Initial values: x = 12345 y = 9876543210123456789 r1 = 0 r2 = 0 r3 = 0 Enter first number: 987654987654 Enter second number: 987654987654 You entered: x = 987654987654 y = 987654987654 Assigning r1 = y ... r1 = 987654987654 (x <= y) is TRUE (x >= y) is TRUE (x == y) is TRUE The sum (x + y) = 1975309975308 The product (x * y) = 975462374637822892423716 The sum (x + 12345) = 987654999999 The product (y * 98765) = 97545744855647310 Assuming that the Fibonnaci sequence begins 1,1,2,3,5,8,13... The 10th Fibonnaci number = 55 The 100th Fibonnaci number = 354224848179261915075 The 1000th Fibonnaci number = 43466557686937456435688527675040625802564660517371 78040248172908953655541794905189040387984007925516929592259308032263477520968962 3239873322471161642996440906533187938298969649928516003704476137795166849228875 The 2000th Fibonnaci number = 42246963333923048787067256023414827825798528402506 81098010280137314308584370130707224123599639141511088446087538909603607640194711 64359602927198331259873732625355580260699158591522949245390499872225679531698287 44824729922639018337167780606070116154978867198798583114688708762645973690867228 84023654422295243347964480139515349562972087652656069529806499841977448720155612 802665404554171717881930324025204312082516817125