A Binary Search Tree Class API
template <typename T, class P = TLessThan<T> >
class BST
void Insert (const ValueType& t); // unimodal
bool Insert (Iterator& i, const ValueType& t); // if position OK
size_t Remove (const ValueType& t);
bool Remove (Iterator& i);
void Clear ();
Iterator Includes (const ValueType& t) const; // returns LowerBound(t) if found, End() otherwise
Iterator LowerBound (const ValueType& t) const; // first traversed position i with t <= *i
Iterator UpperBound (const ValueType& t) const; // first traversed position i with t < *i
// proper type
BST ();
explicit BST (const P&);
BST (const BST&);
virtual ~BST ();
BST& operator= (const BST&);