Approved unanimously. Ted Baker will sign form and pass it on to the Science Area Curriculum Committee.
Approved adding consent of instructor, unanimously. Ted Baker will edit copy for new UG Bulletin to reflect change.
Approved unanimously. Ted Baker will edit copy for new UG Bulletin to reflect change.
After some debate over the general principle of whether instructors should have freedom to choose their own textbooks, and whether there should be only one textbook for a course or a list of approved texts, there seemed to be consensus on the following points, though no formal votes on them were taken:
The vote on the specific case in hand was unanimous for approving both of the two books above, as alternatives from which the instructor(s) for this course could choose the one to require in any given term.
The new book is approved as the (one and only) textbook for this course, unanimously.
I am writing to request that the UCC approve my use of the following book in COP 3014 and CGS 3406 for spring term 2007. This would be in addition to the regular "main" textbooks (the large, mainstream C++ texts) used in earlier terms and which will remain the same as before. Title: C++ Debugging Guide Authors: Ann Ford, Toby Teorey, Gary Tyson Publisher: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002 ISBN: 0-536-98765-3 114 pages (short, this is a supplementary textbook focusing only on debugging) Approximate cost to students $10 TOC: Chapter 1: Introduction (overview of debugging approaches etc.) Chapter 2: Common Syntax and Semantic Errors Chapter 3: Tracing Techniques for Debugging Chapter 4: Tracing for More Advanced C++ Constructs Chapter 5: Using an Interactive Debugger Appendix A: Common Bugs in First Programs Appendix B: Checklist for Error Detection and Prevention WHY: I wrote the first edition of this book originally with my colleague Toby Teorey at UM because we saw a critical gap in education in the introductory programming classes. This gap is that CS1 students typically do not learn how to debug, and mainstream textbooks do NOT cover debugging in any real sense. I required this book successfully for about 5 years in UM courses and once this past summer term at FSU. I, Toby and Gary have revised the original for its latest edition. Faculty at UM are still requiring it for their intro programming classes. To me this book is absolutely critical in my introductory programming courses and makes an enormous impact on what students learn in terms of critical debugging/programming skills. If students do not view debugging as an actual required course topic, then every time they have a problem, they just "go see the TA for the answer." Requiring this book forces them to realize debugging is important and teaches them how to do it effectively. This impacts not just on my courses, but on how they program in every course they take in the future. I ask that you please approve of this book for spring term for both courses, and hopefully quickly, as Eleanor needs the book orders asap. It is very little cost to the students and makes a huge difference to my classes and to all the subsequent classes they take.
The committee voted unanimously to adopt this as a required supplemental text for COP 3014.
I need to get approval for alternate text for COP3014 (and later also for COP3330). GHere's the executive summary: 1. The current book is terrible. We need to make a change. 2. The possibilities under review for PC are: Dietel C++ How to Program 5th edition #0-13-185757-6 This is a good reference text, with lots of suprisingly correct info on C++ and good advice on SE best practices. It could serve for both COP3014 and COP3330. It is not very readable, though. Programming and Problem Solving with C++, Fourth Edition Nell Dale, University of Texas, Austin, Chip Weems, University of Massachusetts, Amherst ISBN 13: 9780763707989 This is a great book - not too wordy, but CORRECT. It starts off teaching good habits instead of bad (like Gaddis). 3. We can go either way, but there's a section of 3014 spring07 and we need to change texts for that.
There was a rather lengthy debate, in which the following two opposing principles seemed to be at the core:
Some members of the committee were uncomfortable about making a change in the text for COP 3014 without input from the instructors of COP 3330. However, the committee was pressured by the instructors of COP 3014 to make a decision so that textbook orders for Spring 2007 could be sent in on time, and work could begin on developing distance learning materials for COP 3014 on the PC campus. Therefore, the following compromise was adopted, unanimously.
The committee voted unanimously to delete CEN 4516, which as never been offered. CEN 4012 has been offered, and will be retained if a faculty member is willing to prepare the accreditation summary. David Gaitros has tentatively agreed to provide the necessary information about prior offering to Ted.
After review and discussion, the committee voted unanimously to recommend adoption of Dave's proposal to the CS faculty.
Minutes by Ted Baker