
Florist is an open-source implementation of IEEE Standard 1003.5b-1996, the POSIX Ada binding, including real-time extensions and a test suite. This software provides access to the UNIX operating system services for application programs written in the Ada programming language. It is designed to be self-configuring for a POSIX-compliant system. A suite of test programs is included.

Florist was produced by students and faculty of the Florida State University Department of Computer Science, under contract to the US Department of Defense, Defense Information Systems Agency, as a product of the POSIX Ada Real-Time (PART) Project. When the contract was completed, in 1999, we turned maintenance of Florist over to Ada Core Technologies, Inc.). The latest and most complete free version is available from

The following are some of the earlier versions of Florist from our site at FSU:

If you came to this site looking for a place to buy flowers, I suggest you try the following site, instead. If you buy from them via this link they will make a contribution to the FSU Research Foundation.

© 1993-2004 T. P. Baker, at the Department of Computer Science, Florida State University