// Fig. 21.4: list.h // Template List class definition. #ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H #include using std::cout; #include #include "listnode.h" // ListNode class definition template< class NODETYPE > class List { public: List(); // constructor ~List(); // destructor void insertAtFront( const NODETYPE & ); void insertAtBack( const NODETYPE & ); bool removeFromFront( NODETYPE & ); bool removeFromBack( NODETYPE & ); bool isEmpty() const; void print() const; private: ListNode< NODETYPE > *firstPtr; // pointer to first node ListNode< NODETYPE > *lastPtr; // pointer to last node // utility function to allocate new node ListNode< NODETYPE > *getNewNode( const NODETYPE & ); }; // end class List // default constructor template< class NODETYPE > List< NODETYPE >::List() : firstPtr( 0 ), lastPtr( 0 ) { // empty body } // end List constructor // destructor template< class NODETYPE > List< NODETYPE >::~List() { if ( !isEmpty() ) { // List is not empty // cout << "Destroying nodes ...\n"; ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr; ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr; while ( currentPtr != 0 ) { // delete remaining nodes tempPtr = currentPtr; cout << tempPtr->data << '\n'; currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; delete tempPtr; } // end while } // end if // cout << "All nodes destroyed\n\n"; } // end List destructor // insert node at front of list template< class NODETYPE > void List< NODETYPE >::insertAtFront( const NODETYPE &value ) { ListNode< NODETYPE > *newPtr = getNewNode( value ); if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty firstPtr = lastPtr = newPtr; else { // List is not empty newPtr->nextPtr = firstPtr; firstPtr = newPtr; } // end else } // end function insertAtFront // insert node at back of list template< class NODETYPE > void List< NODETYPE >::insertAtBack( const NODETYPE &value ) { ListNode< NODETYPE > *newPtr = getNewNode( value ); if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty firstPtr = lastPtr = newPtr; else { // List is not empty lastPtr->nextPtr = newPtr; lastPtr = newPtr; } // end else } // end function insertAtBack // delete node from front of list template< class NODETYPE > bool List< NODETYPE >::removeFromFront( NODETYPE &value ) { if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty return false; // delete unsuccessful else { ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr = firstPtr; if ( firstPtr == lastPtr ) firstPtr = lastPtr = 0; else firstPtr = firstPtr->nextPtr; value = tempPtr->data; // data being removed delete tempPtr; return true; // delete successful } // end else } // end function removeFromFront // delete node from back of list template< class NODETYPE > bool List< NODETYPE >::removeFromBack( NODETYPE &value ) { if ( isEmpty() ) return false; // delete unsuccessful else { ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr = lastPtr; if ( firstPtr == lastPtr ) firstPtr = lastPtr = 0; else { ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr; // locate second-to-last element while ( currentPtr->nextPtr != lastPtr ) currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; lastPtr = currentPtr; currentPtr->nextPtr = 0; } // end else value = tempPtr->data; delete tempPtr; return true; // delete successful } // end else } // end function removeFromBack // is List empty? template< class NODETYPE > bool List< NODETYPE >::isEmpty() const { return firstPtr == 0; } // end function isEmpty // return pointer to newly allocated node template< class NODETYPE > ListNode< NODETYPE > *List< NODETYPE >::getNewNode( const NODETYPE &value ) { return new ListNode< NODETYPE >( value ); } // end function getNewNode // display contents of List template< class NODETYPE > void List< NODETYPE >::print() const { if ( isEmpty() ) { cout << "The list is empty\n\n"; return; } // end if ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr; cout << "The list is: "; while ( currentPtr != 0 ) { cout << currentPtr->data << ' '; currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; } // end while cout << "\n\n"; } // end function print #endif /************************************************************************** * (C) Copyright 1992-2003 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and Prentice * * Hall. All Rights Reserved. * * * * DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their * * best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the * * development, research, and testing of the theories and programs * * to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make * * no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these * * programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors * * and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or * * consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the * * furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. * *************************************************************************/