COP 3330 - Notes and Resources
Code examples from the textbook (Savitch,
Absolute C++
, 3rd ed.)
My Fall 2023 COP 3363 course web site (pre-requisite course)
Lecture notes from COP 3363, Fall 2023 (use as needed for review)
COP 3330 Lecture Notes / Outlines
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Compilation and Debugging
More About Classes and Objects
Operator Overloading Basics
Composition: Objects as Class Members
Arrays and Classes
Dynamic Memory Allocation and Classes
Automatics, Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator
Strings: C-strings vs. strings as objects
Inheritance - The Basics
Inheritance - Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes
Another set of examples, built up in pieces
Multiple Inheritance
Bitwise Operators
Template Classes and Functions
Intro to Data Structures
Exception Handling
Functors (Function Objects)
A general info page
Code examples
Special notes about changing formatting settings for output streams
Using the GDB Debugger
Notes written up by John Thrasher