing Chen implemented and tested this in
the context of a real-time kernel we were developing at the time,
assisted by another student, Pratit Santiprabhob. This is
mentioned in a paper, cited above, presented at a minor
conference, the Software Engineering Research Forum, in
1991. This is a good technique, which should have been reported
more widely. Some day I'll scan in the paper and post it