COP 3330 - Notes and Resources
Code examples from the textbook (Savitch,
Absolute C++
, 3rd ed.)
My Fall 2023 COP 3363 course web site (pre-requisite course)
Lecture notes from COP 3363, Fall 2023 (use as needed for review)
COP 3330 Lecture Notes / Outlines
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Compilation and Debugging
More About Classes and Objects
Operator Overloading Basics
Composition: Objects as Class Members
Arrays and Classes
Dynamic Memory Allocation and Classes
Automatics, Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator
Some modifications to card game example (for dynamic practice)
I modified class Card, to allow dynamic allocation for multiple Decks
YOU try modifying Player and Dealer, to allow hands larger than 5 cards, mulitple players, etc
Strings: C-strings vs. strings as objects
Inheritance - The Basics
Inheritance - Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes
Another set of examples, built up in pieces
Multiple Inheritance
Bitwise Operators
Excel spreadsheet chart of bitwise operations (from class)
Template Classes and Functions
Intro to Data Structures
Exception Handling
Directory with some code examples using C++11 features
Special notes about changing formatting settings for output streams
Test Formats and Review Checklists
Test Format for COP 3330 tests
Review List of topics covered (for Test 1)
Review List of topics covered (for Test 2)
Review List of topics covered (since Test 2)
Practice code-writing exercise
and one possible solution