CGS2100 Syllabus - Summer 2009 - C Term
June 29th - August 7th

Course Description

CGS2100, Micro Applications for Business and Economics, teaches important computer and digital technology concepts and skills necessary to succeed in careers and in life. Course topics range from computer literacy basics, to today's hottest technologies, to the information systems on which today's businesses and organizations depend. This course is designed to provide relevant technology coverage for all degree programs.

Concepts (from textbook) Computer Skills
  • Digital Technology Basics
    • The Digital Revolution
    • General Purpose and Special Purpose Computers
    • Hardware: Processing, Storage, and I/O
    • Software: System Software and Application Software
  • Network Technologies
    • Telecommunications: Wired and Wireless Technologies
    • Computer Networking
    • The Internet and Web
  • Management Information Systems
    • Databases
    • E-commerce
    • Business Systems
    • Systems Development
  • Digital Media
    • Digital Music and Audio
    • Digital Graphics
    • Digital Photography and Video
    • Interactive Media
  • Information Security
    • Information Security and Vulnerability
    • Machine-Level Security
    • Network Security
    • Wireless Network Security
    • Internet Security
  • Digital Society, Ethics, and Globalization
    • Living Online
    • Freedom of Speech
    • Privacy Issues
    • Ethics and Social Responsibility
    • Globalization
  • Microsoft Windows File Management
  • Research Paper formatting techniques
  • Web Research
  • Word Processing with Microsoft Word
  • Numeric Analysis with Microsoft Excel
  • Database Management with Microsoft Access
  • Presenting with Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Application Integration


Course Objectives

By the conclusion of this course, students who earn a passing grade will be able to:

  • use a current operating system to run applications and efficiently manage computer files
  • demonstrate skills related to email use
  • demonstrate skills involved in web-based research
  • use a current word processing application to create a college-level research paper
  • use a current spreadsheet application to analyze complex numeric data and generate charts
  • demonstrate working knowledge of database management with MS Access
  • prepare a presentation with MS PowerPoint
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic computer concepts such as computer hardware, software, architecture, and networking
  • demonstrate an understanding of how digital technology, various general purpose and special purpose computers, and software are applied to solve problems and provide services
  • demonstrate an understanding of how telecommunications, wired and wireless networks, and the Internet and Web, are used to provide people with anywhere, anytime access to communications and information, for a variety of environments and uses
  • demonstrate an understanding of how computer-based information systems are used to support the goals of business, organizations, and the general public
  • demonstrate an understanding of how digital technologies assist people in creating, using, and enjoying music and other audio, graphic artwork, photographs, video, and games
  • demonstrate an understanding of information security and vulnerabilities and actions to take to secure digital information systems
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of digital technologies on the lives of individuals, society, and the world and related ethical issues

Course Options

Online: Students registered for sections of this course designated as "online" will have no scheduled weekly class meetings in a classroom. However, Online students are still welcome to attend lectures if they choose. Online students need to be physically present on campus in Tallahassee to take exams.

Classroom: Students registered for sections not designated as "online" are enrolled in a classroom section of the course. Classroom students have two weekly lecture class meeting on campus where lessons are provided and course topics are discussed. Classroom lectures will also include discussions concerning the homework and review for exams.

ALL STUDENTS will have access to instructors at the online Help Desk, and on campus in a classroom Help Lab. ALL students will sign up to take their exams in on-campus exam sessions offered throughout the term.

Conditions for Entrance into CGS2100

  • Students who have taken CGS2060, Computer Fluency, are not eligible for credit in CGS2100.
  • If both CGS2060 and CGS2100 are taken in the same semester, the student will receive credit for only one of the two courses.



Online Helpdesk
Help Lab hours will be posted on the course web site

Faculty Supervisor:
Dr. David A. Gaitros

Office: MCH 103
Office Hours Location: Carothers 3rd Fl. Computer Lab. Office Hours: MTWRF 8-11, Carothers Lab

Senior Graduate Assistant:
Chris Meyers

Office: LOV 105-A
Office Hours: TR 10:00 - 11:00 AM

Please communicate ALL e-mailed course questions and concerns to the Helpdesk ( or to instructors in the help lab. Helpdesk Instructors will refer difficult cases to Mr. Myers.

Course Materials

  • CGS2060/2100 Coursepack which Includes:
    • Textbook: "Succeeding with Technology, 3rd Edition", Baldauf/Stair, Course Technology Publishing
    • CD Tutorials: "Microsoft Office 2007 In a Flash", Baldauf, Course Technology Publishing
      • This CD contains Flash video tutorials which will be referred to in the assignment specifications

    Coursepack should be obtained by the first week of classes. Available from University Bookstore and Bill's Bookstore.
    In addition, either of these items can be ordered directly from

  • A personal computer is not required, but it is recommended for anybody wishing to do assignment work from home; A Windows PC with Office 2007 Professional is recommended. A Mac computer with Office 2008 will be able to save in the appropriate format for all assignments except the "Access" assignment. Students must have access to MS Office 2007 or MS Office 2008 in order to complete the homework.
    • Regardless of what personal computer you might have, public computer labs on campus (accessible by all FSU students) have the Office 2007 software available. Such computers can be found in MCH 315, Strozier Library, and the Student Union.


Points Task
50 Syllabus Quiz
100 Assignment 1: Web Research and Microsoft Word

Assignment 2: Spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel

100 Assignment 3: Database Management with Microsoft Access
100 Assignment 4: Presenting with Microsoft PowerPoint
Exam Session 1
100 Concepts Exam 1: Chapters 1-6
50 Skills Exam 1: Word
100 Skills Exam 2: Excel
Exam Session 2
100 Concepts Exam 2: Chapters 7-12
100 Skills Exam 3: Access
100 Skills Exam 4: PowerPoint
1,000 Total Points

Use the table below to calculate your letter grade from your earned points.

900 - 909 A- 910 - 1,000 A  

800 - 809 B-

810 - 879 B

880 - 899 B+

700 - 709 C-

710 - 779 C

780 - 799 C+

600 - 609 D-

610 - 679 D

680 - 699 D+

  000 - 599 F  

Final Letter Grade: The points you earn over the duration of the semester determine your final letter grade. No additional point earning activities will be provided for students who, at the end of the semester, realize that they have fallen short of their desired grade. Nor will we review and haggle over old assignment and test grades during the last weeks of the semester with students trying to boost their final grade. Issues with assignment and test grades must be dealt with within one week of the posting of the grade. Please don't email the instructors at the end of the semester to haggle over your points or beg for more. What you earn is what you get.

* The Word Processing/Web Research assignment functions as the "computer competency component" of this course (see below).


The successful completion of this course satisfies FSU's Computer Competency Requirement for Business, Economics, and many other majors. Students should check with their academic advisor to confirm that this course will meet the requirement for their major.

The Word Processing/Web Research assignment functions as the "computer competency component" of this course. The following important policy is a university requirement:

    In order to fulfill FSU’s Computer Competency Requirement, the student must earn a “C-” or better in the course, and in order to receive a “C-” or better in the course, the student must earn at least a “C-” on the computer competency component of the course. If the student does not earn a “C-” or better on the computer competency component of the course, the student will not earn an overall grade of “C-” or better in the course, no matter how well the student performs in the remaining portion of the course.

General Policies

To insure successful completion of this course, students must understand and comply with the following:

  • ALL students must be able to attend 2 exam sessions on campus in Tallahassee.
  • Students should be comfortable with Email, the Web, and computers in general upon entering this course.
  • Students must have a functional FSU email account and check email on that account at least once a week.
  • For classroom students, cell phone use is prohibited in the classroom during class time

Where to Work

On Your Own PC
If you have a Windows PC with Office 2007 (Word 2007, Excel 2007, Access 2007, PowerPoint 2007) and an Internet connection, or if you have office applications that can save in MS Office 2007 formats, you can do your class work on your own PC. Assignments will be graded with Office 2007 on a Windows PC, so make sure that the files you submit look the way you want them to on these programs.

In the 315 MCH Computer Lab (or similar campus lab)
Students who don't have a Windows PC, or Office 2007, or portions of Office 2007, can do some or all of their coursework on a PC in the 315 MCH computer lab which has all the software. When working in the lab, students should save all their work on a flash drive.


Microsoft Office 2007 vs. Office 2003
In this class we teach the latest and most prevalent software. At this time that software is Office 2007. Office 2007 is very different than Office 2003. The tutorials, assignments and exams for this class will use Office 2007 and will include some tasks that are possible only using the latest version of Office. Students who have Office 2003 on their PC are encouraged to either upgrade to Office 2007, or work in the 315 MCH computer lab.

It is also useful to note that Microsoft offers a free 60-day trial of the software at If you plan to download the trial software, make sure to select the "Professional" version - it is the only version that includes all of the software taught in this class. Also make sure to time the download to get the most out of the 60 days. There are roughly 11 weeks from the start of term to the last assignment due date, so you may need to work ahead and turn in the last assignment early before your 60-day free evaluation period runs out. You can purchase the "Home and Student" version of the software at a special academic discounted price at campus bookstores (even with the discount it is expensive). A less expensive option may be available at Unfortunatly, the "Home and Student" version does not include Microsoft Access 2007, which is taught in this class. Students will find all the software necessary for this class installed on computers in the 315 MCH computer lab.

exclamation Submitted homework files that are unable to be opened with the 2007 version of Microsoft Office will receive a zero.
Submitted homework files that can be opened with Office 2007 will be graded, HOWEVER, if the file was created with or saved in an older format, you may lose points because you've lost information in the saved file. (Example: A Word document saved in "text only" format will lose lots of formatting information, like bolds, italics, headings, etc). Make sure you use the correct software and the correct version.
exclamation Students that opt to do their work on their own computer accept the responsibility for their computer's proper functioning. PC problems that inevitably arise will not be accepted as an excuse for late assignment submissions. If PC problems occur at home, students should complete their work in the 315 MCH computer lab.


Administering exams to hundreds of students each semester is no small task. We have a testing staff that attends to this task and several procedures and policies to help the testing procedure run as smoothly as possible. It is imperative that students understand the following important procedures and policies regarding the examination process:

  • Exams are scheduled online, and taken on campus under the supervision of an instructor
  • The exam reservation system is accessed from the class Web site and used to reserve, change, and check reservations.
    • Students who reserve their test times early will have the best selection of available times.
    • Note: The exam dates that you reserve dictate the speed at which you'll need to complete the assignments and readings.
  • There are two exam sessions, with multiple exams given in each session -- including multiple-choice concepts exams, and software skills exams:
    • Exam Session 1: Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Excel 2007, and Concepts Exam 1
    • Exam Session 2: Microsoft Access 2007, Microsoft Powerpoint 2007, and Concepts Exam 2
  • Exam sessions are timed. Students must be able to complete all tests within the 90 minute exam session.
  • It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their exam files are all SUBMITTED properly before leaving the exam session.
  • All exams are taken on PCs running the Microsoft Windows XP or Vista operating system, and using Microsoft Office 2007.
  • Tests are delivered in electronic format over a computer network in our computer testing center. If their is power, network, or server failure during an exam, the student may need to reschedule for another time.
  • Students who miss an exam with a documented excuse (note from a Dr. or FSU administrator) may change their exam time, using the same on-line reservation form, without penalty. Please present documentation at the time of make-up exam.
  • There is a 20 point penalty for students who make or change exam reservations after the posted reservation deadline (see Weekly Agenda) without an acceptable documented excuse from a physician or school administrator. Documented excuses should be presented to the testing instructor at the time of the exam.
  • Students must present a photo ID at the time of exam. Students without an ID will have to reschedule with penalty (see below).
  • Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to an exam will have to reschedule with penalty (see below).
  • Test scores are posted in the online grade book within about one week of the test date. Concerns and complaints regarding test grades must be presented within one week of when the test grade is posted.
  • Questions regarding exams should be addressed to the online Help Desk or instructors in the on campus Help Lab. See course Web site for more information on help schedules.

Exam Penalties

You will incur a 20 point penalty if you:

  • fail to reserve test times prior to the deadlines (listed on Weekly Agenda)
  • change an exam time after the deadline without a documented excuse
  • miss a scheduled exam without an acceptable, documented excuse
  • arrive more than ten minutes late to an exam
  • show up for an exam without a photo ID


  • Assignments are accessed from the course web site linked from
  • Assignments are written in a manner that supports the latest version of Microsoft Office, or software that can save in the latest Office format (with the same compatible features). The Microsoft Access assignment must be completed on a Windows PC, because Access is only available in the Windows version of Office.
  • Students can learn assignment skills by working through the Flash video tutorials on the "In a Flash" CD-ROM.
  • All assignments are submitted electronically according to instructions provided in the assignments section of the course web site.
  • Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint assignments require students to submit files in a format that can be opened and graded with Microsoft Office 2007 applications.
  • Assignment scores are posted in the online grade book within 7 days of the due date (for assignments submitted on time). Refer to the Weekly Agenda for the scheduled dates when scores for on-time submissions should be posted. Click on a score to read detailed comments. Concerns and complaints regarding assignment grading must be presented within one week of when the assignment grade is posted.
  • Assignment help is available from the online Help Desk and an on-campus Help Lab. See the course Web site for more information.
  • Late assignment submissions will be penalized 20 percent (of available points) per checkpoint day, which are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. (Another way to think of this is every two days, where the weekend counts as a single day).
    • Example: An assignment due on Friday that is submitted between one second late and the end of Monday will be penalized 20% of available points. If it is submitted between: one second past Monday and the end of Wednesday, it would be penalized 40% of available points. etc.
  • No assignment will be accepted after the final deadline posted on the Weekly Agenda.
  • Students are responsible for keeping ALL copies of submitted assignments until the final grade for the semester has been posted. Whether an assignment was completed on a PC in a public lab or on a personal PC, it is the student's responsibility to keep a valid backup copy of the submitted file (e.g. on a flash drive, or other personal storage) in case there is some problem with the original submission. One good form of backup (RECOMMENDED) is to e-mail a copy of the completed file to your own FSU e-mail address as an attachment, and keep it in your inbox.
  • Students are responsible for confirming that their own assignment file is submitted successfully, with the submitted file in working order. Refer to the Instructions for Submitting and Storing Assignment Files, found under the Assignments menu on your course web site.
  • Once an assignment is submitted it cannot be taken back or resubmitted - even if it is submitted early. Make sure that the work you submit is your final version and ready for grading. (This is due to how the Blackboard submission links work -- they do not allow you to submit multiple times to the same submission link).
  • Submitted assignment files found to be corrupt and/or unopenable, will require re-submission with late penalties
  • Assignments will NOT be accepted if submitted on disk, printout, or as an email attachment.
  • Submitted homework files that are unable to be opened with the 2007 version of Microsoft Office will receive a zero. Make sure you use the correct software and the correct version.
  • Assignments that contain content that anyone would find offensive (including profanity, vulgarity, insults, violence, or sexually explicit language) will receive a zero and the student responsible may be brought up on charges of violation of FSU's Conduct Code

Academic Honor Policy

The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “ . . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at


Always begin your assignments from a new, blank document file. We consider it cheating when a student starts an assignment from some other student's assignment file, or copies portion of another student's file.

  • Cheating Penalties :
    • First Offense: ALL students involved are given zeros on the assignment
    • Second Offense: An "F" for the course and formal charges against ALL students involved

There are no innocent participants in cheating incidents. Students who leave their assignment work available for others to access either on a private or public computer, intentionally or accidentally, will be considered accomplices to cheating should someone else use their work and submit it as their own.

  • Assignments are designed in a manner that requires every student's files to contain unique and different data. If two or more students submit work with the same, or portions of the same data, and/or if file properties are the same, it is evidence that cheating has taken place.
  • Two or more students working together on an assignment is considered cheating. An assignment submission is intended to be a measure of one student's ability.
  • Be warned! Special software will be used that compares every electronically submitted assignment file to all other submitted files to determine if the file was copied from another student.
  • Sometimes cheating is not detected until after students have submitted several copied assignments. In such cases the first copied assignment is considered the first offense, the second copied assignment, the second offense, and so on.
  • Students caught communicating during exams will be asked to leave and forfeit the exam.


Success in the course depends heavily on students checking email and announcements posted on the class Web site. Most communication between teacher and student occurs online. Students are expected to check email, and announcements on the class Web site daily Monday - Friday. The class agenda and grade book should be checked at least once a week to stay current on what needs to be done and what has been graded. Failure to do so may result in missed opportunities and poor grades.

Americans With Disabilities Act

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:
(1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and
(2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class.

This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:

Student Disability Resource Center
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)

Syllabus Changes

Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.