General rules
These are rules that you are expected to follow for all assignments in this course. Failure to follow these may result in point deductions for any assignment where these rules are violated.
- Students are responsible for ensuring that their files were submitted correctly on Canvas. This means making sure their files were submitted without error, on time, and also submitting the correct files. Students will not be permitted to "submit the correct file" after the due date;
- Backup your files. Make frequent backups of your files to either email or the cloud (make sure your files are kept private and inaccessible to others) to prevent losing your homework due to unforeseen events such as laptop malfunction or server crash.
- Turn in all assignments on time! Late assignments will be accepted only one day after the due date, with a deduction of 50% of the grade. Assignments more than a day late will not be accepted. Students are not permitted to "re-do" assignments. Assignment deadlines are STRICTLY enforced. If you have a compelling and documented reason for not being able to meet the deadline, you must inform the instructor and provide documentation at least 24 hours before the due date.
In addition, be careful to follow all specifications given on an assignment writeup. Specifically,
- Include a comment header with your NAME, FSUID, and SECTION at the top of your submitted files;
- No global variables and magic numbers;
- No goto statements;
- No system calls or platform-specific API calls;
- Do not use 3rd party libraries or features, unless the assignment specifically asks for it;
- When you write source code, it should be readable and well-documented. The general notes and guidelins can be found here. You may also consider the Google C++ Style Guide.
- Assignment 1
sample output)
- Due Date: 11:59pm, Thursday 1/30 via Canvas
- Full marks (in percentage): 5%
- Assignment 2
sample output)
- Due Date: 11:59pm, Thursday 2/13 via Canvas
- Full marks (in percentage): 7%
- Assignment 3
sample output)
- Due Date: 11:59pm, Monday 3/2 via Canvas
- Full marks (in percentage): 8%
- Assignment 4
- This is an ABET assignment!
- Due Date: 11:59pm, Friday 3/13 via Canvas
- Song.h is the header file for the class Song. Do NOT change Song.h in any way!
- mymusicapp is a reference executable for this assignment. You can run it from linprog with the command "./mymusicapp". Note that mymusicapp is compiled in linprog, so it may not run on Windows or Mac platforms.
- Full marks (in percentage): 8% (+2% for extra credit)
- Assignment 5
- Due Date: 11:59pm, Thursday 4/2 via Canvas
- driver.cpp is a sample test file; output.txt is the expected output by running driver.cpp upon your Matrix class.
- Full marks (in percentage): 8% (+2% for extra credit)
- Assignment 6
sample run,
sample output)
- This is an ABET assignment!
- test1 and test 2 are two test files. the sample run file shows how the program runs, and the sample output file shows the exepcted output for the sample run.
- Full marks (in percentage): 9% (+1% for extra credit)
Helpful Information
- Common Linux Commands for Preparing Your Submission
- create a directory for use with your project: mkdir proj-1
- change permission on the folder to restrict access: chmod 700 proj-1
- switch to the new directory: cd proj-1
- compile and link: make (about makefile)
- create a compressed archive: tar -zcvf proj-1.tar.gz source-folder-name (i.e., ~/cop3330/proj-1)
- extract a compressed archive: tar -zxvf proj-1.tar.gz
- E-mail a copy of your finished homework files to your own FSU account. This e-mail will have a time stamp that shows when they were sent (i.e., before the due date), and they will also serve as a backup and proof that you have completed the assignment in time, in case of problems with Canvas.
It's always a good idea to keep a copy on your CS account (as well as on a personal computer) -- backing up your work can be extremely useful in case of corrupted files, problems with the submission system, etc.