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Generic Find (Sequential Search)

template <class I, typename T>
I g_find (I beg, I end, const T& t)
// classic sequential search
  for ( ; beg != end; ++beg)
    if (t == *beg)
      return beg;
  return end;

// usage:
Litr = g_find (L.Begin(), L.End(), t) // location of t in List L
Vitr = g_find (V.Begin(), V.End(), t) // location of t in Vector V
Ditr = g_find (D.Begin(), D.End(), t) // location of t in Deque D
Aitr = g_find (A, A + size, t)        // location of t in array A
// note that return of End() iterator (invalid iterator) means "not found"

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