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8. The Implementation of Standard I/O

GNAT implements all the required input-output facilities described in A.6 through A.14. These sections of the Ada 95 reference manual describe the required behavior of these packages from the Ada point of view, and if you are writing a portable Ada program that does not need to know the exact manner in which Ada maps to the outside world when it comes to reading or writing external files, then you do not need to read this chapter. As long as your files are all regular files (not pipes or devices), and as long as you write and read the files only from Ada, the description in the Ada 95 reference manual is sufficient.

However, if you want to do input-output to pipes or other devices, such as the keyboard or screen, or if the files you are dealing with are either generated by some other language, or to be read by some other language, then you need to know more about the details of how the GNAT implementation of these input-output facilities behaves.

In this chapter we give a detailed description of exactly how GNAT interfaces to the file system. As always, the sources of the system are available to you for answering questions at an even more detailed level, but for most purposes the information in this chapter will suffice.

Another reason that you may need to know more about how input-output is implemented arises when you have a program written in mixed languages where, for example, files are shared between the C and Ada sections of the same program. GNAT provides some additional facilities, in the form of additional child library packages, that facilitate this sharing, and these additional facilities are also described in this chapter.

8.1 Standard I/O Packages  
8.2 FORM Strings  
8.3 Direct_IO  
8.4 Sequential_IO  
8.5 Text_IO  
8.6 Wide_Text_IO  
8.7 Wide_Wide_Text_IO  
8.8 Stream_IO  
8.9 Shared Files  
8.10 Open Modes  
8.11 Operations on C Streams  
8.12 Interfacing to C Streams  

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8.1 Standard I/O Packages

The Standard I/O packages described in Annex A for

are implemented using the C library streams facility; where

There is no internal buffering of any kind at the Ada library level. The only buffering is that provided at the system level in the implementation of the C library routines that support streams. This facilitates shared use of these streams by mixed language programs.

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8.2 FORM Strings

The format of a FORM string in GNAT is:


where letters may be in upper or lower case, and there are no spaces between values. The order of the entries is not important. Currently there are two keywords defined.


The use of these parameters is described later in this section.

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8.3 Direct_IO

Direct_IO can only be instantiated for definite types. This is a restriction of the Ada language, which means that the records are fixed length (the length being determined by type'Size, rounded up to the next storage unit boundary if necessary).

The records of a Direct_IO file are simply written to the file in index sequence, with the first record starting at offset zero, and subsequent records following. There is no control information of any kind. For example, if 32-bit integers are being written, each record takes 4-bytes, so the record at index K starts at offset (K-1)*4.

There is no limit on the size of Direct_IO files, they are expanded as necessary to accommodate whatever records are written to the file.

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8.4 Sequential_IO

Sequential_IO may be instantiated with either a definite (constrained) or indefinite (unconstrained) type.

For the definite type case, the elements written to the file are simply the memory images of the data values with no control information of any kind. The resulting file should be read using the same type, no validity checking is performed on input.

For the indefinite type case, the elements written consist of two parts. First is the size of the data item, written as the memory image of a Interfaces.C.size_t value, followed by the memory image of the data value. The resulting file can only be read using the same (unconstrained) type. Normal assignment checks are performed on these read operations, and if these checks fail, Data_Error is raised. In particular, in the array case, the lengths must match, and in the variant record case, if the variable for a particular read operation is constrained, the discriminants must match.

Note that it is not possible to use Sequential_IO to write variable length array items, and then read the data back into different length arrays. For example, the following will raise Data_Error:

 package IO is new Sequential_IO (String);
 F : IO.File_Type;
 S : String (1..4);
 IO.Create (F)
 IO.Write (F, "hello!")
 IO.Reset (F, Mode=>In_File);
 IO.Read (F, S);
 Put_Line (S);

On some Ada implementations, this will print hell, but the program is clearly incorrect, since there is only one element in the file, and that element is the string hello!.

In Ada 95, this kind of behavior can be legitimately achieved using Stream_IO, and this is the preferred mechanism. In particular, the above program fragment rewritten to use Stream_IO will work correctly.

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8.5 Text_IO

Text_IO files consist of a stream of characters containing the following special control characters:

LF (line feed, 16#0A#) Line Mark
FF (form feed, 16#0C#) Page Mark

A canonical Text_IO file is defined as one in which the following conditions are met:

A file written using Text_IO will be in canonical form provided that no explicit LF or FF characters are written using Put or Put_Line. There will be no FF character at the end of the file unless an explicit New_Page operation was performed before closing the file.

A canonical Text_IO file that is a regular file, i.e. not a device or a pipe, can be read using any of the routines in Text_IO. The semantics in this case will be exactly as defined in the Ada 95 reference manual and all the routines in Text_IO are fully implemented.

A text file that does not meet the requirements for a canonical Text_IO file has one of the following:

Text_IO can be used to read such non-standard text files but subprograms to do with line or page numbers do not have defined meanings. In particular, a FF character that does not follow a LF character may or may not be treated as a page mark from the point of view of page and line numbering. Every LF character is considered to end a line, and there is an implied LF character at the end of the file.

8.5.1 Stream Pointer Positioning  
8.5.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files  
8.5.3 Get_Immediate  
8.5.4 Treating Text_IO Files as Streams  
8.5.5 Text_IO Extensions  
8.5.6 Text_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings  

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8.5.1 Stream Pointer Positioning

Ada.Text_IO has a definition of current position for a file that is being read. No internal buffering occurs in Text_IO, and usually the physical position in the stream used to implement the file corresponds to this logical position defined by Text_IO. There are two exceptions:

These discrepancies have no effect on the observable behavior of Text_IO, but if a single Ada stream is shared between a C program and Ada program, or shared (using `shared=yes' in the form string) between two Ada files, then the difference may be observable in some situations.

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8.5.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files

A non-regular file is a device (such as a keyboard), or a pipe. Text_IO can be used for reading and writing. Writing is not affected and the sequence of characters output is identical to the normal file case, but for reading, the behavior of Text_IO is modified to avoid undesirable look-ahead as follows:

An input file that is not a regular file is considered to have no page marks. Any Ascii.FF characters (the character normally used for a page mark) appearing in the file are considered to be data characters. In particular:

Output to non-regular files is the same as for regular files. Page marks may be written to non-regular files using New_Page, but as noted above they will not be treated as page marks on input if the output is piped to another Ada program.

Another important discrepancy when reading non-regular files is that the end of file indication is not "sticky". If an end of file is entered, e.g. by pressing the EOT key, then end of file is signaled once (i.e. the test End_Of_File will yield True, or a read will raise End_Error), but then reading can resume to read data past that end of file indication, until another end of file indication is entered.

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8.5.3 Get_Immediate

Get_Immediate returns the next character (including control characters) from the input file. In particular, Get_Immediate will return LF or FF characters used as line marks or page marks. Such operations leave the file positioned past the control character, and it is thus not treated as having its normal function. This means that page, line and column counts after this kind of Get_Immediate call are set as though the mark did not occur. In the case where a Get_Immediate leaves the file positioned between the line mark and page mark (which is not normally possible), it is undefined whether the FF character will be treated as a page mark.

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8.5.4 Treating Text_IO Files as Streams

The package Text_IO.Streams allows a Text_IO file to be treated as a stream. Data written to a Text_IO file in this stream mode is binary data. If this binary data contains bytes 16#0A# (LF) or 16#0C# (FF), the resulting file may have non-standard format. Similarly if read operations are used to read from a Text_IO file treated as a stream, then LF and FF characters may be skipped and the effect is similar to that described above for Get_Immediate.

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8.5.5 Text_IO Extensions

A package GNAT.IO_Aux in the GNAT library provides some useful extensions to the standard Text_IO package:

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8.5.6 Text_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings

The package Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO in library files a-suteio.ads/adb contains some GNAT-specific subprograms useful for Text_IO operations on unbounded strings:

In the above procedures, File is of type Ada.Text_IO.File_Type and is optional. If the parameter is omitted, then the standard input or output file is referenced as appropriate.

The package Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Text_IO in library files `a-swuwti.ads' and `a-swuwti.adb' provides similar extended Wide_Text_IO functionality for unbounded wide strings.

The package Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Text_IO in library files `a-szuzti.ads' and `a-szuzti.adb' provides similar extended Wide_Wide_Text_IO functionality for unbounded wide wide strings.

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8.6 Wide_Text_IO

Wide_Text_IO is similar in most respects to Text_IO, except that both input and output files may contain special sequences that represent wide character values. The encoding scheme for a given file may be specified using a FORM parameter:


as part of the FORM string (WCEM = wide character encoding method), where x is one of the following characters

Hex ESC encoding
Upper half encoding
Shift-JIS encoding
EUC Encoding
UTF-8 encoding
Brackets encoding

The encoding methods match those that can be used in a source program, but there is no requirement that the encoding method used for the source program be the same as the encoding method used for files, and different files may use different encoding methods.

The default encoding method for the standard files, and for opened files for which no WCEM parameter is given in the FORM string matches the wide character encoding specified for the main program (the default being brackets encoding if no coding method was specified with -gnatW).

Hex Coding
In this encoding, a wide character is represented by a five character sequence:

ESC a b c d

where a, b, c, d are the four hexadecimal characters (using upper case letters) of the wide character code. For example, ESC A345 is used to represent the wide character with code 16#A345#. This scheme is compatible with use of the full Wide_Character set.

Upper Half Coding
The wide character with encoding 16#abcd#, where the upper bit is on (i.e. a is in the range 8-F) is represented as two bytes 16#ab# and 16#cd#. The second byte may never be a format control character, but is not required to be in the upper half. This method can be also used for shift-JIS or EUC where the internal coding matches the external coding.

Shift JIS Coding
A wide character is represented by a two character sequence 16#ab# and 16#cd#, with the restrictions described for upper half encoding as described above. The internal character code is the corresponding JIS character according to the standard algorithm for Shift-JIS conversion. Only characters defined in the JIS code set table can be used with this encoding method.

EUC Coding
A wide character is represented by a two character sequence 16#ab# and 16#cd#, with both characters being in the upper half. The internal character code is the corresponding JIS character according to the EUC encoding algorithm. Only characters defined in the JIS code set table can be used with this encoding method.

UTF-8 Coding
A wide character is represented using UCS Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) as defined in Annex R of ISO 10646-1/Am.2. Depending on the character value, the representation is a one, two, or three byte sequence:

16#0000#-16#007f#: 2#0xxxxxxx#
16#0080#-16#07ff#: 2#110xxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#
16#0800#-16#ffff#: 2#1110xxxx# 2#10xxxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#

where the xxx bits correspond to the left-padded bits of the 16-bit character value. Note that all lower half ASCII characters are represented as ASCII bytes and all upper half characters and other wide characters are represented as sequences of upper-half (The full UTF-8 scheme allows for encoding 31-bit characters as 6-byte sequences, but in this implementation, all UTF-8 sequences of four or more bytes length will raise a Constraint_Error, as will all invalid UTF-8 sequences.)

Brackets Coding
In this encoding, a wide character is represented by the following eight character sequence:

[ " a b c d " ]

where a, b, c, d are the four hexadecimal characters (using uppercase letters) of the wide character code. For example, ["A345"] is used to represent the wide character with code 16#A345#. This scheme is compatible with use of the full Wide_Character set. On input, brackets coding can also be used for upper half characters, e.g. ["C1"] for lower case a. However, on output, brackets notation is only used for wide characters with a code greater than 16#FF#.

For the coding schemes other than Hex and Brackets encoding, not all wide character values can be represented. An attempt to output a character that cannot be represented using the encoding scheme for the file causes Constraint_Error to be raised. An invalid wide character sequence on input also causes Constraint_Error to be raised.

8.6.1 Stream Pointer Positioning  
8.6.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files  

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8.6.1 Stream Pointer Positioning

Ada.Wide_Text_IO is similar to Ada.Text_IO in its handling of stream pointer positioning (see section 8.5 Text_IO). There is one additional case:

If Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Look_Ahead reads a character outside the normal lower ASCII set (i.e. a character in the range:

Wide_Character'Val (16#0080#) .. Wide_Character'Val (16#FFFF#)

then although the logical position of the file pointer is unchanged by the Look_Ahead call, the stream is physically positioned past the wide character sequence. Again this is to avoid the need for buffering or backup, and all Wide_Text_IO routines check the internal indication that this situation has occurred so that this is not visible to a normal program using Wide_Text_IO. However, this discrepancy can be observed if the wide text file shares a stream with another file.

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8.6.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files

As in the case of Text_IO, when a non-regular file is read, it is assumed that the file contains no page marks (any form characters are treated as data characters), and End_Of_Page always returns False. Similarly, the end of file indication is not sticky, so it is possible to read beyond an end of file.

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8.7 Wide_Wide_Text_IO

Wide_Wide_Text_IO is similar in most respects to Text_IO, except that both input and output files may contain special sequences that represent wide wide character values. The encoding scheme for a given file may be specified using a FORM parameter:


as part of the FORM string (WCEM = wide character encoding method), where x is one of the following characters

Hex ESC encoding
Upper half encoding
Shift-JIS encoding
EUC Encoding
UTF-8 encoding
Brackets encoding

The encoding methods match those that can be used in a source program, but there is no requirement that the encoding method used for the source program be the same as the encoding method used for files, and different files may use different encoding methods.

The default encoding method for the standard files, and for opened files for which no WCEM parameter is given in the FORM string matches the wide character encoding specified for the main program (the default being brackets encoding if no coding method was specified with -gnatW).

UTF-8 Coding
A wide character is represented using UCS Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) as defined in Annex R of ISO 10646-1/Am.2. Depending on the character value, the representation is a one, two, three, or four byte sequence:

16#000000#-16#00007f#: 2#0xxxxxxx#
16#000080#-16#0007ff#: 2#110xxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#
16#000800#-16#00ffff#: 2#1110xxxx# 2#10xxxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#
16#010000#-16#10ffff#: 2#11110xxx# 2#10xxxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#

where the xxx bits correspond to the left-padded bits of the 21-bit character value. Note that all lower half ASCII characters are represented as ASCII bytes and all upper half characters and other wide characters are represented as sequences of upper-half characters.

Brackets Coding
In this encoding, a wide wide character is represented by the following eight character sequence if is in wide character range

[ " a b c d " ]

and by the following ten character sequence if not

[ " a b c d e f " ]

where a, b, c, d, e, and f are the four or six hexadecimal characters (using uppercase letters) of the wide wide character code. For example, ["01A345"] is used to represent the wide wide character with code 16#01A345#.

This scheme is compatible with use of the full Wide_Wide_Character set. On input, brackets coding can also be used for upper half characters, e.g. ["C1"] for lower case a. However, on output, brackets notation is only used for wide characters with a code greater than 16#FF#.

If is also possible to use the other Wide_Character encoding methods, such as Shift-JIS, but the other schemes cannot support the full range of wide wide characters. An attempt to output a character that cannot be represented using the encoding scheme for the file causes Constraint_Error to be raised. An invalid wide character sequence on input also causes Constraint_Error to be raised.

8.7.1 Stream Pointer Positioning  
8.7.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files  

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8.7.1 Stream Pointer Positioning

Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO is similar to Ada.Text_IO in its handling of stream pointer positioning (see section 8.5 Text_IO). There is one additional case:

If Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Look_Ahead reads a character outside the normal lower ASCII set (i.e. a character in the range:

Wide_Wide_Character'Val (16#0080#) .. Wide_Wide_Character'Val (16#10FFFF#)

then although the logical position of the file pointer is unchanged by the Look_Ahead call, the stream is physically positioned past the wide character sequence. Again this is to avoid the need for buffering or backup, and all Wide_Wide_Text_IO routines check the internal indication that this situation has occurred so that this is not visible to a normal program using Wide_Wide_Text_IO. However, this discrepancy can be observed if the wide text file shares a stream with another file.

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8.7.2 Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files

As in the case of Text_IO, when a non-regular file is read, it is assumed that the file contains no page marks (any form characters are treated as data characters), and End_Of_Page always returns False. Similarly, the end of file indication is not sticky, so it is possible to read beyond an end of file.

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8.8 Stream_IO

A stream file is a sequence of bytes, where individual elements are written to the file as described in the Ada 95 reference manual. The type Stream_Element is simply a byte. There are two ways to read or write a stream file.

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8.9 Shared Files

Section A.14 of the Ada 95 Reference Manual allows implementations to provide a wide variety of behavior if an attempt is made to access the same external file with two or more internal files.

To provide a full range of functionality, while at the same time minimizing the problems of portability caused by this implementation dependence, GNAT handles file sharing as follows:

When a program that opens multiple files with the same name is ported from another Ada compiler to GNAT, the effect will be that Use_Error is raised.

The documentation of the original compiler and the documentation of the program should then be examined to determine if file sharing was expected, and `shared=xxx' parameters added to Open and Create calls as required.

When a program is ported from GNAT to some other Ada compiler, no special attention is required unless the `shared=xxx' form parameter is used in the program. In this case, you must examine the documentation of the new compiler to see if it supports the required file sharing semantics, and form strings modified appropriately. Of course it may be the case that the program cannot be ported if the target compiler does not support the required functionality. The best approach in writing portable code is to avoid file sharing (and hence the use of the `shared=xxx' parameter in the form string) completely.

One common use of file sharing in Ada 83 is the use of instantiations of Sequential_IO on the same file with different types, to achieve heterogeneous input-output. Although this approach will work in GNAT if `shared=yes' is specified, it is preferable in Ada 95 to use Stream_IO for this purpose (using the stream attributes)

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8.10 Open Modes

Open and Create calls result in a call to fopen using the mode shown in the following table:

Open and Create Call Modes
                               OPEN            CREATE
Append_File                    "r+"             "w+"
In_File                        "r"              "w+"
Out_File (Direct_IO)           "r+"             "w"
Out_File (all other cases)     "w"              "w"
Inout_File                     "r+"             "w+"

If text file translation is required, then either `b' or `t' is added to the mode, depending on the setting of Text. Text file translation refers to the mapping of CR/LF sequences in an external file to LF characters internally. This mapping only occurs in DOS and DOS-like systems, and is not relevant to other systems.

A special case occurs with Stream_IO. As shown in the above table, the file is initially opened in `r' or `w' mode for the In_File and Out_File cases. If a Set_Mode operation subsequently requires switching from reading to writing or vice-versa, then the file is reopened in `r+' mode to permit the required operation.

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8.11 Operations on C Streams

The package Interfaces.C_Streams provides an Ada program with direct access to the C library functions for operations on C streams:

package Interfaces.C_Streams is
  -- Note: the reason we do not use the types that are in
  -- Interfaces.C is that we want to avoid dragging in the
  -- code in this unit if possible.
  subtype chars is System.Address;
  -- Pointer to null-terminated array of characters
  subtype FILEs is System.Address;
  -- Corresponds to the C type FILE*
  subtype voids is System.Address;
  -- Corresponds to the C type void*
  subtype int is Integer;
  subtype long is Long_Integer;
  -- Note: the above types are subtypes deliberately, and it
  -- is part of this spec that the above correspondences are
  -- guaranteed.  This means that it is legitimate to, for
  -- example, use Integer instead of int.  We provide these
  -- synonyms for clarity, but in some cases it may be
  -- convenient to use the underlying types (for example to
  -- avoid an unnecessary dependency of a spec on the spec
  -- of this unit).
  type size_t is mod 2 ** Standard'Address_Size;
  NULL_Stream : constant FILEs;
  -- Value returned (NULL in C) to indicate an
  -- fdopen/fopen/tmpfile error
  -- Constants Defined in stdio.h --
  EOF : constant int;
  -- Used by a number of routines to indicate error or
  -- end of file
  IOFBF : constant int;
  IOLBF : constant int;
  IONBF : constant int;
  -- Used to indicate buffering mode for setvbuf call
  SEEK_CUR : constant int;
  SEEK_END : constant int;
  SEEK_SET : constant int;
  -- Used to indicate origin for fseek call
  function stdin return FILEs;
  function stdout return FILEs;
  function stderr return FILEs;
  -- Streams associated with standard files
  -- Standard C functions --
  -- The functions selected below are ones that are
  -- available in DOS, OS/2, UNIX and Xenix (but not
  -- necessarily in ANSI C).  These are very thin interfaces
  -- which copy exactly the C headers.  For more
  -- documentation on these functions, see the Microsoft C
  -- "Run-Time Library Reference" (Microsoft Press, 1990,
  -- ISBN 1-55615-225-6), which includes useful information
  -- on system compatibility.
  procedure clearerr (stream : FILEs);
  function fclose (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fdopen (handle : int; mode : chars) return FILEs;
  function feof (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function ferror (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fflush (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fgetc (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fgets (strng : chars; n : int; stream : FILEs)
      return chars;
  function fileno (stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fopen (filename : chars; Mode : chars)
      return FILEs;
  -- Note: to maintain target independence, use
  -- text_translation_required, a boolean variable defined in
  -- a-sysdep.c to deal with the target dependent text
  -- translation requirement.  If this variable is set,
  -- then  b/t should be appended to the standard mode
  -- argument to set the text translation mode off or on
  -- as required.
  function fputc (C : int; stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fputs (Strng : chars; Stream : FILEs) return int;
  function fread
     (buffer : voids;
      size : size_t;
      count : size_t;
      stream : FILEs)
      return size_t;
  function freopen
     (filename : chars;
      mode : chars;
      stream : FILEs)
      return FILEs;
  function fseek
     (stream : FILEs;
      offset : long;
      origin : int)
      return int;
  function ftell (stream : FILEs) return long;
  function fwrite
     (buffer : voids;
      size : size_t;
      count : size_t;
      stream : FILEs)
      return size_t;
  function isatty (handle : int) return int;
  procedure mktemp (template : chars);
  -- The return value (which is just a pointer to template)
  -- is discarded
  procedure rewind (stream : FILEs);
  function rmtmp return int;
  function setvbuf
     (stream : FILEs;
      buffer : chars;
      mode : int;
      size : size_t)
      return int;

  function tmpfile return FILEs;
  function ungetc (c : int; stream : FILEs) return int;
  function unlink (filename : chars) return int;
  -- Extra functions --
  -- These functions supply slightly thicker bindings than
  -- those above.  They are derived from functions in the
  -- C Run-Time Library, but may do a bit more work than
  -- just directly calling one of the Library functions.
  function is_regular_file (handle : int) return int;
  -- Tests if given handle is for a regular file (result 1)
  -- or for a non-regular file (pipe or device, result 0).
  -- Control of Text/Binary Mode --
  -- If text_translation_required is true, then the following
  -- functions may be used to dynamically switch a file from
  -- binary to text mode or vice versa.  These functions have
  -- no effect if text_translation_required is false (i.e.  in
  -- normal UNIX mode).  Use fileno to get a stream handle.
  procedure set_binary_mode (handle : int);
  procedure set_text_mode (handle : int);
  -- Full Path Name support --
  procedure full_name (nam : chars; buffer : chars);
  -- Given a NUL terminated string representing a file
  -- name, returns in buffer a NUL terminated string
  -- representing the full path name for the file name.
  -- On systems where it is relevant the   drive is also
  -- part of the full path name.  It is the responsibility
  -- of the caller to pass an actual parameter for buffer
  -- that is big enough for any full path name.  Use
  -- max_path_len given below as the size of buffer.
  max_path_len : integer;
  -- Maximum length of an allowable full path name on the
  -- system, including a terminating NUL character.
end Interfaces.C_Streams;

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8.12 Interfacing to C Streams

The packages in this section permit interfacing Ada files to C Stream operations.

 with Interfaces.C_Streams;
 package Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams is
    function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
       return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
    procedure Open
      (File : in out File_Type;
       Mode : in File_Mode;
       C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
       Form : in String := "");
 end Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams;

  with Interfaces.C_Streams;
  package Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams is
     function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
        return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
     procedure Open
       (File : in out File_Type;
        Mode : in File_Mode;
        C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
        Form : in String := "");
  end Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams;

  with Interfaces.C_Streams;
  package Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams is
     function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
        return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
     procedure Open
       (File : in out File_Type;
        Mode : in File_Mode;
        C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
        Form : in String := "");
  end Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams;

  with Interfaces.C_Streams;
  package Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams is
     function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
        return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
     procedure Open
       (File : in out File_Type;
        Mode : in File_Mode;
        C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
        Form : in String := "");
 end Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams;

  with Interfaces.C_Streams;
  package Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams is
     function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
        return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
     procedure Open
       (File : in out File_Type;
        Mode : in File_Mode;
        C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
        Form : in String := "");
 end Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams;

 with Interfaces.C_Streams;
 package Ada.Stream_IO.C_Streams is
    function C_Stream (F : File_Type)
       return Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
    procedure Open
      (File : in out File_Type;
       Mode : in File_Mode;
       C_Stream : in Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
       Form : in String := "");
 end Ada.Stream_IO.C_Streams;

In each of these six packages, the C_Stream function obtains the FILE pointer from a currently opened Ada file. It is then possible to use the Interfaces.C_Streams package to operate on this stream, or the stream can be passed to a C program which can operate on it directly. Of course the program is responsible for ensuring that only appropriate sequences of operations are executed.

One particular use of relevance to an Ada program is that the setvbuf function can be used to control the buffering of the stream used by an Ada file. In the absence of such a call the standard default buffering is used.

The Open procedures in these packages open a file giving an existing C Stream instead of a file name. Typically this stream is imported from a C program, allowing an Ada file to operate on an existing C file.

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