| -- The package is called Ada_Main unless this name is actually used
-- as a unit name in the partition, in which case some other unique
-- name is used.
with System;
package ada_main is
Elab_Final_Code : Integer;
pragma Import (C, Elab_Final_Code, "__gnat_inside_elab_final_code");
-- The main program saves the parameters (argument count,
-- argument values, environment pointer) in global variables
-- for later access by other units including
-- Ada.Command_Line.
gnat_argc : Integer;
gnat_argv : System.Address;
gnat_envp : System.Address;
-- The actual variables are stored in a library routine. This
-- is useful for some shared library situations, where there
-- are problems if variables are not in the library.
pragma Import (C, gnat_argc);
pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);
pragma Import (C, gnat_envp);
-- The exit status is similarly an external location
gnat_exit_status : Integer;
pragma Import (C, gnat_exit_status);
GNAT_Version : constant String :=
"GNAT Version: 3.15w (20010315)";
pragma Export (C, GNAT_Version, "__gnat_version");
-- This is the generated adafinal routine that performs
-- finalization at the end of execution. In the case where
-- Ada is the main program, this main program makes a call
-- to adafinal at program termination.
procedure adafinal;
pragma Export (C, adafinal, "adafinal");
-- This is the generated adainit routine that performs
-- initialization at the start of execution. In the case
-- where Ada is the main program, this main program makes
-- a call to adainit at program startup.
procedure adainit;
pragma Export (C, adainit, "adainit");
-- This routine is called at the start of execution. It is
-- a dummy routine that is used by the debugger to breakpoint
-- at the start of execution.
procedure Break_Start;
pragma Import (C, Break_Start, "__gnat_break_start");
-- This is the actual generated main program (it would be
-- suppressed if the no main program switch were used). As
-- required by standard system conventions, this program has
-- the external name main.
function main
(argc : Integer;
argv : System.Address;
envp : System.Address)
return Integer;
pragma Export (C, main, "main");
-- The following set of constants give the version
-- identification values for every unit in the bound
-- partition. This identification is computed from all
-- dependent semantic units, and corresponds to the
-- string that would be returned by use of the
-- Body_Version or Version attributes.
type Version_32 is mod 2 ** 32;
u00001 : constant Version_32 := 16#7880BEB3#;
u00002 : constant Version_32 := 16#0D24CBD0#;
u00003 : constant Version_32 := 16#3283DBEB#;
u00004 : constant Version_32 := 16#2359F9ED#;
u00005 : constant Version_32 := 16#664FB847#;
u00006 : constant Version_32 := 16#68E803DF#;
u00007 : constant Version_32 := 16#5572E604#;
u00008 : constant Version_32 := 16#46B173D8#;
u00009 : constant Version_32 := 16#156A40CF#;
u00010 : constant Version_32 := 16#033DABE0#;
u00011 : constant Version_32 := 16#6AB38FEA#;
u00012 : constant Version_32 := 16#22B6217D#;
u00013 : constant Version_32 := 16#68A22947#;
u00014 : constant Version_32 := 16#18CC4A56#;
u00015 : constant Version_32 := 16#08258E1B#;
u00016 : constant Version_32 := 16#367D5222#;
u00017 : constant Version_32 := 16#20C9ECA4#;
u00018 : constant Version_32 := 16#50D32CB6#;
u00019 : constant Version_32 := 16#39A8BB77#;
u00020 : constant Version_32 := 16#5CF8FA2B#;
u00021 : constant Version_32 := 16#2F1EB794#;
u00022 : constant Version_32 := 16#31AB6444#;
u00023 : constant Version_32 := 16#1574B6E9#;
u00024 : constant Version_32 := 16#5109C189#;
u00025 : constant Version_32 := 16#56D770CD#;
u00026 : constant Version_32 := 16#02F9DE3D#;
u00027 : constant Version_32 := 16#08AB6B2C#;
u00028 : constant Version_32 := 16#3FA37670#;
u00029 : constant Version_32 := 16#476457A0#;
u00030 : constant Version_32 := 16#731E1B6E#;
u00031 : constant Version_32 := 16#23C2E789#;
u00032 : constant Version_32 := 16#0F1BD6A1#;
u00033 : constant Version_32 := 16#7C25DE96#;
u00034 : constant Version_32 := 16#39ADFFA2#;
u00035 : constant Version_32 := 16#571DE3E7#;
u00036 : constant Version_32 := 16#5EB646AB#;
u00037 : constant Version_32 := 16#4249379B#;
u00038 : constant Version_32 := 16#0357E00A#;
u00039 : constant Version_32 := 16#3784FB72#;
u00040 : constant Version_32 := 16#2E723019#;
u00041 : constant Version_32 := 16#623358EA#;
u00042 : constant Version_32 := 16#107F9465#;
u00043 : constant Version_32 := 16#6843F68A#;
u00044 : constant Version_32 := 16#63305874#;
u00045 : constant Version_32 := 16#31E56CE1#;
u00046 : constant Version_32 := 16#02917970#;
u00047 : constant Version_32 := 16#6CCBA70E#;
u00048 : constant Version_32 := 16#41CD4204#;
u00049 : constant Version_32 := 16#572E3F58#;
u00050 : constant Version_32 := 16#20729FF5#;
u00051 : constant Version_32 := 16#1D4F93E8#;
u00052 : constant Version_32 := 16#30B2EC3D#;
u00053 : constant Version_32 := 16#34054F96#;
u00054 : constant Version_32 := 16#5A199860#;
u00055 : constant Version_32 := 16#0E7F912B#;
u00056 : constant Version_32 := 16#5760634A#;
u00057 : constant Version_32 := 16#5D851835#;
-- The following Export pragmas export the version numbers
-- with symbolic names ending in B (for body) or S
-- (for spec) so that they can be located in a link. The
-- information provided here is sufficient to track down
-- the exact versions of units used in a given build.
pragma Export (C, u00001, "helloB");
pragma Export (C, u00002, "system__standard_libraryB");
pragma Export (C, u00003, "system__standard_libraryS");
pragma Export (C, u00004, "adaS");
pragma Export (C, u00005, "ada__text_ioB");
pragma Export (C, u00006, "ada__text_ioS");
pragma Export (C, u00007, "ada__exceptionsB");
pragma Export (C, u00008, "ada__exceptionsS");
pragma Export (C, u00009, "gnatS");
pragma Export (C, u00010, "gnat__heap_sort_aB");
pragma Export (C, u00011, "gnat__heap_sort_aS");
pragma Export (C, u00012, "systemS");
pragma Export (C, u00013, "system__exception_tableB");
pragma Export (C, u00014, "system__exception_tableS");
pragma Export (C, u00015, "gnat__htableB");
pragma Export (C, u00016, "gnat__htableS");
pragma Export (C, u00017, "system__exceptionsS");
pragma Export (C, u00018, "system__machine_state_operationsB");
pragma Export (C, u00019, "system__machine_state_operationsS");
pragma Export (C, u00020, "system__machine_codeS");
pragma Export (C, u00021, "system__storage_elementsB");
pragma Export (C, u00022, "system__storage_elementsS");
pragma Export (C, u00023, "system__secondary_stackB");
pragma Export (C, u00024, "system__secondary_stackS");
pragma Export (C, u00025, "system__parametersB");
pragma Export (C, u00026, "system__parametersS");
pragma Export (C, u00027, "system__soft_linksB");
pragma Export (C, u00028, "system__soft_linksS");
pragma Export (C, u00029, "system__stack_checkingB");
pragma Export (C, u00030, "system__stack_checkingS");
pragma Export (C, u00031, "system__tracebackB");
pragma Export (C, u00032, "system__tracebackS");
pragma Export (C, u00033, "ada__streamsS");
pragma Export (C, u00034, "ada__tagsB");
pragma Export (C, u00035, "ada__tagsS");
pragma Export (C, u00036, "system__string_opsB");
pragma Export (C, u00037, "system__string_opsS");
pragma Export (C, u00038, "interfacesS");
pragma Export (C, u00039, "interfaces__c_streamsB");
pragma Export (C, u00040, "interfaces__c_streamsS");
pragma Export (C, u00041, "system__file_ioB");
pragma Export (C, u00042, "system__file_ioS");
pragma Export (C, u00043, "ada__finalizationB");
pragma Export (C, u00044, "ada__finalizationS");
pragma Export (C, u00045, "system__finalization_rootB");
pragma Export (C, u00046, "system__finalization_rootS");
pragma Export (C, u00047, "system__finalization_implementationB");
pragma Export (C, u00048, "system__finalization_implementationS");
pragma Export (C, u00049, "system__string_ops_concat_3B");
pragma Export (C, u00050, "system__string_ops_concat_3S");
pragma Export (C, u00051, "system__stream_attributesB");
pragma Export (C, u00052, "system__stream_attributesS");
pragma Export (C, u00053, "ada__io_exceptionsS");
pragma Export (C, u00054, "system__unsigned_typesS");
pragma Export (C, u00055, "system__file_control_blockS");
pragma Export (C, u00056, "ada__finalization__list_controllerB");
pragma Export (C, u00057, "ada__finalization__list_controllerS");
-- ada (spec)
-- gnat (spec)
-- gnat.heap_sort_a (spec)
-- gnat.heap_sort_a (body)
-- gnat.htable (spec)
-- gnat.htable (body)
-- interfaces (spec)
-- system (spec)
-- system.machine_code (spec)
-- system.parameters (spec)
-- system.parameters (body)
-- interfaces.c_streams (spec)
-- interfaces.c_streams (body)
-- system.standard_library (spec)
-- ada.exceptions (spec)
-- system.exception_table (spec)
-- system.exception_table (body)
-- ada.io_exceptions (spec)
-- system.exceptions (spec)
-- system.storage_elements (spec)
-- system.storage_elements (body)
-- system.machine_state_operations (spec)
-- system.machine_state_operations (body)
-- system.secondary_stack (spec)
-- system.stack_checking (spec)
-- system.soft_links (spec)
-- system.soft_links (body)
-- system.stack_checking (body)
-- system.secondary_stack (body)
-- system.standard_library (body)
-- system.string_ops (spec)
-- system.string_ops (body)
-- ada.tags (spec)
-- ada.tags (body)
-- ada.streams (spec)
-- system.finalization_root (spec)
-- system.finalization_root (body)
-- system.string_ops_concat_3 (spec)
-- system.string_ops_concat_3 (body)
-- system.traceback (spec)
-- system.traceback (body)
-- ada.exceptions (body)
-- system.unsigned_types (spec)
-- system.stream_attributes (spec)
-- system.stream_attributes (body)
-- system.finalization_implementation (spec)
-- system.finalization_implementation (body)
-- ada.finalization (spec)
-- ada.finalization (body)
-- ada.finalization.list_controller (spec)
-- ada.finalization.list_controller (body)
-- system.file_control_block (spec)
-- system.file_io (spec)
-- system.file_io (body)
-- ada.text_io (spec)
-- ada.text_io (body)
-- hello (body)
end ada_main;
-- The following source file name pragmas allow the generated file
-- names to be unique for different main programs. They are needed
-- since the package name will always be Ada_Main.
pragma Source_File_Name (ada_main, Spec_File_Name => "b~hello.ads");
pragma Source_File_Name (ada_main, Body_File_Name => "b~hello.adb");
-- Generated package body for Ada_Main starts here
package body ada_main is
-- The actual finalization is performed by calling the
-- library routine in System.Standard_Library.Adafinal
procedure Do_Finalize;
pragma Import (C, Do_Finalize, "system__standard_library__adafinal");
-- adainit --
procedure adainit is
-- These booleans are set to True once the associated unit has
-- been elaborated. It is also used to avoid elaborating the
-- same unit twice.
E040 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E040, "interfaces__c_streams_E");
E008 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E008, "ada__exceptions_E");
E014 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E014, "system__exception_table_E");
E053 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E053, "ada__io_exceptions_E");
E017 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E017, "system__exceptions_E");
E024 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E024, "system__secondary_stack_E");
E030 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E030, "system__stack_checking_E");
E028 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E028, "system__soft_links_E");
E035 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E035, "ada__tags_E");
E033 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E033, "ada__streams_E");
E046 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E046, "system__finalization_root_E");
E048 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E048, "system__finalization_implementation_E");
E044 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E044, "ada__finalization_E");
E057 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E057, "ada__finalization__list_controller_E");
E055 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E055, "system__file_control_block_E");
E042 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E042, "system__file_io_E");
E006 : Boolean;
pragma Import (Ada, E006, "ada__text_io_E");
-- Set_Globals is a library routine that stores away the
-- value of the indicated set of global values in global
-- variables within the library.
procedure Set_Globals
(Main_Priority : Integer;
Time_Slice_Value : Integer;
WC_Encoding : Character;
Locking_Policy : Character;
Queuing_Policy : Character;
Task_Dispatching_Policy : Character;
Adafinal : System.Address;
Unreserve_All_Interrupts : Integer;
Exception_Tracebacks : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Set_Globals, "__gnat_set_globals");
-- SDP_Table_Build is a library routine used to build the
-- exception tables. See unit Ada.Exceptions in files
-- a-except.ads/adb for full details of how zero cost
-- exception handling works. This procedure, the call to
-- it, and the two following tables are all omitted if the
-- build is in longjmp/setjump exception mode.
procedure SDP_Table_Build
(SDP_Addresses : System.Address;
SDP_Count : Natural;
Elab_Addresses : System.Address;
Elab_Addr_Count : Natural);
pragma Import (C, SDP_Table_Build, "__gnat_SDP_Table_Build");
-- Table of Unit_Exception_Table addresses. Used for zero
-- cost exception handling to build the top level table.
ST : aliased constant array (1 .. 23) of System.Address := (
-- Table of addresses of elaboration routines. Used for
-- zero cost exception handling to make sure these
-- addresses are included in the top level procedure
-- address table.
EA : aliased constant array (1 .. 23) of System.Address := (
-- Start of processing for adainit
-- Call SDP_Table_Build to build the top level procedure
-- table for zero cost exception handling (omitted in
-- longjmp/setjump mode).
SDP_Table_Build (ST'Address, 23, EA'Address, 23);
-- Call Set_Globals to record various information for
-- this partition. The values are derived by the binder
-- from information stored in the ali files by the compiler.
(Main_Priority => -1,
-- Priority of main program, -1 if no pragma Priority used
Time_Slice_Value => -1,
-- Time slice from Time_Slice pragma, -1 if none used
WC_Encoding => 'b',
-- Wide_Character encoding used, default is brackets
Locking_Policy => ' ',
-- Locking_Policy used, default of space means not
-- specified, otherwise it is the first character of
-- the policy name.
Queuing_Policy => ' ',
-- Queuing_Policy used, default of space means not
-- specified, otherwise it is the first character of
-- the policy name.
Task_Dispatching_Policy => ' ',
-- Task_Dispatching_Policy used, default of space means
-- not specified, otherwise first character of the
-- policy name.
Adafinal => System.Null_Address,
-- Address of Adafinal routine, not used anymore
Unreserve_All_Interrupts => 0,
-- Set true if pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts was used
Exception_Tracebacks => 0);
-- Indicates if exception tracebacks are enabled
Elab_Final_Code := 1;
-- Now we have the elaboration calls for all units in the partition.
-- The Elab_Spec and Elab_Body attributes generate references to the
-- implicit elaboration procedures generated by the compiler for
-- each unit that requires elaboration.
if not E040 then
end if;
E040 := True;
if not E008 then
end if;
if not E014 then
E014 := True;
end if;
if not E053 then
E053 := True;
end if;
if not E017 then
E017 := True;
end if;
if not E030 then
end if;
if not E028 then
E028 := True;
end if;
E030 := True;
if not E024 then
E024 := True;
end if;
if not E035 then
end if;
if not E035 then
E035 := True;
end if;
if not E033 then
E033 := True;
end if;
if not E046 then
end if;
E046 := True;
if not E008 then
E008 := True;
end if;
if not E048 then
end if;
if not E048 then
E048 := True;
end if;
if not E044 then
end if;
E044 := True;
if not E057 then
end if;
E057 := True;
if not E055 then
E055 := True;
end if;
if not E042 then
E042 := True;
end if;
if not E006 then
end if;
if not E006 then
E006 := True;
end if;
Elab_Final_Code := 0;
end adainit;
-- adafinal --
procedure adafinal is
end adafinal;
-- main --
-- main is actually a function, as in the ANSI C standard,
-- defined to return the exit status. The three parameters
-- are the argument count, argument values and environment
-- pointer.
function main
(argc : Integer;
argv : System.Address;
envp : System.Address)
return Integer
-- The initialize routine performs low level system
-- initialization using a standard library routine which
-- sets up signal handling and performs any other
-- required setup. The routine can be found in file
-- a-init.c.
procedure initialize;
pragma Import (C, initialize, "__gnat_initialize");
-- The finalize routine performs low level system
-- finalization using a standard library routine. The
-- routine is found in file a-final.c and in the standard
-- distribution is a dummy routine that does nothing, so
-- really this is a hook for special user finalization.
procedure finalize;
pragma Import (C, finalize, "__gnat_finalize");
-- We get to the main program of the partition by using
-- pragma Import because if we try to with the unit and
-- call it Ada style, then not only do we waste time
-- recompiling it, but also, we don't really know the right
-- switches (e.g. identifier character set) to be used
-- to compile it.
procedure Ada_Main_Program;
pragma Import (Ada, Ada_Main_Program, "_ada_hello");
-- Start of processing for main
-- Save global variables
gnat_argc := argc;
gnat_argv := argv;
gnat_envp := envp;
-- Call low level system initialization
-- Call our generated Ada initialization routine
-- This is the point at which we want the debugger to get
-- control
-- Now we call the main program of the partition
-- Perform Ada finalization
-- Perform low level system finalization
-- Return the proper exit status
return (gnat_exit_status);
-- This section is entirely comments, so it has no effect on the
-- compilation of the Ada_Main package. It provides the list of
-- object files and linker options, as well as some standard
-- libraries needed for the link. The gnatlink utility parses
-- this b~hello.adb file to read these comment lines to generate
-- the appropriate command line arguments for the call to the
-- system linker. The BEGIN/END lines are used for sentinels for
-- this parsing operation.
-- The exact file names will of course depend on the environment,
-- host/target and location of files on the host system.
-- BEGIN Object file/option list
-- ./hello.o
-- -L./
-- -L/usr/local/gnat/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.8.1/adalib/
-- /usr/local/gnat/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.8.1/adalib/libgnat.a
-- END Object file/option list
end ada_main;