Background Concepts
- Processor: the part of the machine that executes
instructions (CPU)
- Some computers today have multiple processors
- Process: a program running on a processor in its own address
- Multitasking: the ability to run multiple programs at the same
time (on the same machine), even a machine with one processor.
- Concurrency is a general term for the idea of performing
multiple operations in parallel
- Preemptive Multitasking: Most common form of process scheduling
in multi-user systems today
- The processor is shared between running processes
- A scheduler gives one process a "turn" (or a "time slice"), then
switches to another (even though the first hasn't finished), and so
- This gives the illusion that processes are running
- The only way for processes to truly run simultaneously is on a
multi-processor system
- Context switch: the activity of saving the state of a running
process (so it can be restored later), and then restoring the context of
another process
- Somewhat expensive in computing resources
Concurrency within a program
- Threads are used to allow concurrent operations within a
single program (process)
- This is similar to the notion of multiple processes running on a
machine. Multiple threads can run within a single program
- As with processes, only one thread can use the processor at a
- But parallel tasks can still be simulated. A lengthy task doesn't
have to finish before another starts
- A multi-processor machine can actually run multiple threads
simultaneously, increasing performance
- Of course, multiple tasks could still be done with separate
processes, but threads have some advantages:
- Context switch between threads fast and inexpensive
- Threads run within the same process, so they share the same address
- Easy access to shared data
- When one thread is blocked, another can still proceed
- Natural decomposition of work (one thread for one task)
- Examples of thread use:
- Java provides a garbage collector thread for cleaning up
dynamically allocated memory. This runs as a seperate thread so that it
can do its job without halting the rest of the program
- A media player, which downloads and plays back a video clip. One
thread to download, one thread to play, and they can do their jobs
- class
Thread implements the
Runnable interface and
overrides its run() method. The two common ways of obtaining a
thread are:
- extend the Thread class and override the run()
- create a class that implements Runnable
Thread States
- new - thread has been created, but not started by the
- runnable - thread has been started, and is considered to be
executing its task
- Within the runnable state, the operating system manages threads and
puts them in a ready state or a running state at
the OS level
- waiting - thread is stopped while waiting for another thread to
perform a task
- timed waiting - sometimes called sleeping. Thread can
wait for an interval of time, or set a default time while waiting for
another thread
- terminated (or dead) - thread has completed its task and is
- Every thread is given a priority from 1 to 10, with 10 being the
- class Thread has three pre-defined constants:
- Typically, higher priority threads are more important to a program,
and they have a better chance of running sooner
- The operating system's thread scheduler will determine exactly when
threads run -- may vary between platforms (different OSes)
Creating Threads
- Threads can be created by extending class Thread and
overriding the run() method
- This has been a common technique, especially in older versions of
- Preferred in J2SE version 1.5.0 and later:
- Create classes that implement the Runnable interface (which
means overriding the run() method)
- Use built-in features from the package
java.util.concurrent to create the Threads that execute
the Runnables
- This helps hide complexity from the programmer and makes
multithreading less error-prone
- This way, the programmer doesn't usually have to worry about setting
and adjusting priorities
- java.util.concurrent
- Runnables are executed by an object that implements the
Executor interface (has method execute())
- thread pool - a group of threads managed by an Executor object
- The Executor assigns a Runnable to an available thread, or it can
make the Runnable wait for a thread to become available
Thread Synchronization is the coordination of access to shared
data by multiple concurrent threads. Typically handled with locks,
to implement mutual exclusion when threads are sharing resources.
- Mutual exclusion - allowing only one thread at a time to access
and/or modify a shared object
- locks are used to handle this.
- interface Lock is in package
- method lock() called to obtain a lock, and method
unlock() releases it
- Only one thread may have the lock on a resource at a time. Other
threads that need it are placed in a waiting state for the
- locks can be set to use a fairness policy -- longest
waiting thread will acquire the lock. This can avoid indefinite
postponement, but reduces processing efficiency.
- When a thread owning a lock needs to wait on some condition to
continue (it needs a resource from another thread, for example)...
- Keeping the lock (and hanging out doing nothing) wouldn't be
efficient for other threads
- Can wait on a condition variable (created by calling Lock
method newCondition(), which returns an object that
implements interface Condition).
- To wait on the condition, thread calls Condition's await()
- This automatically releases the lock and puts the thread into a
waiting state
- When another thread determines that the condition has been satisfied,
it sends a signal to the waiting thread, which can return to a
runnable state (and try to regain the lock)
- Deadlock -- a common error that can occur. Example:
Thread A has resource X and needs resource Y.
Thread B has resource Y and needs resource X.
Both are waiting, and neither can continue until the other
releases a needed resource
- To avoid deadlock, make sure that some other thread will call
signal() to wake up any waiting threads.
- One possible safeguard is to have a seperate thread (not involved in
the possible deadlock) call signalAll() to "wake up" all
waiting threads
- NOTE: Only a thread that has the lock on a condition variable
can call await(), signal(), or signalAll() for
it. (If a thread without the lock tries it, an exception is thrown).
class ArrayBlockingQueue -- nice pre-packaged implementation of a
circular buffer (as a shared resource) for use with producer/consumer
relationships (like client/server applications, for example).