100 Points

This is a two part assignment. First you will research a technology topic, then write a paper on that topic. Follow the instructions below.

Part 1. Research
20 points

Begin by finding an interesting article (technology-related) from one of the news resources listed below to act as the topic for your paper. This will act as your "primary source". The article you choose must be recent, published within the last four months. Make note of the title, publication, publication date, author, and URL to use in your citations.


Once your primary resource, and the topic for your paper has been established, use the resources available at the FSU Libraries Web site (http://www.lib.fsu.edu/) and elsewhere on the Web, to find at least four additional sources of information on your topic:

  • one other Web site published by an authority on the topic
  • two recent database articles (published within the last year) from databases provided at the FSU Library's database index (http://www.lib.fsu.edu/__databases.html). Most FSU databases can only be accessed from FSU computers or by logging in using the Proxy Server at http://www.lib.fsu.edu/remoteaccess_proxy.html.
  • one book published within the last 6 years - you can use the search feature at the top of the Libraries page to help find appropriate titles

Note that you may need to use different, but related, keywords to find all five resources. For example, you could find thousands of Web pages with a Google search on keywords "online dating", but the same search at FSU Library's card catalogue may turn up zilch. In such a case, you might try keywords like "virtual relationships" or something even more general like "Impact of the Internet on Society" in order to find a book that is related to your topic.

Learn as much as you can about your topic from the sources. You needn't quote directly from your recourses (except where instructed in part 2), although if you do, you need to include quotation marks and a footnote. Your instructor will check each source that you reference. If they are appropriate and related to your topic, each one will receive 4 points for a total of 20 points.

Make note of your sources so that you can cite them at the conclusion of your paper. There are several citation styles used for varying types of research.For this paper, you are required to use the APA Citation Style. Go to http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm and http://campusgw.library.cornell.edu/newhelp/res_strategy/citing/apa.html to find out details on how to use this style. YOU SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST FIVE CITATIONS, YOUR PRIMARY RESOURCE AND FOUR OTHERS.

  1. Your topic must be technology-related. If it is not, you will receive a score of 0 for Part 1
  2. The requirements for sources are absolute. Locate all of your sources first, before you finalize your topic, and before you write your paper! (Rememeber, your paper is based on what you learn from your sources).
  3. The citations for your sources must follow the APA style, or no points will be allocated for them.

Part 2. Word Processing
80 points

This assignment uses the Watch-Practice-Apply approach.

b"In a Flash"
aPractice and Online Help accessAssignment to Submit for Grade
1. Watch...
"In a Flash" Video Tutorials are short video presentations that you view to see the skills performed and explained prior to trying them yourself. This is 10 minutes well invested!
2. Practice...
Experiment with the skills taught in the "In a Flash" Video Tutorial, making use of Microsoft Office Help for skills that may be unclear.
3. Apply...
After viewing the "In a Flash" Video Tutorial and experimenting, work live in Word 2007 following step-by-step instructions to creating your own file to submit for a grade.

We have broken the important aspects of Microsoft Word into two modules:

  1. Navigating in Office 2007
  2. College-level Word Processing.


Navigating in Office 2007

"In a Flash" video
Navigating in Office 2007

Use the "In a Flash" video to learn about
• The Microsoft Office Button
• Ribbons and Tab
• Contextual Tabs
• The Mini Toolbar
• Galleries with Live Preview
• The Quick Action Toolbar
and to see a completed assignment file!


College-level Word Processing

"In a Flash" video
College-level Word Processing

Use the "In a Flash" video to learn about
• Applying Styles
• Footnotes and Citations
• Paragraph Formatting
• Page Formatting
• Inserting Pictures and Captions
and more!

Turn to Microsoft Office Help for assistance as you experiment with software features.


80 Points

Assignment to Submit for Grade

For this portion of the assignment, you will write your research paper on the topic you researched in Part 1 of this assignment using Word 2007.Format the content of your research paper according to the steps below. Note that words in italics indicate that the use of a command is required. Commands are found in tabs and ribbons. Start with a new, blank document. Your document will end up looking similar to the document created in the College-level Word Processing "In a Flash" video.

Open a new Word document and save it in Word 2007 format, using your FSU username as the file name. This is the portion of your email address to the left of the @ sign. For example, if your email address is kjb04c@garnet.acns.fsu.edu, you would save your file as kjb04c. Make sure in the "Save As Type" box, you select "Word Document (*.docx)". In the above example, the full filename would be "kjb04c.docx". This is Word 2007 format. (Mac users -- Word 2008 can save in the same format).
NOTE: If you choose "Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)", your file will be saved in what is called "Compatibility Mode". While this can be opened and viewed with Word 2007, it will not end up saving any formatting based on NEW features in Word 2007! Make sure to save in the latest format!

  1. [20 points] Begin by typing the content of your paper, without any formatting. Type the title of the paper, followed by your name, followed by no less than 1,000 words on your topic (use word count). Organize your paper under at least three headings (for example: Introduction, Yadda, Conclusion). Use the example research paper shown in the College-level Word Processing "In a Flash" video as a guide.
  2. [2 point] Somewhere in your paper, include a direct quote from one of your sources. This should be a sentence or two that defines your topic or that you found interesting. Enclose the quote with quotation marks.
  3. [2 points] Below your name, Insert the Date using the Insert ribbon and the default date format.
  4. [4 points] Use Styles to identify each component of your paper as either Title, Subtitle, Heading 1, or Heading 2, Normal, or other type of text.
  5. [3 points] Select a Style Set (in the Change Styles menu) that is appropriate for your topic and agreeable with your tastes - use any Style except the Word 2007 (which is selected by default).
  6. [4 points]Insert a Table of Contents object below the date that you inserted previously. It should list correct page numbers and link to all of the headings in your paper.
  7. [2 points] Insert a Page break after the date and another after the table of contents.
  8. [2 points] On page 2, below the Table of Contents type (or copy and paste) the following text:
    I certify that I started this assignment as a new blank document, and the work herein is all my own. I understand that if it is discovered that I copied another student's work, or made my work available to another student (knowingly or unknowingly), I will be charged with cheating and subject to the consequences as put forth in the class syllabus.
  9. [3 points] Change the line spacing of page three and the pages that follow page three to 1.5.
  10. [4 points] Set the quoted text, that you added in step 2, apart from the surrounding text, by putting it in its own paragraph with right and left margins indented by 0.5" and without any first line indent. Insert a blank line prior to, and after, the quoted text. Change the line spacing for the quote to 1.
  11. [2 points] Cite the source of your quotation with a Footnote using the format for sources shown in the previous section on research (APA). Use the default footnote settings.
  12. [3 points] Insert a table (as many lines and columns as are appropriate, but with at least 2 columns and at least 2 rows) in your report (anywhere that is appropriate) to organize some lists of related information. Include column labels in the first row. For example, if your paper was about human cloning, you might have a two column table listing the top five pros and cons of human cloning.
  13. [3 points] Change the background color of the first row of the table containing the column headings to some agreeable color. Change the headings to bold font and center them in their cells.
  14. [5 points] Insert all of your sources (the five required in part 1 of this assignment) using the Manage Sources tool on the References ribbon. Make sure each source is identified as the correct type of source, and enter all appropriate information for each source.
  15. Use Insert Citation to credit parts of your paper taken directly from your sources (if applicable),
  16. [4 points] Insert a Bibliography at the end of your document - using the Word 2007 Bibliography tool, and the APA Style.
  17. [3 points] Insert an appropriate clip art image on your title page anywhere that looks good.
  18. [2 points]In the Header of the document add your name to the right side, and the title of your paper on the left side. Set the header so the information does not show on the first page.
  19. [2 points] Insert page numbers in the center of the Footer of all pages except the first.
  20. [3 points] Insert one or two other small pictures in your paper, and use the position tool to place them appropriately on the pages.
  21. [3 points] Add captions (using the Insert Caption tool) to all pictures except for the picture on the cover page.
  22. [2 points] Cut the paragraph that you typed in step eight, and paste it to the end of your document after your Bibliography. Type your name below the paragraph as your signature, certifying the validity of the statement.
  23. [2 points] Check your paper for spelling and grammatical errors and correct any that are indicated.
  24. Use the View menu to view your paper at Zoom level 29%.
  25. Save, close, and submit your work for grading.

Assignment Submission

From our course Web site, click Assignments, then click the link for Instructions for Submitting and Storing Assignment Files.

Assignments will take approximately two weeks to grade. You will be able to view your assignment grade, along with comments from your recitation instructor, by clicking View Grades on the Course menu, then clicking on the assignment. Once graded, assignments cannot be re-submitted.