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Implementing class TListIterator < T >

template <typename T>
bool TListIterator<T>::operator == (const TListIterator<T>& I2) const
  if (currLink == I2.currLink)
    return 1;
  return 0;

template <typename T>
bool TListIterator<T>::operator != (const TListIterator<T>& I2) const
  // TBS

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>::TListIterator ()  :  currLink(0)
// construct a null TListIterator 

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>::TListIterator (const TList<T>& L)
// construct an iterator for L, starting at beginning

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>::TListIterator (const TListIterator<T>& I)
   :  currLink(I.currLink)
// copy constructor

template <typename T>
void TListIterator<T>::Initialize (const TList<T>& L)
  currLink = L.firstLink;

template <typename T>
void TListIterator<T>::rInitialize (const TList<T>& L)
  currLink = L.lastLink;

template <typename T>
bool TListIterator<T>::Valid () const
// test cursor for validity
  return currLink != 0;

template <typename T>
T&  TListIterator<T>::Retrieve () const
// Return reference to current t 
// may be used on left side of T::operator=()
// pre:  Valid() 
// code for safety over speed?
  if (currLink == 0)
    std::cerr << "** Error: TListIterator:: invalid dereference\n";
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return currLink->value;

template <typename T>
T&  TListIterator<T>::operator * () const
// Return reference to current t
// may be used on left side of T::operator=()
// pre:  Valid() 
// code for speed over safety?
  return currLink->value;

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>& TListIterator<T>::operator = (const TListIterator <T> & I)
  // TBS

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>& TListIterator<T>::operator ++ ()
// prefix increment
  // TBS

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T> TListIterator<T>::operator ++ (int)
// postfix increment
  // TBS

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T>& TListIterator<T>::operator -- ()
// prefix decrement
  // TBS

template <typename T>
TListIterator<T> TListIterator<T>::operator -- (int)
// postfix decrement
  // TBS

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