
The slide illustrates a straw-man first attempt at implementing singleton using static methods and data. Here is an elaboration:

class Font { ... };
class PrintPort { ... };
class PrintJob { ... };

class MyOnlyPrinter
  static void AddPrintJob(PrintJob& newJob)
    if (printQueue_.empty() && printPort_.available())
  static std::queue<PrintJob> printQueue_;
  static PrintPort printPort_;
  static Font defaultFont_;

// client code:
PrintJob somePrintJob("MyDoc.txt");

There are two basic problems with this approach. First: it is difficult to change behavior because static functions cannot be virtual, so a singleton cannot be polymorphic.

Second: initialization and cleanup are not well supported. For example, initializing a MyOnlyPrinter object might need to set the default font depending on the speed of the port.

Basic C++ Idiom


  1. Static initialization of pInstance_ is performed prior to any execution
  2. Instance of object created (only) on first use
  3. Singleton operations can be virtual
  4. Private constructor prevents client code (but not member functions) from creating Singleton
  5. Private destructor prevents client from destroying Singleton

While static initialization is performed prior to any execution of code, the order in which initialization is done for static items in different translation units is not specified by the standard.

Enforcing Uniqueness


  1. Private copy constructor prevents implicit copy
  2. Private assignment operator prevents explicit copy
  3. Copy constructor, assignment not implemented, prevents all use
  4. Return reference instead of pointer further discourages attempts to delete
  5. Private address-of operator prevents converting object to a pointer in application program

Destroying the Singleton

The Myers singleton (invented by Scott Myers) uses local static variable. This is initialized when control flow first passes through its definition, and it is registered for destruction during normal program termination. Sample code is shown in the slide. The following "compiler pseudocode" illustrates how variable is handled by runtime system:

Singleton& Instance()
  // functions generated by compiler
  extern void __ConstructSingleton(void* memory);
  extern void DestroySingleton();
  // variables constructed by compiler
  static bool __initialized = false;
  static char __object[sizeof(Singleton)]; // holds singleton - aligned
  // code
  if (!__initialized)
    __initialzzed = true;
  return *reinterpret_cast<Singleton*>(__object);

The atexit function is in the standard C library. It can be called to register a function to be automatically called during program exit. The signature of atexit is:

int atexit ( void (*pFun)() );

A call to atexit pushes the parameter onto a stack maintained by the runtime system. During program exit, these are called and popped off this stack. Hence the registered items are called in LIFO order of registration.

The Dead Reference Problem

The dead reference problem is illustrated by the keyboard-display-log interaction: keyboard and display are created; at some later time a first error is logged, which creates the log; then an error during detsruction of the keyboard attempts to access the log, which has already been destroyed. There is no systematic way around this problem when multiple Singletons interact.

The slide shows a compact version of this embellishment of the Meyers singleton that at least detects a dead reference:

// Singleton.h
class Singleton
  static Singleton& Instance()
    if (!pInstance)
      if (destroyed)  // check for dead reference
      else            // create on first call
    return *pInstance_;

  virtual ~Singleton()
    pInstancce_ = 0;
    destroyed_ = true;

  static void Create()
    static Singleton theInstance;
    pInstance_ = &theInstance;

  static void OnDeadReference()
    throw std::runtime_error("Dead Reference Detected");

  // variables
  static Singleton* pInstance_;
  static bool       destroyed_;

  // disabled - do not implement
  Singleton(const Singleton&)
  Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&);

// Singleton.cpp
Singleton * Singleton::pInstance_ = 0;
bool        Singleton::destroyed_ = false;

As the application exits, the singleton destructor is called, which sets pInstance_ to zero and destroyed_ to true. If a longer-living object attempts to access the singleton after it is destroyed, control flow reaches OnDeadReference which throws a runtime_error exception. Note that the destructor is changed to have public access so that the runtime system can make the call.

The Phoenix Singleton

If we want a singleton to be available after its automatic destruction during program termination, one approach is to resurrect it. For the KDL problem above, we would make keyboard and display regular singletons and the error log a phoenix singleton.

The phoenix singleton rises from the ashes of the destroyed original. When a dead reference is detected, a new one is created on the footprint of the old. The new version must schedule its destruction by hand, done with a call to atexit.

Example code for phoenix singleton is given in the slide, as a modification of Singleton. The changes consist of adding KillPhoenixSingleton() and modifying OnDeadReference().

Problems with atexit

The standard does not specify what happens when a function is registered during a call made as a result of a previously registered function, as in the call to OnDeadReference() in a phoenix singleton. This is an omission in the C and C++ standards which will likely be corrected, but for now compilers differ on how they handle this situation. The loki library uses macros to force destruction when ATEXIT_FIXED is defined, as in the following fragment:

class PhoenixSingleton
  static void OnDeadReference()
    destroyedOnce_ = true;
  static bool destroyedOnce_;
template <class T> bool PhoenixSingleton<T>::destroyedOnce_ = false;

The design is obviously somewhat different from our example, due largely to the use of policy-based design template parameters, but the basic principles are followed. The complete loki header file is included at the end of this chapter.

Singletons with Longevity

The idea is to create a LifeTimeTracker object that maintains a priority queue of items to register, prioritized by longevity and keeping items with the same priority in LIFO order in which SetLongivity is called. The LifeTimeTracker destructor then registers with atexit the items in order determined by the priority queue.

In order to avoid the ambiguity created by automatic registration of the destructor, the LifeTimeTracker object must be created on the first call to SetLongevity and destroyed dynamically just prior to program termination. All of this is behind the scenes of a client call to SetLongevity. Clearly, one should: Use with Caution!


In a multithreaded world, we need to avoid possible duplication of the call pInstance = new Singleton. One obvious solution:

Singleton& Singleton::Instance()
  // assumes mutex object mutex_
  // Lock objects manage the mutex
  Lock myGuard(mutex_);       // performance penalty, mostly wasted
  if (!pInstance_)
    pInstance_ = new Singleton;
  return *pInstance_;

This has an undesirable performance penalty, creating a lock object on all calls when it would be needed only in rare cases. A faulty fix would be:

Singleton& Singleton::Instance()
  if (!pInstance_)            // check
  {                           // twilight zone
    Lock myGuard(mutex_);     // too late: maybe another thread has created *pInstance_
    pInstance_ = new Singleton;
  return *pInstance_;

Here, another thread might execute after the check but before the lock: twilight zone. The double-checked locking pattern provides a correct and efficient solution:

Singleton& Singleton::Instance()
  if (!pInstance_)           // 1 first check
  {                          // 2 twilight zone
    Lock myGuard(mutex_);    // 3 no more twilight
    if (!pInstance_)         // 4 second check
      pInstance_ = new Singleton;
  return *pInstance_;

Now, we avoid creating a lock object until the first check has revealed the need for creating a new instance. Then we lock, and perform a second check. This may pass or fail, depending on whether another thread has created a new object or not. Either way, we are safe. If the check fails again, we need to proceed with the lock and new instance creation, otherwise the need has been fulfilled.


The previous discussions show that there are many choices to make as well as certain policies that should be universal. The choices can be decomposed into orthogonal policies (passed as template parameters) with a stock collection of choices available as well as user-supplied policies.

SingletonHolder Template

The slide shows the SingletonHolder template class with template parameters representing the policies discussed earlier. The first template parameter T is the type of the singleton object to be created. SingletonHolder is a container class that wraps a type T object in the Singletoin design pattern, with policies selected using the other three template parameters. A singleton would be declared by a client program as follows:

Assumptions on the class T:

The class T needs to follow the standard C++ idiom for Singleton, enumerated in the slide.

Example Use: The KDL problem solved

The slide shows how the KDL solution could be implemented. First the three client classes should be implemented, with the protective assumptions and friendship with class CreateUsingNew. Then the singleton types are defined using typedef statements. The second argument CreateUsingNew is a default value but must be given explicitly because the third argument is also given explicitly. Then Keyboard, Display, and Log objects can be created in any order in the application, yet Log will outlive the others if it is created.

Predefined Policies

The predefined policies in loki represent all of the viable options discussed in this chapter.

User Defined Policies

The slide illustrates a simple modification of a stock policy easily implemented by a client program.

Under The Hood

Instance is the unique public member function in SingletonHolder. Instance ties the three policies together.

ThreadingModel exposes an inner class Lock. For the lifetime of a Lock object, all other threads trying to create objects of type Lock will block.

DestroySingleton destroys the Singleton object and sets destroyed_ to true. SingleHolder does not call DestroySingleton, rather it passes its address to LifetimePolicy<T>::ScheduleDestruction which in turn registers a call to be made at the appropriate time (as determined by LifetimePolicy).


// The Loki Library
// Copyright (c) 2001 by Andrei Alexandrescu
// This code accompanies the book:
// Alexandrescu, Andrei. "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design 
//     Patterns Applied". Copyright (c) 2001. Addison-Wesley.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any 
//     purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright 
//     notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this 
//     permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// The author or Addison-Welsey Longman make no representations about the 
//     suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" 
//     without express or implied warranty.

// Last update: June 20, 2001


#include "Threads.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>

namespace Loki
    namespace Private
// class LifetimeTracker
// Helper class for SetLongevity

        class LifetimeTracker
            LifetimeTracker(unsigned int x) : longevity_(x) 
            virtual ~LifetimeTracker() = 0;
            static bool Compare(const LifetimeTracker* lhs,
                const LifetimeTracker* rhs)
                return rhs->longevity_ < lhs->longevity_;
                // bug in distributed code corrected (wrong comparison)
            unsigned int longevity_;
        // Definition required
        inline LifetimeTracker::~LifetimeTracker() {} 
        // Helper data
        typedef LifetimeTracker** TrackerArray;
        extern TrackerArray pTrackerArray;
        extern unsigned int elements;

        // Helper destroyer function
        template <typename T>
        struct Deleter
            static void Delete(T* pObj)
            { delete pObj; }

        // Concrete lifetime tracker for objects of type T
        template <typename T, typename Destroyer>
        class ConcreteLifetimeTracker : public LifetimeTracker
            ConcreteLifetimeTracker(T* p,unsigned int longevity, Destroyer d)
                : LifetimeTracker(longevity)
                , pTracked_(p)
                , destroyer_(d)
            { destroyer_(pTracked_); }
            T* pTracked_;
            Destroyer destroyer_;

        void AtExitFn(); // declaration needed below
    } // namespace Private

// function template SetLongevity
// Assigns an object a longevity; ensures ordered destructions of objects 
//     registered thusly during the exit sequence of the application

    template <typename T, typename Destroyer>
    void SetLongevity(T* pDynObject, unsigned int longevity,
        Destroyer d = Private::Deleter<T>::Delete)
        using namespace Private;
        TrackerArray pNewArray = static_cast<TrackerArray>(
                std::realloc(pTrackerArray, sizeof(LifeTimeTracker)*elements + 1));
                // bug in distributed code corrected
        if (!pNewArray) throw std::bad_alloc();
        LifetimeTracker* p = new ConcreteLifetimeTracker<T, Destroyer>(
            pDynObject, longevity, d);
        // Delayed assignment for exception safety
        pTrackerArray = pNewArray;
        // Insert a pointer to the object into the queue
        TrackerArray pos = std::upper_bound(
            pTrackerArray + elements, 
            pTrackerArray + elements,
            pTrackerArray + elements + 1);
        *pos = p;
        // Register a call to AtExitFn

// class template CreateUsingNew
// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Creates objects using a straight call to the new operator 

    template <class T> struct CreateUsingNew
        static T* Create()
        { return new T; }
        static void Destroy(T* p)
        { delete p; }
// class template CreateUsingNew
// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Creates objects using a call to std::malloc, followed by a call to the 
//     placement new operator

    template <class T> struct CreateUsingMalloc
        static T* Create()
            void* p = std::malloc(sizeof(T));
            if (!p) return 0;
            return new(p) T;
        static void Destroy(T* p)
// class template CreateStatic
// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Creates an object in static memory
// Implementation is slightly nonportable because it uses the MaxAlign trick 
//     (an union of all types to ensure proper memory alignment). This trick is 
//     nonportable in theory but highly portable in practice.

    template <class T> struct CreateStatic
        union MaxAlign
            char t_[sizeof(T)];
            short int shortInt_;
            int int_;
            long int longInt_;
            float float_;
            double double_;
            long double longDouble_;
            struct Test;
            int Test::* pMember_;
            int (Test::*pMemberFn_)(int);
        static T* Create()
            static MaxAlign staticMemory_;
            return new(&staticMemory_) T;
        static void Destroy(T* p)
// class template DefaultLifetime
// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Schedules an object's destruction as per C++ rules
// Forwards to std::atexit

    template <class T>
    struct DefaultLifetime
        static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, void (*pFun)())
        { std::atexit(pFun); }
        static void OnDeadReference()
        { throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected"); }

// class template PhoenixSingleton
// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Schedules an object's destruction as per C++ rules, and it allows object 
//    recreation by not throwing an exception from OnDeadReference

    template <class T>
    class PhoenixSingleton
        static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, void (*pFun)())
            if (!destroyedOnce_)
        static void OnDeadReference()
            destroyedOnce_ = true;
        static bool destroyedOnce_;
    template <class T> bool PhoenixSingleton<T>::destroyedOnce_ = false;
// class template Adapter
// Helper for SingletonWithLongevity below

    namespace Private
        template <class T>
        struct Adapter
            void operator()(T*) { return pFun_(); }
            void (*pFun_)();

// class template SingletonWithLongevity
// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Schedules an object's destruction in order of their longevities
// Assumes a visible function GetLongevity(T*) that returns the longevity of the
//     object

    template <class T>
    class SingletonWithLongevity
        static void ScheduleDestruction(T* pObj, void (*pFun)())
            Private::Adapter<T> adapter = { pFun };
            SetLongevity(pObj, GetLongevity(pObj), adapter);
        static void OnDeadReference()
        { throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected"); }

// class template NoDestroy
// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
// Never destroys the object

    template <class T>
    struct NoDestroy
        static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, void (*)())
        static void OnDeadReference()

// class template SingletonHolder
// Provides Singleton amenities for a type T
// To protect that type from spurious instantiations, you have to protect it
//     yourself.

        typename T,
        template <class> class CreationPolicy = CreateUsingNew,
        template <class> class LifetimePolicy = DefaultLifetime,
        template <class> class ThreadingModel = SingleThreaded
    class SingletonHolder
        static T& Instance();
        // Helpers
        static void MakeInstance();
        static void DestroySingleton();
        // Protection
        // Data
        typedef typename ThreadingModel<T*>::VolatileType PtrInstanceType;
        static PtrInstanceType pInstance_;
        static bool destroyed_;
// SingletonHolder's data

        class T,
        template <class> class C,
        template <class> class L,
        template <class> class M
    typename SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M>::PtrInstanceType
        SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M>::pInstance_;

        class T,
        template <class> class C,
        template <class> class L,
        template <class> class M
    bool SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M>::destroyed_;

// SingletonHolder::Instance

        class T,
        template <class> class CreationPolicy,
        template <class> class LifetimePolicy,
        template <class> class ThreadingModel
    inline T& SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy, 
        LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::Instance()
        if (!pInstance_)
        return *pInstance_;

// SingletonHolder::MakeInstance (helper for Instance)

        class T,
        template <class> class CreationPolicy,
        template <class> class LifetimePolicy,
        template <class> class ThreadingModel
    void SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy, 
        LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::MakeInstance()
        typename ThreadingModel<T>::Lock guard;
        if (!pInstance_)
            if (destroyed_)
                destroyed_ = false;
            pInstance_ = CreationPolicy<T>::Create();

        class T,
        template <class> class CreationPolicy,
        template <class> class L,
        template <class> class M
    void SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy, L, M>::DestroySingleton()
        pInstance_ = 0;
        destroyed_ = true;
} // namespace Loki

// Change log:
// May 21, 2001: Correct the volatile qualifier - credit due to Darin Adler
// June 20, 2001: ported by Nick Thurn to gcc 2.95.3. Kudos, Nick!!!

#endif // SINGLETON_INC_


// The Loki Library
// Copyright (c) 2001 by Andrei Alexandrescu
// This code accompanies the book:
// Alexandrescu, Andrei. "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design 
//     Patterns Applied". Copyright (c) 2001. Addison-Wesley.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any 
//     purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright 
//     notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this 
//     permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// The author or Addison-Welsey Longman make no representations about the 
//     suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" 
//     without express or implied warranty.

// Last update: June 20, 2001

#include "Singleton.h"

using namespace Loki::Private;

Loki::Private::TrackerArray Loki::Private::pTrackerArray = 0;
unsigned int Loki::Private::elements = 0;

// function AtExitFn
// Ensures proper destruction of objects with longevity

void Loki::Private::AtExitFn()
    assert(elements > 0 && pTrackerArray != 0);
    // Pick the element at the top of the stack
    LifetimeTracker* pTop = pTrackerArray[elements - 1];
    // Remove that object off the stack
    // Don't check errors - realloc with less memory 
    //     can't fail
    pTrackerArray = static_cast<TrackerArray>(std::realloc(
        pTrackerArray, --elements));
    // Destroy the element
    delete pTop;

// Change log:
// June 20, 2001: ported by Nick Thurn to gcc 2.95.3. Kudos, Nick!!!