Breadth-First Search

Breadth-first search: a method to search a graph and an exemplar of many important graph algorithms. Given G = ( V, E ), chose a vertex, s, to be the source. Move out from s, systematically to find all v Î V that are accessible from s, and compute their distances from s. Distance from s to v is the "shortest path".

Words: start at s, find all vertices distance 1 from s, keep going until all vertices have been discovered.

Dye analogy: s is the dye injection point and you watch the progress of the dye through the graph. Each time step a single edge is crossed. In breadth-first search, each vertex is colored:

  1. White: not yet discovered

  2. Gray: discovered but still some undiscovered adjacent vertices .

  3. Black: discovered and all adjacent vertices discovered

Gray vertices are the frontier/interface between discovered/undiscovered.

Constructing a breadth-first tree:

  1. Start with s (the root)

  2. Scan the adjacency list of all previously discovered nodes. If u was previously discovered and we just found v, then we add v. u is the predecessor/parent of v in the breadth-first tree.

This progresses, iteratively. Note: Start with all nodes white. When you first encounter a white node, you make it gray. When you go through that node's adjacency list, you make it black.

Code: Store

  1. Color (white or gray or black)

  2. Predecessor p[n]

  3. Distance from s d[n]

BFS ( G, s )

  1. for each vertex u Î V[G] - {s}

  2.    do color [u] ¬ white  // white out all but s

  3.      d[u] ¬ ¥

  4.      p[u] ¬ nil

  5. color [s] ¬ gray // s starts out gray

  6. d[s] ¬ 0

  7. p[s] ¬ nil

  8. Q ¬ {s} // end initialization

  9. while Q ¹ Æ

  10.    do u ¬ head[Q]

  11.       for each v Adj[u]

  12.          do if color[v] = white

  13.               then color[v] ¬ gray

  14.                  d[v] ¬ d[u] + 1

  15.                    p[v] ¬ u

  16.                   Enqueue ( Q, v )

  17.        Dequeue ( Q ) // Q stores grays

  18.        color[u] ¬ black // all of u's adjacents have been seen, so color it black and                              //  move on

Running time of Breadth-First search:

  1. Each node is enqueued once (white ® gray)

  2. Each node is dequeued once (gray ® black)

  3. Each adjacency list is scanned only once.

  1. O ( | V | )

  2. O ( | V | )

  3. O ( | E | )

Overall running time is O ( | V | + | E | ). Clearly better to use the adjacency list representation. (What differs with the matrix representation?)

Shortest-path distance: d ( s, v ) is the minimum number of  edges in any path from s to v, or ¥ if there is no path. A path from s to v with distance d ( s, v ) is a shortest-path. Note, there may be more than one shortest path.

Lemma: Let G = ( V, E ) be a graph, s Î V an arbitrary vertex, then " ( u, v ) Î E d ( s, v ) £ d ( s, v ) + 1. If u is reachable from s, then it holds. If not then both d ( s, v ) = ¥ and it holds.

Suppose BFS is run on G from s. " v Î V d[v] ³ d ( s, v )

 Induction on vertices:

  1. d[s] = 0 = d ( s, s )

  2. d[v] =  ¥ ³ d ( s, v ) " s ¹ v at the first step

v is discovered from u (u is at the head of Q), v is white.

Induction when u is at the head of Q

Assume d[u] ³ d ( s, v )

d[v] = d[u] + 1

       ³ d ( s, v )  + 1

       ³ d ( s, v )


Suppose during BFS Q contains v1, ... vv) Þ d[vv] £ d[v1],  d[vi] £ d[vi+1], i = 1, ..., v - 1


Induction on queue operations.

  1. When Q = <s> it holds

  2. Must prove it holds after both dequeuing and enqueuing a vertex when v1 is is dequeued v2 becomes the head

d[vr] £ d[v1] + 1 £ d[v2] + 1            Ö

What happens we enqueue? vv+1 is enqueued Adj[v1] vv+1.

d[vv+1] = d[v1] + 1          Ö

d[vv] £ d[v1] + 1 = d[vv+1]           Ö

Let G = ( V, E ) and s Π V for BFS.

  1. BFS discovers all v Π V that are reachable from s

  2. d[v] = d ( s, v ) " v Π V (even ¥)

  3. " v ¹ s reachable, a shortest path is the shortest path from s to p[v] followed on ( p[v], v )


If v is unreachable it's true. d[v] = ¥ = d ( s, v ). If v is reachable from s define:

Vk = { v Î V: d ( s, v ) = k}

Inductions on k, " v Î Vk

  • v is grayed

  • d[v] = k

  • if v ¹ s, p[v] = u Î Vk-1

  • v is enqueued in Q

the above 4 bullets all happen during the same loop

k = 0 = V0 {s}           Ö

Q is never empty until the end. Once u is enqueued, d[u] and p[u] are set and do not change. From previous results we have that d[vi] £ d[vi+1], and v Î Vk Þ d[v] ³ k and v is discovered after all Vk-1 vertices are enqueued. Since d ( s, v ) = k $ u Î Vk-1 '( u, v ) Î E. Let u be the first of these grayed. U  must also eventually appear at the head of Q, when it is Adj[u] is scanned and v is discovered, this is the first time it could be (would be in Vk-1, then).


d[v] = d[u] + 1

p[v] = u

enqueues           Ö

 This proof by induction is done.  (Clearly ( p[u], u )is in a shortest path.)

Breadth-First Trees:

G = ( V, E ), s Î V source. G = ( Vp, Ep ) is the predecessor sub graph. Vp = { v Î V | p[v] ¹ nil } v {s} (accessible vertices) Ep = { ( p[v], v )  Î E :  v Î Vp - {s}} (tree edges) . Gp  is a breadth first tree. " v Π Vp $ a unique simple path from s to v.

BFS to G constructs p so Gp is a BF Tree.


v Î Vp  only if reachable p[v] = u only if ( v, v ) E by previous the unique path must be the shortest.

Print-Path ( G, s, v )

  1. if v = s

  2.    then print s

  3.    else if p[v] = nil

  4.       then print "no path from " s "  to " v " exists"

  5.       else Print-Path ( G, s, p[v] )

  6.          print v

Prints out the vertices from s to b in G.




Elementary Graph Algorithms - 2 of 5