Test 2 Review Checklist
These are the new topics covered since around Test 1 (or topics
covered close to when Test 1 occurred and so were not asked about
very much on Test 1).
Files and Streams
- Understand what streams are
- input streams vs. output streams
- byte streams vs. character streams
- formatted text files vs. binary files
- sequential files vs. random-access files
- InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, Writer classes (know which are
byte streams and which are character streams)
- understand the use of class File
- File stream classes (byte and char)
- Buffered streams
- Know how to open an input file and read data from it
(read() method)
- Know how to open an output file and write data to it
(write() method)
- Understand the uses of special classes like Formatter and
Scanner, especially in the reading and writing of
- Know the predefined stream objects System.out,
System.in, and System.err
- Understand what object serialization is (for writing and reading
objects to and from files). This includes understanding:
- interface Serializable
- classes ObjectOutputStream and
- Understand packages, how to use the import statement to
bring a class or package into a program, and that java.lang
is automatically part of every program
- Understand how to use the package statement to place a
class into a programmer-defined package. This includes understanding
some javac and java command line options:
- -d : for specifying where the result of a javac
command will be placed. Also helps build a package hierarchy
- -classpath : for specifying the locations of all classes
packages needed (for both javac and java)
- Generic methods
- How to declare them
- Type parameters (and their format and usage)
- Type erasure
- Upper bounds on type parameters
- Generic classes
- How to declare
- How to use (creating objects, etc)
- raw types (creating an instance of a generic class without the type
argument - for backwards compatibility)
- How to pass objects with generic types into methods
- Wildcards in type parameter lists
- ?, along with possibly extends or
Collections Framework
- Understand the basic makeup of it
- Interfaces - representing abstract data types
- Implementations - reusable data structures
- Algorithms - methods reusable across multiple implementations
- Understand the common interfaces and classes
- lists (vectors & arrays, linked lists)
- stacks and queues
- sets, maps (implemented with hash tables and trees, usually)
- Know how to create instances of them (implemented as generics), and
understand general usage.
- Algorithms are static methods in class Collections
Inner Classes and Nested Classes
Understand the concept of an inner class (and general nested
class), along with their relationship with enclosing class.
Understand the difference between inner classes and static nested
Know what an inner class '.class' file looks like
- Know what an anonymous inner class is
- Understand the usage of inner classes in the GUI event handling
examples we've seen
Graphics class, paint(), paintComponent() - Chapter 12
- Understand the paint() method, which comes from
class Component (so every GUI component has this method
- Understand when paint() (or paintComponent()) is
called (it's event driven), and how the
programmer can force painting to be done explicitly
- Understand the parameter of
paint() (and paintComponent()) - i.e.
(Graphics g) - and what kinds of things can be done with
- Understand the basics of the helper classes Color,
Font, and Polygon
- Understand what kinds of things can be drawn with the Graphics class
methods (strings, lines, ovals, rectangles, polygons, etc) and how
these basic drawing functions work.
- This includes the basic draw and fill methods
for each of these kinds of items
- Understand the difference between the Graphics and
Graphics2D classes
- Understand the Graphics2D methods draw() and
fill(), as well as what types of things constitute
Shapes that can be passed in
- Understand the basic shape types in the Java2D framework, including
GUI Components, Events, Layouts (Swing Libraries)
- Under stand the code examples in the two textbook chapters on GUI
(we've looked through these in class)
- Understand the common components and containers in the Swing
- Be able to differentiate between components and containers
- Know the three types of top-level containers (JFrame, JApplet,
- Know what other basic containers are available, and can be embedded
inside other containers - especially the use of JPanel
(these also include things like JTabbedPane, JDesktopPane,
JInternalFrame, etc)
- Understand the components discussed in class (i.e. seen in
the textbook's examples)
- be able to recognize various types of
components and distinguish between them.
- Understand how event handling works, as well as the basic event
handler interfaces discussed and seen in examples:
- ActionListener
- ItemListener
- ListSelectionListener
- MouseListener (5 mouse events)
- MouseMotionListener (2 motion events)
- KeyListener (3 key events)
- Understand the use of ActionListener with the
javax.swing.Timer class, and how it's used to fire an event
at a timed interval (rather than a user action)
- Understand the layout managers discussed and be able to
differentiate between them. The primary ones we looked at in
examples were:
- FlowLayout
- BorderLayout
- GridLayout
- BoxLayout
- GridBagLayout
- Also understand the use of the validate() method to
re-layout a container, if something on it has changed since it was
previously displayed on screen
- How to embed an image in such a way that it can also be loaded from
a jar file