Testing Generic Sort and Binary Search
/* fgss.cpp "generic sort & search"
functionality test of generic sort and generic binary search
on TVector<T>, TDeque<T>, and arrays of T
typedef char ElementType; const char* e_t = "char";
typedef LessThan <ElementType> PredicateType1;
typedef GreaterThan <ElementType> PredicateType2;
Vector < ElementType > V; // a vector
Deque < ElementType > Q; // a deque
ElementType * A; // an array
PredicateType1 LT; // predicate object
PredicateType2 GT; // predicate object
Vector < ElementType > ::Iterator Vitr, Vloc;
Deque < ElementType > ::Iterator Qitr, Qloc;
ElementType * Aitr, * Aloc;
ElementType e, s; // entry, sentinal
unsigned int i, size;
// assign values to V, then copy to Q and A
// ...
// apply generic sort to each container
g_selection_sort(V.Begin(), V.End(), GT);
g_selection_sort(Q.Begin(), Q.End(), GT);
g_selection_sort(A, A + size, GT);
// ...
// apply generic sort again to each container
g_selection_sort(V.Begin(), V.End());
g_selection_sort(Q.Begin(), Q.End());
g_selection_sort(A, A + size, LT);
// ...
// now do binary search
Vloc = g_lower_bound(V.Begin(), V.End(), e, LT);
// ...
Vloc = g_upper_bound(V.Begin(), V.End(), e, LT);
// ...
Qloc = g_lower_bound(Q.Begin(), Q.End(), e, LT);
// ...
Qloc = g_upper_bound(Q.Begin(), Q.End(), e, LT);
// ...
Aloc = g_lower_bound(A, A + size, e, LT);
// ...
Aloc = g_upper_bound(A, A + size, e, LT);
// ...
if (!g_binary_search(V.Begin(), V.End(), e, LT))
// ...
if (!g_binary_search(Q.Begin(), Q.End(), e, LT))
// ...
if (!g_binary_search(A, A + size, e, LT))
// ...