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Generic For Each

  template <class I, class F>
  F g_for_each (I beg, I end, F f)
    for ( ; beg!= end; ++beg)
    return f;
  class SmartMakeUpperCase
      int count;
      SmartMakeUpperCase () : count(0) {}
      void operator () (char& x)
        char y = x;
        x = toupper(x);
        if (y != x) ++count;
  // usage:
  SmartMakeUpperCase smuc0, smuc1;
  smuc1 = g_for_each (L.Begin(), L.End(), smuc0);  // counts the conversions
  cout << smuc1.count - smuc0.count; // number of letters in L converted to upper case  

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