| Index Entry | Section |
D | | |
| Debug | Pragma Debug |
| Debug pools | 9.37 GNAT.Debug_Pools (`g-debpoo.ads') |
| Debugging | 9.37 GNAT.Debug_Pools (`g-debpoo.ads') |
| Debugging | 9.38 GNAT.Debug_Utilities (`g-debuti.ads') |
| Debugging | 9.43 GNAT.Exception_Traces (`g-exctra.ads') |
| debugging with Initialize_Scalars | Pragma Initialize_Scalars |
| Dec Ada 83 | Pragma Extend_System |
| Dec Ada 83 casing compatibility | Pragma External_Name_Casing |
| Decimal radix support | F(7): COBOL Support |
| Default_Bit_Order | Default_Bit_Order |
| Deferring aborts | Pragma Abort_Defer |
| Detect_Blocking | Pragma Detect_Blocking |
| Directory operations | 9.39 GNAT.Directory_Operations (g-dirope.ads) |
| Discriminants, testing for | Has_Discriminants |
| Distribution Systems Annex | 12.3 GNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages |
| Dump Memory | 9.55 GNAT.Memory_Dump (`g-memdum.ads') |
| Duration'Small | 3.6.2(11): Multidimensional Arrays |
E | | |
| Elab_Body | Elab_Body |
| Elab_Spec | Elab_Spec |
| Elaborated | Elaborated |
| Elaboration control | Pragma Elaboration_Checks |
| Elaboration_Checks | Pragma Elaboration_Checks |
| Eliminate | Pragma Eliminate |
| Elimination of unused subprograms | Pragma Eliminate |
| Emax | Emax |
| Enclosing_Entity | 5.2 Enclosing_Entity |
| Entry queuing policies | D.3(17): Locking Policies |
| Enum_Rep | Enum_Rep |
| Enumeration representation clauses | 13.3(71-73): Component Size Clauses |
| Enumeration values | 3.5.4(29): Integer Types |
| Environment entries | 9.7 Ada.Command_Line.Environment (`a-colien.ads') |
| Epsilon | Epsilon |
| Error detection | 3. Implementation Advice |
| Exception actions | 9.42 GNAT.Exception_Actions (`g-excact.ads') |
| Exception information | 10.2.1(12): Consistent Representation |
| Exception retrieval | 9.36 GNAT.Current_Exception (`g-curexc.ads') |
| Exception traces | 9.43 GNAT.Exception_Traces (`g-exctra.ads') |
| Exception, obtaining most recent | 9.56 GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception (`g-moreex.ads') |
| Exception_Information' | 5.3 Exception_Information |
| Exception_Message | 5.4 Exception_Message |
| Exception_Name | 5.5 Exception_Name |
| Exceptions, Pure | 9.44 GNAT.Exceptions (`g-expect.ads') |
| Export | A.10.7(23): Get_Immediate |
| Export | 6.14 Address Clauses |
| Export_Exception | Pragma Export_Exception |
| Export_Function | Pragma Export_Function |
| Export_Object | Pragma Export_Object |
| Export_Procedure | Pragma Export_Procedure |
| Export_Value | Pragma Export_Value |
| Export_Valued_Procedure | Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure |
| Extend_System | Pragma Extend_System |
| External | Pragma External |
| External Names, casing | Pragma External_Name_Casing |
| External_Name_Casing | Pragma External_Name_Casing |
F | | |
| File | 5.6 File |
| File locking | 9.53 GNAT.Lock_Files (`g-locfil.ads') |
| Finalize_Storage_Only | Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only |
| Fixed_Value | Fixed_Value |
| Float types | 3.5.5(8): Enumeration Values |
| Float_Representation | Pragma Float_Representation |
| Floating-Point Processor | 9.46 GNAT.Float_Control (`g-flocon.ads') |
| Foreign threads | 9.78 GNAT.Threads (`g-thread.ads') |
| Forking a new process | 12.2.1 Mapping Ada Tasks onto the Underlying Kernel Threads |
| Fortran, interfacing with | B.4(95-98): Interfacing with COBOL |
| Free Documentation License, GNU | A. GNU Free Documentation License |
G | | |
| Get_Immediate | A.5.2(46-47): Random Number Generation |
| Get_Immediate, VxWorks | 9.92 Interfaces.VxWorks.IO (`i-vxwoio.ads') |
| GNAT.Array_Split (`g-arrspl.ads') | 9.19 GNAT.Array_Split (`g-arrspl.ads') |
| GNAT.AWK (`g-awk.ads') | 9.20 GNAT.AWK (`g-awk.ads') |
| GNAT.Bounded_Buffers (`g-boubuf.ads') | 9.21 GNAT.Bounded_Buffers (`g-boubuf.ads') |
| GNAT.Bounded_Mailboxes (`g-boumai.ads') | 9.22 GNAT.Bounded_Mailboxes (`g-boumai.ads') |
| GNAT.Bubble_Sort (`g-bubsor.ads') | 9.23 GNAT.Bubble_Sort (`g-bubsor.ads') |
| GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A (`g-busora.ads') | 9.24 GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A (`g-busora.ads') |
| GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G (`g-busorg.ads') | 9.25 GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G (`g-busorg.ads') |
| GNAT.Calendar (`g-calend.ads') | 9.26 GNAT.Calendar (`g-calend.ads') |
| GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO (`g-catiio.ads') | 9.27 GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO (`g-catiio.ads') |
| GNAT.Case_Util (`g-casuti.ads') | 9.29 GNAT.Case_Util (`g-casuti.ads') |
| GNAT.CGI (`g-cgi.ads') | 9.30 GNAT.CGI (`g-cgi.ads') |
| GNAT.CGI.Cookie (`g-cgicoo.ads') | 9.31 GNAT.CGI.Cookie (`g-cgicoo.ads') |
| GNAT.CGI.Debug (`g-cgideb.ads') | 9.32 GNAT.CGI.Debug (`g-cgideb.ads') |
| GNAT.Command_Line (`g-comlin.ads') | 9.33 GNAT.Command_Line (`g-comlin.ads') |
| GNAT.Compiler_Version (`g-comver.ads') | 9.34 GNAT.Compiler_Version (`g-comver.ads') |
| GNAT.CRC32 (`g-crc32.ads') | 9.28 GNAT.CRC32 (`g-crc32.ads') |
| GNAT.Ctrl_C (`g-ctrl_c.ads') | 9.35 GNAT.Ctrl_C (`g-ctrl_c.ads') |
| GNAT.Current_Exception (`g-curexc.ads') | 9.36 GNAT.Current_Exception (`g-curexc.ads') |
| GNAT.Debug_Pools (`g-debpoo.ads') | 9.37 GNAT.Debug_Pools (`g-debpoo.ads') |
| GNAT.Debug_Utilities (`g-debuti.ads') | 9.38 GNAT.Debug_Utilities (`g-debuti.ads') |
| GNAT.Directory_Operations (g-dirope.ads) | 9.39 GNAT.Directory_Operations (g-dirope.ads) |
| GNAT.Dynamic_HTables (`g-dynhta.ads') | 9.40 GNAT.Dynamic_HTables (`g-dynhta.ads') |
| GNAT.Dynamic_Tables (`g-dyntab.ads') | 9.41 GNAT.Dynamic_Tables (`g-dyntab.ads') |
| GNAT.Exception_Actions (`g-excact.ads') | 9.42 GNAT.Exception_Actions (`g-excact.ads') |
| GNAT.Exception_Traces (`g-exctra.ads') | 9.43 GNAT.Exception_Traces (`g-exctra.ads') |
| GNAT.Exceptions (`g-expect.ads') | 9.44 GNAT.Exceptions (`g-expect.ads') |
| GNAT.Expect (`g-expect.ads') | 9.45 GNAT.Expect (`g-expect.ads') |
| GNAT.Float_Control (`g-flocon.ads') | 9.46 GNAT.Float_Control (`g-flocon.ads') |
| GNAT.Heap_Sort (`g-heasor.ads') | 9.47 GNAT.Heap_Sort (`g-heasor.ads') |
| GNAT.Heap_Sort_A (`g-hesora.ads') | 9.48 GNAT.Heap_Sort_A (`g-hesora.ads') |
| GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (`g-hesorg.ads') | 9.49 GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (`g-hesorg.ads') |
| GNAT.HTable (`g-htable.ads') | 9.50 GNAT.HTable (`g-htable.ads') |
| GNAT.IO (`g-io.ads') | 9.51 GNAT.IO (`g-io.ads') |
| GNAT.IO_Aux (`g-io_aux.ads') | 9.52 GNAT.IO_Aux (`g-io_aux.ads') |
| GNAT.Lock_Files (`g-locfil.ads') | 9.53 GNAT.Lock_Files (`g-locfil.ads') |
| GNAT.MD5 (`g-md5.ads') | 9.54 GNAT.MD5 (`g-md5.ads') |
| GNAT.Memory_Dump (`g-memdum.ads') | 9.55 GNAT.Memory_Dump (`g-memdum.ads') |
| GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception (`g-moreex.ads') | 9.56 GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception (`g-moreex.ads') |
| GNAT.OS_Lib (`g-os_lib.ads') | 9.57 GNAT.OS_Lib (`g-os_lib.ads') |
| GNAT.Perfect_Hash_Generators (`g-pehage.ads') | 9.58 GNAT.Perfect_Hash_Generators (`g-pehage.ads') |
| GNAT.Regexp (`g-regexp.ads') | 9.59 GNAT.Regexp (`g-regexp.ads') |
| GNAT.Registry (`g-regist.ads') | 9.60 GNAT.Registry (`g-regist.ads') |
| GNAT.Regpat (`g-regpat.ads') | 9.61 GNAT.Regpat (`g-regpat.ads') |
| GNAT.Secondary_Stack_Info (`g-sestin.ads') | 9.62 GNAT.Secondary_Stack_Info (`g-sestin.ads') |
| GNAT.Semaphores (`g-semaph.ads') | 9.63 GNAT.Semaphores (`g-semaph.ads') |
| GNAT.Signals (`g-signal.ads') | 9.64 GNAT.Signals (`g-signal.ads') |
| GNAT.Sockets (`g-socket.ads') | 9.65 GNAT.Sockets (`g-socket.ads') |
| GNAT.Source_Info (`g-souinf.ads') | 9.66 GNAT.Source_Info (`g-souinf.ads') |
| GNAT.Spell_Checker (`g-speche.ads') | 9.67 GNAT.Spell_Checker (`g-speche.ads') |
| GNAT.Spitbol (`g-spitbo.ads') | 9.69 GNAT.Spitbol (`g-spitbo.ads') |
| GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns (`g-spipat.ads') | 9.68 GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns (`g-spipat.ads') |
| GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean (`g-sptabo.ads') | 9.70 GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean (`g-sptabo.ads') |
| GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer (`g-sptain.ads') | 9.71 GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer (`g-sptain.ads') |
| GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString (`g-sptavs.ads') | 9.72 GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString (`g-sptavs.ads') |
| GNAT.String_Split (`g-strspl.ads') | 9.74 GNAT.String_Split (`g-strspl.ads') |
| GNAT.Strings (`g-string.ads') | 9.73 GNAT.Strings (`g-string.ads') |
| GNAT.Table (`g-table.ads') | 9.76 GNAT.Table (`g-table.ads') |
| GNAT.Task_Lock (`g-tasloc.ads') | 9.77 GNAT.Task_Lock (`g-tasloc.ads') |
| GNAT.Threads (`g-thread.ads') | 9.78 GNAT.Threads (`g-thread.ads') |
| GNAT.Traceback (`g-traceb.ads') | 9.79 GNAT.Traceback (`g-traceb.ads') |
| GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic (`g-trasym.ads') | 9.80 GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic (`g-trasym.ads') |
| GNAT.UTF_32 (`g-table.ads') | 9.75 GNAT.UTF_32 (`g-table.ads') |
| GNAT.Wide_String_Split (`g-wistsp.ads') | 9.81 GNAT.Wide_String_Split (`g-wistsp.ads') |
| GNAT.Wide_Wide_String_Split (`g-zistsp.ads') | 9.82 GNAT.Wide_Wide_String_Split (`g-zistsp.ads') |
| GNU Free Documentation License | A. GNU Free Documentation License |