CNT5412: Network Security,
Spring 2025
Hw1 is out; deadline is Monday 2/24.
Course information
- Lectures
to date - grow with each
- Syllabus.
- Instructor: Viet Tung Hoang
(Tung). Email: Office
hours: Monday and Friday, 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, virtual. See Canvas for
Zoom link.
Latex Resources
- Homework solution must be typed
via LaTeX.
LaTeX is the standard for typesetting scientific papers, and will
likely come in handy outside CNT 5412. (Lab reports can be typed via MS
- Homework template: Here's
a Latex template (sample.tex,
you need to right click the link and choose "Save link as")
for typesetting homework and the pdf file (sample.pdf)
that it produces. The
file needs an image file ecb.pdf.
template also contains common notation we'll see in class.
- Guides to using LaTeX:
An introduction to LaTeX can be found here.
Another guide can be found at Wikibooks.
- Online Environments:
If you don't want to install LaTeX, ShareLaTeX and Overleaf are
online environments which compile previews of your LaTeX documents as
you type.
- LaTeX Editors: There
are many LaTeX editors which allow you to use GUI to edit your LaTeX. LyX is a free one.
- Finding symbols: Detexify
lets you draw the symbol that you are looking for and get LaTeX code. A
static guide is
Online Crypto Resources
Slides and scribes
updated: 2/13/2025