// ---------- UTILITY.CPP ---------- // This file contains the definitions for // a few functions that are useful for controlling the // running of C++ programs. #include // for cin, cout #include // for toupper #include // for setf, setw, setprecision #include "utility.h" using namespace std; void Terminate() // This function displays a terminating message and freezes the // standard output device (screen) until the user hits a key // on the keyboard. It is useful for reviewing a program's output // after all processing is completed. { char any; cout << "\nPress 'x' followed by ENTER to exit the program..."; cin >> any; cout << "\nPROCESSING COMPLETED . . . GOOD BYE"; } int ReadyToQuit() // This function prompts the user of a program to see if the user // wants to run the current program again. It continues prompting // until the user enters a valid response (Y/y/N/n). { char ans; // holds the user's response cout << "\nDo you wish to run the program again (Y for yes, N for no)? "; cin >> ans; ans = toupper(ans); while ((ans !='Y') && (ans!='N')) // Keep prompting until an { // acceptable character is entered. cout << "\nPlease answer again with Y or N"; cout << "\n\tRun the program again? "; cin >> ans; ans = toupper(ans); } return(ans =='N'); // returns 1 when ready to quit; else 0 } void WaitForUser(void) // This function displays a message and freezes the // standard output device (screen) until the user hits a key // on the keyboard. It is useful for pausing the output // screen while a program is processing. { cout << "\nPress 'c' followed by Enter to continue . . ."; char any; cin >> any; cin.get(); // pick up newline cout << '\n'; } void SetNumeric(void) // This function sets C++ format flags for numeric output. { cout << setw(8) << setprecision(2); //number width=8; precision=2 cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); //show floats in decimal format cout.setf(ios::showpoint); //show decimal and trailing 0's } void Swap(int &thingOne, int &thingTwo) { int temp=thingOne; thingOne=thingTwo; thingTwo=temp; }