Project 4: Self Organizing Binary Search Tree
Due: 11/10/2023
Educational Objectives:
Understanding and developing a self organizing binary search tree data structure,
practicing tree traversal algorithms, practicing recursive algorithms, and
analyzing of algorithm complexity.
Statement of Work:
Implement a class template for a generic self organizing binary search tree,
which supports element
insertion, deletion, search (and self-restructuring), and in-order and
level-order traversals. Analyze the time complexity of one of the member
Project Requirements:
In this project, you will develop a class template for a generic self organizing binary
search tree. The self organizing binary search tree can restructure itself
based on the search frequency of the data in the tree. In particular, a
threshold value is maintained by the tree and a search count is maintained in
each node of the tree. The search count in a node is increased by 1 each time the data
in the node is searched. When the search count
reaches the threshold, the corresponding node will move up in the tree by one
level, which is achieved by a single rotation: rotate the position of the
current node with its parent node. Let t denote the node
whose search count reaches the threshold, and let p denote the parent node.
Let us also assume that t is the left child of p. Then the rotation
occurs as follows: 1) node t will occupy the position of p (that is, the parent
of p will point to t instead of p); 2) the right child of node t becomes the
left child of p; and 3) node p becomes the right child of node t. Note that this is
the single rotation in AVL tree that we discussed in class. The following
figure shows the single rotation (the node with data 40 reaches the search count).
The case that t is the right child of the
parent node p is analogous to the one we just discussed: 1) node t will occupy
the position of p (that is, the parent of p will point to t instead of p); 2)
the left child of node t becomes the right child of p; and 3) node p becomes the
left child of node t.
After the single rotation, the search count of node t is re-set to 0. When a node
is already at the root (top) of the tree, no rotation should be performed even
if the search count reaches the threshold. For this case, you also need
to re-set the search count to 0.
Name your self organizing binary search tree class template as "BST". Your BST must have a
nested structure named "BSTNode" to contain the node related
information (including, e.g., element, the search count, and pointers to children
nodes). In addition, BST must at least support the following interfaces (in the
following T is the abstract type of the elements stored in a node in BST).
Public interfaces
- BST(int th=default_threshold_value): constructor. Parameter th
specifies the value for the single-rotation threshold. The default value default_threshold_value should be 1.
- BST(const string input, int th=default_threshold_value):
constructor. The first parameter is a string containing the values (separated by
spaces) to be inserted into the BST. An example could be string "1 23 34 30" for
an integer-valued BST, which indicates to insert integers 1, 23, 34, and 30 into
the tree in that order. The second parameter specifies the value for the
single-rotation threshold. The default value default_threshold_value should be 1.
- BST(const BST&): copy constructor.
You need to copy both the element and the corresponding search count in each
- BST(BST&&): move constructor.
- ~BST(): destructor.
- void buildFromInputString(const string input): parameter
"input" is string containing the values to be inserted to the tree (separated by
spaces), as we have discussed above. The tree should be
built based on the input string. If the tree contains nodes before the function
is called, you need to first delete all the existing nodes.
- const BST & operator= (const BST &): copy assignment operator.
You need to copy both the element and the corresponding search count in each
- const BST & operator=(BST &&): move assignment
- bool empty(): return true if the tree is empty. Return false otherwise.
The following public functions will call the corresponding
private versions of the functions to perform certain tasks:
- void printInOrder() const: print out the elements in the tree in the
in-order traversal.
- void printLevelOrder() const: print out
the elements in the tree in the level-order traversal.
- int numOfNodes() const: return the number of nodes in the tree.
int height() const: return the height of the tree.
makeEmpty(): delete all nodes from the tree (make the tree empty)
void insert(const T& v): insert v into the tree.
void insert(T &&v): insert v into the tree (move instead of
- void remove(const T& v): delete value v from the tree.
bool contains(const T& v): search to determine if v is the
Private interfaces. 1) All the required private member functions must be implemented recursively
except the function printLevelOrder(BSTNode *t).
2) No static variables or global variables can be used in implementing these
recursive functions (zero point for the corresponding function if it uses
static or global variables). 3) For some of the private member functions, we
intentionally leave out the parameters. You need to decide if you need to
have additional parameters
for each such private member functions.
- void printInOrder(BSTNode *t) const: print the elements in the
subtree rooted at t in the in-order traversal.
- void printLevelOrder(BSTNode *t) const: print the elements in the
subtree rooted at t in the level-order traversal.
- void makeEmpty(BSTNode* &t): delete all nodes in the subtree
rooted at t. Called by functions such as the destructor.
- void insert(const T& v, BSTNode *&t): insert v into the subtree rooted at t. No duplicated elements are allowed.
If value v is already in the subtree, this function does nothing. Initialize the search
count to 0 for the newly added node.
- void insert(T&& v, BSTNode *&t): insert v into the subtree rooted at t
(move instead of copy). No duplicated elements are allowed.
If value v is already in the subtree, this function does nothing. Initialize the search
count to 0 for the newly added node.
- void remove(const T& v, BSTNode
*&t): remove value v from the subtree rooted at t (if it is in the
subtree). If the node x containing v has two child nodes, replace the value
of node x with the smallest value in the right subtree of the node x.
- bool contains(const T& v, BSTNode *&t, ...other
parameters if necessary...): return true if v is in the subtree
rooted at t; otherwise, return false. Note that the search count of the
corresponding node containing v should be increased by 1. If search count
reaches the threshold, perform the single rotation discussed above. Reset
search count to 0. If the node containing the value v is already the root of
the tree, do not rotate (but you do need to reset the search count to 0). Note
that you can add other parameters if necessary. You may or may need to add
additional parameters depending on your design and implementation of BST.
- int
numOfNodes(BSTNode *t) const: return the number of nodes in the
subtree rooted at t.
- int height(BSTNode *t) const:
return the height of the subtree rooted at t. Recall that the height of a
tree is the number of the links along the longest path from the root to any
of the leaf nodes. The height is an empty tree is -1.
- BSTNode * clone(BSTNode *t) const: clone all nodes in
the subtree rooted at t. Called by functions such as the assignment
operator=. Note that you also need to copy the search count in the original node
to the corresponding cloned node.
Other Requirements:
- Analyze the worst-case time complexity of the private member function
height(BSTNode *t) of the binary search tree. Give the
complexity in the form of Big-O. Your analysis
must be clearly understandable by others. Name the file containing the
complexity analysis as "analysis.txt".
- You can use any C++/STL containers and algorithms
- If you need to use any containers, you must use the ones provided in
C++/STL. You cannot use the ones you developed in the previous projects.
Provided Code
tar file contains the following files:
- proj4_driver.cpp: the driver program to test your implementation of the self
organizing binary search tree.
- proj4.x: executable code (compiled on
- proj4.input: sample input file. You can redirect the standard input of
proj4.x to this file ('./proj4.x < proj4.input'), or you can just type line by line when the program asks
for input.
Deliverable Requirements
Turn in the tar file containing all c++ header files, source files, makefile,
and analysis.txt on Canvas.
- Typing 'make' in the subdirectory containing your submitted files
should produce the executable proj4.x on linprog.
If the program or makefile has any kind of (compiling) errors, no more than 10 points will be awarded.
- proj4.x is successfully produced (15 points).
- Pass all cases in the provided files (35 points)
- Pass all cases in another testing program and input file (not provided) (15 points)
- Implementation of 18 public functions, which may call private functions (30 points)
- 2 points each for buildFromInputString, printInOrder, printLevelOrder, numOfNodes, height,
insert, remove, and default constructor(16 points)
- contains (5 points)
- 1 point each for all other public functions (9 points)
- Complexity analysis. 2 points for the big O form. 3 points
for explanation (5 points)
- You should thoroughly test your program in addition to
the simple sample input file proj4.input. We will test your program using other
test files in addition to proj4.input file.