//Header file for Display 17.36. The only way to insert data in a tree is with the //insert function. So, the tree satisfies the Binary Search Tree Storage Rule. //The functions inTree depends on this. < must be defined and give a well behaved //ordering to the type T. // This is the same as the file tree.h. #ifndef TREE_H #define TREE_H namespace TreeSavitch { template class SearchTree; //forward declaration template class TreeNode { public: TreeNode( ) : root(NULL){} TreeNode(T theData, TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) : data(theData), leftLink(left), rightLink(right){} friend class SearchTree; private: T data; TreeNode *leftLink; TreeNode *rightLink; }; template class SearchTree { public: SearchTree( ) : root(NULL){} virtual ~SearchTree( ); void insert(T item); //Adds item has been added to the tree. bool inTree(T item) const; void inOrderShow( ) const; private: void insert(T item, TreeNode*& subTreeRoot); bool inTree(T item, TreeNode* subTreeRoot) const; void deleteSubtree(TreeNode*& subTreeRoot); void inOrderShow(TreeNode* subTreeRoot) const; TreeNode *root; }; } //TreeSavitch #endif