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List Merge Sort

void List::Sort()
  Link * currSeg, * nextSeg; // ptrs to sub-lists to be merged
  segSize = 1;
    numMerges = 0;
    // merge all adjacent pairs of sub-lists of length segSize
    currSeg = firstLink;
    while (currSeg != 0)
      nextSeg = currSeg;
      advance nextSeg segSize steps in the list // Notes 1-3
      merge the sublist at currSeg with the sublist at nextSeg // Note 4
        (leaving currSeg at the beginning of the next segment)
    // double the sub-list size to be merged
    segSize = 2 * segSize;
  while (numMerges > 1); // stop when only 1 merge has occured - the last merge
  take care of remainders
  fix list at ends
  1. Finding next segment requires loop of nextSeg = nextSeg->nextLink
  2. Tradeoff runtime of pointer advance with runspace
  3. Total pointer advance contribution <= O(n log n)
  4. This follows the same algorithm as g_set_merge
  5. One step for each link in each segment
  6. List::MergeSort is stable, in-place, with runtime = Θ(n log n)

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