Key networking concepts, part 1
Key networking concepts, part 2
[Chien94]: Software Overhead in Messaging Layers, Pitch's powerpoint slide
Some papers on deadlock free routing, Wickus and Beech's slide
Internet Routing and BGP (Philip Smith's BGP Tutorial)
BGP routing instability papers
Michael's slides on BGP routing instability
Daniel's slides on BGP route convergence
Fernando's slides on BGP convergence
Pitch's slides on BGP route convergence
Thursday's class is cancelled
Interconnection, Peering, and Settlements, Ahmad's slides
Z. Duan, X. Yuan, and J. Chandrashekar, "Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters to Control IP Spoofing Based on BGP Updates." IEEE INFOCOM, Barcelona, Spain, April 23-29, 2006., Slides.
P. Patarasu, A. Faraj, and X. Yuan, "Pipelined Broadcast on Ethernet Switched Clusters." The 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Rhodes Island, Greece, April 25-29, 2006. Slide