
What is an Exception?

An exception is an object that represents an error or exceptional event that has occurred. These events are usually errors that occur because the run-time environment has detected an operation that is impossible to carry out. Exception objects are all children of the Throwable class. Exceptions represent normal error events that can occur in your program. Examples:

Exceptions generally come in two flavors:

Normal Exceptions (checked exceptions)
These exceptions are the ones that every good program should watch for (for example, the FileNotFoundException) you have to handle these (either catch them or declare that your method can throw them).
Runtime Exceptions (unchecked exceptions)
These exceptions have the potential to be in all code you write (example - IndexOutOfBoundsException). You do not need to handle these.

There is a class of exceptions called errors these are usually not recoverable (example - VirtualMachineError). These exceptions do not need to be handled.

Some Common Built-In Exception Types

You can also build your own exception types. These should be derived from class Exception, or from one of its subclasses.

Why have exceptions?

Exceptions are used to build robust programs. Exceptions allow the programmer to recover from an error or exceptional event. Java was originally a language for embedded systems (TVs, phones, watches, etc.) These systems should never stop working, exceptions are needed for these systems.

Try this example. When run, it crashes with an exception that arises from division by zero
Now try this revised version of the example. When run, it does not crash when the exception is raised. Instead, the exception is handled.

Usually, if an exception is not handled, it can cause the program to terminate unnaturally and prematurely.

How do you do exception handling?

The process involves:

Claiming Exceptions

In a method, to claim an exception, use the keyword throws and list the exceptions that may occur in the method. Examples:
  public void myMethod() throws IOException

  public void yourMethod() throws IOException, AWTException, BobException

Throwing Exceptions

Use the keyword throw, along with the type of exception being thrown. An exception is an object, so it must be created with the new operator. Examples:
  throw new BadHairDayException();

  MyException m = new MyException();
  throw m;

  if (personOnPhone != bubba)
     throw new Exception("Stranger on the phone!!");
Notice that this is different than the keyword throws, which is used in claiming exceptions.

Catching Exceptions

Any group of statements that can throw and exception, or a group of statements that you want to watch for Runtime or Error exceptions, must be within a try block. At the end of the try block there must be either a catch or a finally block.

A catch block has a parameter that is the type of exception this catch block will handle. There can be several catch blocks for a try block. If an exception is thrown then the first catch block that that has a parameter matching the exception's type will be the one that catches the exception.

A finally block is ALWAYS executed no matter how control leaves a try block. This will happen even if a return statement is executed in the try block, and even if control passes to a catch block.


   lots of IO code opening and reading from/to files
catch (FileNotFoundException)
   tell the user and probably repeat try block
catch (EOFException)
   hit the End Of File marker early
catch (IOException)
   blanket catch for all other IO problems
   make sure to close any files that might be open

What happens if an exception is not caught?

If your method does not catch a checked exception and does not declare that your method can throw it then the compiler will complain. If your method throws an exception, then the method that called your method must handle the exception or declare that it can throw that exception. If no method handles the exception then the program crashes and a message is printed out describing the exception.

The same happens if an unchecked exception should occur.
The only difference between a checked an unchecked exception is that checked exceptions must be handled

Rethrowing exceptions

Writing code to handle exceptions is tedious and often you have no idea what to do for error recovery. It is sometimes easier just to re-throw the checked exception as an unchecked exception.


 catch (Exception e)
     throw new RuntimeException(e);

When to use exceptions?

Instance methods in exception objects

Exception objects are created from classes, which can have instance methods. There are some special instance methods that all exception objects have (inherited from Throwable):

Code Examples (Prior textbook)

Deitel code examples in Chapter 13 folder