// Fig. 8.28: fig08_28.cpp // Multipurpose sorting program using function pointers. #include using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include using std::setw; // prototypes void selectionSort( int [], const int, bool (*)( int, int ) ); void swap( int * const, int * const ); bool ascending( int, int ); // implements ascending order bool descending( int, int ); // implements descending order int main() { const int arraySize = 10; int order; // 1 = ascending, 2 = descending int counter; // array index int a[ arraySize ] = { 2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 }; cout << "Enter 1 to sort in ascending order,\n" << "Enter 2 to sort in descending order: "; cin >> order; cout << "\nData items in original order\n"; // output original array for ( counter = 0; counter < arraySize; counter++ ) cout << setw( 4 ) << a[ counter ]; // sort array in ascending order; pass function ascending // as an argument to specify ascending sorting order if ( order == 1 ) { selectionSort( a, arraySize, ascending ); cout << "\nData items in ascending order\n"; } // end if // sort array in descending order; pass function descending // as an argument to specify descending sorting order else { selectionSort( a, arraySize, descending ); cout << "\nData items in descending order\n"; } // end else part of if...else // output sorted array for ( counter = 0; counter < arraySize; counter++ ) cout << setw( 4 ) << a[ counter ]; cout << endl; return 0; // indicates successful termination } // end main // multipurpose selection sort; the parameter compare is a pointer to // the comparison function that determines the sorting order void selectionSort( int work[], const int size, bool (*compare)( int, int ) ) { int smallestOrLargest; // index of smallest (or largest) element // loop over size - 1 elements for ( int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++ ) { smallestOrLargest = i; // first index of remaining vector // loop to find index of smallest (or largest) element for ( int index = i + 1; index < size; index++ ) if ( !(*compare)( work[ smallestOrLargest ], work[ index ] ) ) smallestOrLargest = index; swap( &work[ smallestOrLargest ], &work[ i ] ); } // end if } // end function selectionSort // swap values at memory locations to which // element1Ptr and element2Ptr point void swap( int * const element1Ptr, int * const element2Ptr ) { int hold = *element1Ptr; *element1Ptr = *element2Ptr; *element2Ptr = hold; } // end function swap // determine whether element a is less than // element b for an ascending order sort bool ascending( int a, int b ) { return a < b; // returns true if a is less than b } // end function ascending // determine whether element a is greater than // element b for a descending order sort bool descending( int a, int b ) { return a > b; // returns true if a is greater than b } // end function descending /************************************************************************** * (C) Copyright 1992-2005 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and * * Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * * DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their * * best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the * * development, research, and testing of the theories and programs * * to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make * * no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these * * programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors * * and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or * * consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the * * furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. * **************************************************************************/