COP 4530 - Notes and Resources
Lecture notes from COP 3330 -- pre-requisite course
-- (use as needed for review)
COP 4530 Lecture Notes / Outlines
Math Review
Some review topics (COP 3330)
Template functions and classes
Intro to Data Structures
From Course textbook material -- review topics with some C++11 features added in
Ch.1 -- Basic C++ review topics
Ch. 1 -- C++ template review topics
References, parameters, returns
- (with some new C++11 features)
Intro to Iterators
Functors (Function Objects)
Ch. 2 -- Algorithm Analysis
Maximum Subsequence algorithms
Ch 3. ADTs, Iterators, Sequence containers
ADTs, Iterators, Vector
Vector class code (from Ch 3)
Linked List
Ch 4. Trees
Trees - Part 1
Trees - Binary Trees
Trees - Binary Search Trees
Trees - AVL Trees, B trees
Ch 5. Hashing / Hash tables
Hash Functions
Hash Tables
Ch 6. Priority Queues / Heaps
Priority Queues / Heaps
(Note: Test 2 goes up through Chapter 6)
Ch 7. Sorting
Sorting Algorithms
Heapsort, Mergesort, and Quicksort
Sort Visualizer
-- Here is a very cool web site that helps you visualize various sort algorithms as they run!
Ch 9. Graph Algorithms