CS Account Information
To register for an account:
ssh to the machine "shell.cs.fsu.edu"
Type "newacct" at the three prompts (one for login, two for passwords)
-- this activates the automated account generator
Follow on screen directions and write down your login and password that
are created during the process
To access the account in the future, ssh to "shell.cs.fsu.edu", but use
the login and password created above.
Students must be registered for the class for this process to work (i.e.
must be on the roster).
Accessible CS machines:
shell.cs.fsu.edu -- primary login machine for undergraduate use.
Can be accessed through ssh (secure shell)
linprog.cs.fsu.edu -- machine that can be used for compiling
and running programming projects in the unix environment (with
javac and java commands). Login via ssh (secure shell). This can be done
directly, or from another CS machine with the unix command:
ssh linprog.cs.fsu.edu
program.cs.fsu.edu -- another machine that can be used for
compiling and running programs.
- linprog has the latest Java SDK on it
The account provides:
A home directory with storage space for programming projects on the Computer
Science file servers.
access to compiler tools (in this course, java tools)
access to the text editors pico, emacs, and vi (unix
an e-mail account (username@cs.fsu.edu).
How and where to access?
Can mount filespace to Windows NT environments in MCH 202 lab, MCH 315
ACNS lab, and some other ACNS labs.
Can login to unix environment via SSH from anywhere (campus labs, home,
work, etc).
Can transfer files between account and other locations (home, work, etc)
via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) programs.
Some suggested software for accessing your CS account remotely
- You can get the SSH software from
The Windows SSH client program comes with a built in FTP program -- this
one is Secure FTP, which is now necessary for doing file transfers
to and from your CS account. It's a very nice tool, and you can use it to
transfer files when you are logged on to your account with SSH.
You can find some other SSH client programs listed here:
More SSH
- With Mac OS X, you can use the SSH command directly from a terminal
window. Start the account creation process by logging into shell.cs.fsu.edu like so:
ssh newacct@shell.cs.fsu.edu
Recommendations in account usage:
Store program files for each assignment in a separate directory (i.e. folder).
Assignment files are easier to manage when they are not jumbled together
with old assignments. Directories can be created in the unix environment
or in the Windows NT environment when your filespace is mounted as a drive
Learn how to use an FTP program for easy transfer of files back and forth
from home and school.
- Save an untouched copy of finished homework assignments on your CS
account before the due date cut-off. This way, if there are any
problems with submitting, you have a copy of your files on your account
with a timestamp showing that they were finished on time
BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! Periodically backup your files. You
do not want to lose files that you have worked hard on. Backup your
files not only with extra copies on the same machine (i.e. another folder
in your account), but also on another machine (i.e. transfer a copy to
your home computer, or put on one disk). If the system goes down
briefly, you will not be able to access files until it is back up.
If you accidentally delete something, there's nothing I can
do. Make your own backups!!!
Here's a sample set of commands for creating assignment directories
in the unix environment:
Log in to your CS account and do the following:
(folder names are suggested -- yours don't have to match mine)
create a directory for use with your courese: |
mkdir cgs3416 |
change permissions on the folder to restrict access: |
chmod 700 cgs3416 |
switch to the new directory: |
cd cgs3416 |
create a directory for the first assignment: |
mkdir prog1 |
switch to the new directory: |
cd prog1 |