//To see this in action, run 10-12.cpp. //These are the definitions for the member functions for the class PFArrayD. //They require the folloing include and using directives: //#include //using std::cout; PFArrayD::PFArrayD( ) :capacity(50), used(0) { a = new double[capacity]; } PFArrayD::PFArrayD(int size) :capacity(size), used(0) { a = new double[capacity]; } PFArrayD::PFArrayD(const PFArrayD& pfaObject) :capacity(pfaObject.getCapacity( )), used(pfaObject.getNumberUsed( )) { a = new double[capacity]; for (int i =0; i < used; i++) a[i] = pfaObject.a[i]; } void PFArrayD::addElement(double element) { if (used >= capacity) { cout << "Attempt to exceed capacity in PFArrayD.\n"; exit(0); } a[used] = element; used++; } double& PFArrayD::operator[](int index) { if (index >= used) { cout << "Illegal index in PFArrayD.\n"; exit(0); } return a[index]; } PFArrayD& PFArrayD::operator =(const PFArrayD& rightSide) { if (capacity != rightSide.capacity) { delete [] a; a = new double[rightSide.capacity]; } capacity = rightSide.capacity; used = rightSide.used; for (int i = 0; i < used; i++) a[i] = rightSide.a[i]; return *this; } PFArrayD::~PFArrayD( ) { delete [] a; }