CDA3101: Computer Organization II
Instructor: | Zhi Wang |
Email: | zwang at cs dot fsu dot edu (preferred way to communicate) |
Office: | 172 LOVE Bldg |
Phone: | (850) 645-0476 |
Class Meeting: | CAR 101; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; 10:10AM - 11:00AM |
Office Hour: | Monday 1:30PM - 3:30PM, or by appointment |
TA: | Yuchuan Tao, Office hours: TBA |
Required Textbook: | David Patterson and John Hennessy Computer Organization and Design: The Hard- ware/Software Interface. Fifth Edition. (the MIPS edition) Elsevier, 5th edition, 2013 |
Lecture/Reading | Topic | Slides |
Lecture 1 | Introduction | slides 1 |
Lecture 2 | Assembly | slides 2 |
Lecture 3 | Translation | slides 3 |
Lecture 4 | Logic Design | slides 4 |
Lecture 5 | Single-Cycle Datapath and Control | slides 5 |
Lecture 6 | Multi-Cycle Datapath and Control | slides 6 |
Lecture 7 | Pipelining | slides 7 |
Lecture 8 | Pipelining: Datapath and Control | slides 8 |
Lecture 9 | Pipeline Hazards | slides 9 |
Lecture 10 | Pipelining: Advanced ILP | slides 10 |
Lecture 11 | Memory Hierarchy | slides 11 |
Lecture 12 | Virtual Memory | slides 12 |
The schedule is tentative and subject to change with announcements in class. Please check back at least once a weekly.
Homework will be posted on the canvas. Please check the canvas regularly.
Projects will be posted on the canvas. Please check the canvas regularly.
Books: | Kernighan, Ritchie, The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) |
Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the UNIX Operating System (1st Edition) | |
Links: | A 30 Year Retrospective on Dennard's MOSFET Scaling Paper |
ANSI C Reference Sheet | |
SIMD Basics | |
MIPS-32 Reference Page | |
RISC-V: The Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture | |
AnandTech | |
WikiChip |
The course's syllabus can be found here.