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BST Recursive Methods

  template <typename T, class P = TLessThan<T> >
  class BST // or class BSTLite
    size_t   Size        ()    const { return RSize(root_); }
    int      Height      ()    const { return RHeight(root_); }
    void     Clear       ()
      delete root_;
      root_ = 0;
    template < class F >  // function class
    void Traverse        (F f) const { RTraverse(root_,f); }

    static size_t RSize     (const Node * n);
    static int    RHeight   (const Node * n);
    static void   RRelease  (Node* n);
    static Node*  RClone    (const Node* n);
    template < class F >
    static void   RTraverse (Node* n, F f);

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