/*Assignment 4 Starter File, GamePlay Your Name Header Here */ /*Headers/Libraries*/ #include using namespace std; /*Function Declarations HERE... printRules' declaration is included already*/ void printRules(); int main() { return 0; } /*Function definition for COLLECTPAIRS this function is invoked whenever the user wants to play Collect Pairs. this function returns true/false depending on if the user wins the game or not*/ /*Function definition for GUESSNUMBER this function is invoked whenever the user wants to play Guess Number. this function returns true/false depending on if the user wins the game or not*/ /*Function definition for HIGHLOW this function is invoked whenever the user wants to play high low. this function returns true/false depending on if the user wins the game or not*/ /*Function definition for VIEWSTATS this function takes in the number of wins, and losses that the user had while playing their games this function then prints the win and loss stats neatly to the screen, and returns no value*/ /*Function definition for MENU this function should print the menu for the user and ask/obtain their menu choice. this function will return the user's menu choice after verifying it's a valid choice on the menu.*/ /*Function definition for PRINTRULES this function prints the rules of all of the games available to the user in this program that is all this function is responsible for. DO NOT CHANGE this function.*/ void printRules() { cout << "\nRULES:\n\nGuess the Number Game:\nYou'll only get 6 tries to guess a number between 1 and 100!\nGuess Wisely!\n\n"; cout << "High/Low Game:\nMake it through 5 rounds of guessing whether the next random number\n"; cout << "between 1 and 1,000 is higher or lower than the previous, and you win!\n\n"; cout << "Collect the Pairs Game:\nRoll two dice 100 times. If in the 100 times you roll a pair\n"; cout << "of each type (1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's) at least once, then YOU WIN!\n\n"; return; }